
Jquery $.ajax async odd behaviour

I have a code snippet like this var searchurl=""; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: searchurl, cache: false, dataType : "jsonp", async : false, success: function(data){ alert("success"); } }); alert("outside ajax"); The problem is that I am not seeing async at work. "outside aja...

Asynchronous Vs. Synchronous Execution, What does it really mean?

Asynchronous Vs. Synchronous Execution, What does it really mean? ...

Asynchronous Logging To A Database .Net

Hi, i Was wondering what people are using for logging in .net. We have log4net here, but am looking to do it async and to a database with a nice viewer. What are the popular choices?? Regards. ...

Using asynchronous RPC pipes without APC callback

Microsoft RPC has a mechanism called asynchronous pipes. The only sample for handling it I've seen so far (in MSDN) involves using APC (asynchronous procedure call) callbacks. Is there a way to implement client and server side pipe handling without APC - for example, with some wait functions? What are the key steps to doing this? ...

How to make WSDL.exe NOT generate the XxxAsync methods (I still want Begin/EndXxx)

Does anyone know how to do this? ...

For boost-asio network programming whats the best approach for processing the response?

Im new to network programming and in particular to async-processes. Start also new with the boost-lib Im implementing a class, to access an imap-server. I can send and receive the commands and the response, in general The response is queued in a dequeue inside the class. I put simple the response lines in the queue, for further process...

Async in MVC

I have this webservice which is sucking in data about exchange rates, my problem with it is it takes alot of time to load. So i want to get the data loaded async but when i call the GetRatesASync() method it says "Asynchronous operations are not allowed in this context. Page starting an asynchronous operation has to have the Async a...

How to implement a practical fiber scheduler?

I know the very basics about using coroutines as a base and implementing a toy scheduler. But I assume it's oversimplified view about asynchronous schedulers in whole. There are whole set of holes missing in my thoughts. How to keep the cpu from running a scheduler that's running idle/waiting? Some fibers just sleep, others wait for inp...

Need help with asynchronous operation

I'm relatively new to asynchronous and service-oriented programming and want to do the following: Fire off a stored procedure in a database that could run for minutes or even hours. Return a code to the caller of a job id that the client can use to track the progress of the job. This seems like a simple task, but being new to asynch...

Asynchronous web service streaming

I need some framework that will help me to do asynchronous streaming over http. It may look like SOAP WS or somethign else. I don't know if I name it correctly, so here is what I need: ServerA wants to make a request to remote ServerB over http. The request contains arbitrary information. Result for it is going to contain multiple recor...

Deciding Factor for Asynchronous Programming

What could be the deciding factor to use the methods asynchronously. One factor i can understand is independent and parallel execution so as to save time and uses the available resources. What could be the other factors ??? Any help is highly appreciated. ...

Need sample fire and forget async call to WCF service

On a scheduled interval I need to call a WCF service call another WCF Service asyncronously. Scheduling a call to a WCF service I have worked out. What I think I need and I have read about here on stackoverflow that it is necessary to.., (in essence) prepare or change the code of your WCF services as to be able to handle an async call ...

In a hypothetical ajaxed blog engine, which blog features could use asynchronous requests?

I'm trying to understand when I should use asynchronous web calls back to the server for data in an ajax app. I've never used ajax before so I'm still stuck with my idea of the stateful model of HTTP, having used it that way for over a decade. In a blog engine I'm writing as an ajax exercise, I'd like to add some asynchronous calls. ...

SSIS Script Component Store all rows

I have an SSIS script component which takes in rows from input. One of the rows on the input is a boolean which identifies if the row is of type A or B. How do I get the script to load all of the input rows into the correct collection of rows. Also any guides on how to use the row collections and then output them would be great too. ...

C# IE BHO: Do work asynchroniously while keeping to the same thread?

I have an IE BHO that's in development in C#. It is supposed to wait for the user to do some stuff, contact our server and download some data, and then alter the DOM of the currently loaded web page with the results. I am running into some seemingly insurmountable issues relating to the rules of COM compartmentalization and threading --...

ASP.NET Asynchronous Methods Question

I had a developer tell me recently that you should ALWAYS do database calls asynchronously. (Either using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem or IAsyncResult and delegates) His justification was this: IIS only has 24 (or so) threads that it can use for requests. When a user makes a request they get one of those threads. However, when you use a...

Async call to WCF with C#?

In C#, how do I make an async call to a WCF Web Service? I have a Service Reference set up to generate async. I also modified my calls to use { WebServiceObject.Begin* () } but there are two parameters at the end, 'AsyncCallback' and 'object asyncState'. What are these and how do I use them? Thanks, ...

Is it possible to connect to SQL server asynchronously?

I know how to execute commands on SQL server asynchronously using Begin/EndExecuteNonQuery, but is there a Begin/EndOpen method on the SqlConnection class? I would like this to be asynchronous because sometimes it is slow and I don't want to block a thread the whole time. Does this make sense? ...

Efficient way to synchronise entityManagers in mainly asynchronous Seam app?

I'm having some fun writing a strategy/fantasy game with Seam. Unlike a typical Seam application there is a lot of asynchronous activity; scheduled methods update player data, both offline and online, and using Icefaces' Ajax push the players views are updated with relevant information, like available gold, stone, chat messages etc. My...

Can an asynchronous HttpHandler's request be interrupted without an exception?

We are using an asynchronous HttpHandler in ASP.NET 3.5 under IIS 6, and in our code we're wanting to perform an external API call if we're not under too much load. We've defined "too much load" meaning that if we have more than X requests hitting this API at the same time, we'll just skip calling the API. To accomplish this, we've wrap...