
how to write a georss that can be used for "google.maps.KmlLayer"

1.the atom is : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns=""&gt; <title>Example Feed</title> <subtitle>A subtitle.</subtitle> <link href="" rel="self" /> <link href="" /> <id>urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b91C-0003939e0af6</id> <update...

What is the best way to monitor subscribers to my ATOM feeds

I have a bunch of ATOM feeds, some generated dynamically others not, and I would like to be able to monitor the subscribers to each one. For the dynamic ATOM feeds, it is the same php file echoing different xml dependent on the $_GET data. Can someone tell me an efficient way to monitor the subscribers to my feeds? ...

RSS/Atom feed of Subversion commit comments

We have recently introduced version control in Subversion in our development cycle, and a team mate asked me today if it was possible to get all commit comments in an RSS feed. Since I think it's a pretty cool idea, I looked around in the Visual SVN Server option windows, and here on SO, but couldn't find anything relevant. (Most searche...

WCF examples for receiving (consuming) data feeds

All the example WCF feed services that I can find are all about generating a feed. What about consuming a feed? Does anyone have any links to examples, or discussions, on a WCF service (.net 4.0 preferably) that can accept an Atom or RSS formatted data feed? I don't need to generate the feed, I need to accept it, validate it, stick the d...

has any simple way to create a geo rss like google georss ..

this is google georss which in "my maps": <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml=""&gt; <channel> <link>;/link&gt; <title>beijing 1</title> <description><![CDATA[dsad]]></description> <item> <guid isPer...

Python feedparser not using atom/WordPress namespace?

I'm trying to use feedparser (an excellent library) to parse WordPress export files, and a (minor) inconsistency between WordPress version is causing me a huge headache. WordPress 2.x doesn't include atom:link tags in the XML output (without_atom_tags.xml). When parsed, namespaced elements are available without the prefix: >>> feed = ...

disable datafeed in reporting services 2008R2 toolbar

hi there it seems I can't find the option or the file with the setting to remove the Icon for the ATOM FEED export of the Report. I am using the SSRS version included in the MSSQL Express Advanced download. Is this the problem? Or do i have to configure this somewhere directly in the database? I read in another post that I should be a...

List of rss feeds to test my feed reader

I'm looking for a list (the bigger the better) of rss feeds to test a feed reader I'm writing. I couldn't find anything using google. How can I go about testing my reader with a large number of feeds for a variety of sources? Does anyone know of any list of sources that are available out there? Thanks ...

Accesing facebook data via RSS or JSON is possible?

Hello guys, is any way to access the list of links publicated by my friends on facebook via RSS or Json (or any other standard format) ?? What information from my friends feeds on facebook can be access in standard format? (and how) Thanks! ...

Good tutorials on how to build an RSS and ATOM feeds using PHP & MySQL.

I was wondering if there is a good tutorial or tutorials on how to build good RSS 2.0 and ATOM feeds? ...

who can give me a link that using geo-atom

this is the geo website that has geo-atom and geo-rss but the website don't has all geo Overlays ,like :Polylines ,Polygons,Icons, i has a geo-rss that has all about it, it is here but i can not find a geo-atom that has all Overlays demo, can you give me one , thanks ...

what is the best php library to parse RSS feeds?

I am trying to parse iTunes top movies (top songs, albums etc) RSS feed, using PHP. Is there a library that I can use to parse them, without writing too much XML code (or using simplexml)? I tried simplepie, but it gave me some inconsistent results, and it is no longer maintained. ...

Parse ATOM in Ruby with custom namespaces

Hi, I'm trying to read this ATOM Feed (, but I'm unable to get to any of the values which are defined as part of the namespace e.g. media:content and media:thumbnail. Do I need to make the parser aware of the namespaces? Here's what I 've got: require 'rss/2.0' require 'open-uri' source = "

How can I retrieve all posts from a Blogger ( blog?

I have a blog at and I'd like to migrate the content to a new MVC web application I'm developing. I'm trying to retrieve all of the existing posts to migrate them into a database. I'm having trouble getting all of the posts, however. When I connect to the blog with Windows Live Writer, it's ...

Are RSS and Atom sufficient for publication and syndication, or should I investigate a third option?

For web feeds we all know of RSS and Atom, but is that it? Isn't there a third option? If not, why? Are RSS and Atom more than qualified to meet today's demand to distribute information? ...

Which is most used? RSS or Atom? and which one is better to build from?

Hey all. I am thinking of using either RSS or Atom in my project, but also "enhancing" the feed with some of my own special attributes specifically used by my project. So I have two questions: 1) Which is most used of RSS and Atom on the web and by the big sites? 2) Which is most suitable to be build from by adding my own tags? Upda...

Custom content types: XLink vs. Atom

I'm trying to design a RESTful interface for a filesystem-like web service. To provide hyperlinkability among the various resources (files, directories, etc.), I thought I would use XLink. However, it seems there is a strange omission from XLink: content types. Atom provides an attribute to specify the content type of links as well as...

How to enable Windows Live Writer "Pages" with Atom Publishing Protocol ?

I am implementing Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) on a web-site to allow users to post news articles and content pages using Windows Live Writer (WLW). This is working very nicely with news posts ("entry" in APP speak). However the option to write "Pages" is disabled in WLW. Is there some way to indicate to WLW in the service document (a...

more than one natural languages in atom xml

I have web pages with versions in french and english. My server use the html language negotiation to deliver the right page based on the browser preference. This works well, the same URL will show up either in english or french based on your browser setting. I have decided to add an atom feed for some pages. Is there a way to give the s...

What RSS parser should I use in PHP?

I am searching an RSS parser written in PHP. The problem is not that I cannot find one. The problem is that there are too many and it's hard to decide which one to use (especially when I have no experience with them and to try them is too time consuming). Can anybody recommend me a "good" RSS parser? The following requirements are impo...