
Flex graphic assets: SWF or SWC?

Which is a better format to store graphic assets for a Flex application, SWF or SWC? Are there any real differences, and if so what are they? ...

version control on large files

We happily use SVN for SCM at work. Currently I've got our binary assets in the same SVN repository as our code. SVN supports very large files (it transmits them 'streamily' to keep memory usage sane), but it is SLOOWWWWW. What asset management software do you recommend, for about a GB (and growing) worth of assets? We would prefer b...

SVN optimizations to keep large repositories responsive

We happily use SVN for SCM at work. Currently I've got our binary assets in the same SVN repository as our code. SVN supports very large files (it transmits them 'streamily' to keep memory usage sane), but it makes everything SLOOWWWWW. I'm ok with slow asset versioning, but slow text operations isn't really acceptable. Right now a...

release configuration management

Our windows deliverable has different sets of config files and binary assets for different customers. Right now the configuring is done by hand before packaging and its error prone. What do you think of using branches for each customer, and having the package build/script automerge the customer's branch with trunk? I'm less concerned ...

Forcing rails to create asset cache files

I am hosting my assets on s3. In production, rails is looking for /javascripts/cache/all.js and /stylesheets/cache/all.css. I'm using a plugin to swoop the public directory over to s3 when I deploy with cap. The problem is that rails doesn't create these cache files until they are requested for the first time, so they aren't around du...

What strategies are best for storing art assets in SVN?

We are using SVN very successfully for source code in the traditional way: /branches, /trunk and /tags. We do not use SVN for our art assets, which in a way are like source, but really don't have the same needs as source code. I am referring to not only image files (jpeg, png, etc...) but also PhotoShop files and stock artwork that has...

Is checking mousemove a good way to determine whether or not to download assets?

So I've got a web app that is for all intents and purposes a photo viewer. When a thumbnail is clicked, the app requests the image asset, injects it into the DOM as an IMG tag and disposes the other (MooTools Asset.image, inject and dispose). If they click on an image that has already been loaded I just inject it again since dis...

What are the best practices for large scale flash production?

I am talking about several thousands of flash animations etc. Naturally there is lot of file management. How do people manage these kind of assets like DAM, CMS? Best practices for swfs, images, fonts to keep the size to minimum. Compression scheme? What about delivery? What kind of servers are needed for this scale? ...

Run-time loading of external assets and re-using preloaded assets in actionscript 3?

I'm creating a 2d flash game (coded in flex/actionscript 3) where assets are downloaded when they are needed. Currently I have it setup like this: package { import flash.display.Loader; import; public class AssetLoader extends Loader { //set vars private var url:String = "h...

Howto extend Loader class and return cached assets in actionscript / flex 3?

I've been trying to create an universal asset loader class (with help of the folks here at stackoverflow), which remembers previousely downloaded assets by storing them in an associative array. This is the end result: package { import flash.display.Loader; import; import

How do I manage large art assets appropriately in DVCS?

Is there any good way to handle large assets (i.e. 1000's of images, flash movies etc.) with a DVCS tool such as hg and git. As I see it, to clone repositories that are filled with 4 GB assets seems like an unnecessary overhead as you will be checking out the files. It seems rather cumbersome if you have source code mixed together with a...

Rails image_tag is looking at my production server for assets!

I read that by setting ActionController::Base.asset_host, you can control where rails looks for assets. However, by default Rails should look in '/public/...' Somehow my Rails app knows to look at my production address when in development mode and I have not set ActionController::Base.asset_host anywhere. I am not sure where it is fin...

Best way to combine and minify JS / CSS on Heroku

First of all, according to this answer, the :cache => true option on stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag doesn't work on Heroku. Is this true? I've found :cache => true to work occasionally, but not always (weird!) Also, what's the best solution here? Ideally it would seamlessly combine and minify all CSS / JS. Heroku Asset ...

Asset Database Design issues

I'm setting up an asset tracking database. Assets vary among black berries, PCs, servers, monitors, speakers, keyboards, mice, chairs, desks, cubicals, cubical walls, printers, refrigerators, microwaves... the whole range of things. That range would be my Category table: create table AssetManagement.zCategory( zCategoryId int identit...

How to create folders base on external datasource in SharePoint 2010?

My goal is to extend functionality of the current asset tracking system. Basically I would like to pull list of Clients and related assets from external system into sharepoint 2010. Then I would like to associate documents with each asset. My first intention is to create a list of folders where each folder would be named respectively....

Hostname scanning in C#

Heya guys Iv'e recently started a new job as an ICT Technician and im creating an Console application which will consists of stuff that will help our daily tools! My first tool is a Network Scanner, Our system currently runs on Vanilla and Asset tags but the only way we can find the hostname / ip address is by going into the Windows Co...

Do I need to use an asset packager with Ruby on Rails?

I am researching asset packager gems for Rails. I found out that Rails has its native solution to this problem in the cache=>"all" option on the include tag helpers. There is also some discussion about whether this is good enough, and some gems like Jammit have their diehard defenders. If there is a native solution to packaging javascrip...

Image organization strategy with Rails & Sass

As the quantity of our pages increases, the number of images in the rails project has increased greatly. Does anyone have a good strategy for keeping track of these images? We have experimented with a couple ideas but nothing seems to solve everything. Here are the high level requirements we have come up with: Images should be avail...