
Thread deadlock when using ReadDirectoryChangesW asynchronously

I want to monitor in real-time the changes of several directories in one thread, so I decided to use ReadDirectoryChangesW() method asynchronously with GetQueuedCompletionStatus. Here is my code: static DWORD WINAPI Routine( LPVOID lParam ) { FileSystemWatcher* obj = (FileSystemWatcher*)lParam; obj->hDir[0] = CreateFile( ...

Execute a stored procedure from a windows form asynchronously and then disconnect?

Hi All, using a C# 3.5 Windows form, I am calling a stored procedure that can take 30 minutes to execute (please no knocks or debate on’s doing a lot to a lot of data and is fully optimized). I don't want to make my user leave the app open for that entire time period, so I would like to call the sproc, let it fly and let them ...

Send asynchronous email....

I was trying to send bulk email asynchronously using the code below. The code works well, email was able to be sent but the "Sending email..." message was not displayed while sending and the btnCancel was not visible as well. Does anyone knows why?? Public Sub SendAsyncMail() Dim mail As New MailMessage() mail.From = New MailAd...

uiscrollview or uipagecontrol to display image from web (xml data) asynchronously

uiscrollview or uipagecontrol to display image from web (xml data) asynchronously Hi...all experts. I'm new to iphone development. Now, I'm planning to develop like "Photo" in iphone Default apps. Every image is pulled out from web service(xml). However, parsing xml is extremly slow. Well, I've got found apple's office document, wh...

VS2010: debug WCF service invoked asynchronously

I have a WPF client in the same solution as my WCF service: WPF client invokes service asynchronously but breakspoints set in the WCF service implementation are not hit. WCF service is in a project of type "WCF service library". It has "Start WCF service host when debugging another project in this solution" checked. I notice that indeed...

Reading StdOut Asynch from a c console app

I have a console based c app . I am executing it from c# silently using Redirecting Standard Output and doing it synchronously which works fine. Now i want to do it in asynch manner which is giving output like synch manner. i.e OutPutDataRecieved event is fired but only after the console app(exe) finishes.OutputDataRecieved event is fire...