
IDataServiceMetadataProvider - Entities dont show up in $metadata.

I am trying to write our own RIA services provider to expose data from a server that I access via ODBC. I follow th eguidelines set out at I have written our own IDataServiceMetadataProvider / IDataServiceQueryProvider pair and get no er...

Why is my ServiceOperation method missing from my WCF Data Services client proxy code?

I have a simple WCF Data Services service and I want to expose a Service Operation as follows: [System.ServiceModel.ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)] public class ProductDataService : DataService<ProductRepository> { // This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies. public static void ...

Running an existing LINQ query against a dynamic object (DataTable like)

Hello, I am working on a generic OData provider to go against a custom data provider that we have here. Thsi is fully dynamic in that I query the data provider for the table it knows. I have a basic storage structure in place so far based on the OData sample code. My problem is: OData supports queries and expects me to hand in an IQuer...

How do I add another return format to WCF data services?

Out of the box WCF Data Services (aka ADO.NET Data Services aka Astoria) supports OData as a return format (xml really, but this is the structure it uses) and JSON. How do I introduce another return format? ...

OData / WCF Data Services metadata versioning

Is there any metadata versioning support in OData protocol and its WCF Data Services implementation? Let us suppose that we have OData service that exposes the single Goods colletion, and the Goods entity type has three properties: Key (string), Name (string) and AvailableSince(string). The service is already running, and there are some...

Cascade deletion in WCF Data Services

Hi all, Is it possible to delete persistent objects graph by the single command using WCF Data Services in Silverlight? I've started with this walkthrough and added code for deletion of selected order (which contains details): private void deleteOrder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Order deletedOrder = (Order)ordersGrid....

Is OData intended for use within Government and Financial envrionments? What security precautions do I need?

At first brush, OData seems like it will only appeal to "open" databases, and would never be used in envrionments where security is needed, especially with financial or government clients. Is this the correct perspective to have with the current version of OData/WCF? If not, can you share whatever I would need to change that perspectiv...

WCF Data Services and Projections. How to get the entity URI from an entity projection instance?

I'm using DataServiceContext to load some entity projections (entities have many properties, to minimize traffic I load only those properties, which are needed at the moment) like this: from x in ctx.Portfolios select new { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name, PortfolioName = x.PortfolioName, Desc...

How to Improve WCF Data Services Performance

I'm new to WCF Data Services so I've been playing. After some initial tests I am disappointed by the performance of my test data service. I realize that because a WCF DS is HTTP-based there is overhead inherent in the protocol but my tests are still way slower than I would expect: Environment: All on one box: Quad core 64-bit laptop ...