
Reading any well-formed RSS/ATOM file using PHP

Hello, I want to be able to read any well-formed RSS/ATOM file. That would mean I would not not know the tags, start the loop and the fields. How do I go about doing it in PHP. Thanks Jean ...

HTTP Response 412 - can you include content?

I am building a RESTful data store and leveraging Conditional GET and PUT. During a conditional PUT the client can include the Etag from a previous GET on the resource and if the current representation doesn't match the server will return the HTTP status code of 412 (Precondition Failed). Note this is an Atom based server/protocol. My...

2-legged OAuth and the Gmail atom feed

We're trying to get 2-legged OAuth to work with the Gmail atom feed. We're using the Java library contributed by John Kristian, Praveen Alavilli and Dirk Balfanz. [] instead of the GData library. We know we have the correct CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET, etc. becuase it works with the Contacts feed (http://www....

java library for reading RSS and ATOM feeds

I am looking for libraries which can read RSS / ATOM feeds in my J2EE application (based on JBoss Seam). Is Rome the only application there for reading feeds? I am assuming the Seam RSS integration is only for generating RSS feeds and not for reading feeds. ...

Correctly parsing an ATOM feed

I currently have setup a Python script that uses feedparser to read a feed and parse it. However, I have recently come across a problem with the date parsing. The feed I am reading contains <modified>2010-05-05T24:17:54Z</modified> - which comes up in Python as a datetime object - 2010-05-06 00:17:54. Notice the discrepancy: the feed ent...

AS3: doesn't read Atom

Hey, I want to read an Atom in Flex. I can see in the debugger that he can read the Atom and that there are entries, I can see each value. So far, so good. But when I want to assign a value from the atom to a variable, he never gives any text. It's always this: "". My code: ch.Name = xml.title; ch.Desc = xml.subtitle; ch.Updated = xm...

Using PHP to extract data from an ATOM feed and using it reverse lookup coordinates to an actual address.

Basically I have a public feed:;type=atom If you go to my Google Profile you can see it says: "Gareth is in 6 Seaside Gardens, Mullaloo WA 6027, Australia (1 minute ago)" How can I, using PHP, display my location on a website t...

How do I create a geo-tagged event feed?

What is the most standards compliant way to make a geo-tagged event feed that is also consumable by Google Maps? ...

SyndicationItem Content and Summary property in ASP.NET 3.5

Correct me if I am wrong, but it appears that the SyndicationItem.Content is null some times based on the feed address. When it's null, SyndicationItem.Summary seems to have the text of the blog post. Is this dependent on whether the feed is RSS or Atom? I am trying to get the blog post's text irrespective of what RSS URL the user input...

MetaWeblog or AtomPub: Publishing to CMSs

I've got a service that interacts with plugins for different CMSs (Wordpress, Drupal, Blogger, Joomla, etc) I need my service to be able to publish a post to these various CMSs. I could either create a URL endpoint in each of the plugins and have my service call that, then have the plugins create the post using internal CMS APIs...or......

How to get more Feed items?

How would I get the next page or more results for a feed? For example, when I go to Security Now feed page, there is no "next" link of any kind and the url parameter of "page=100" does nothing: I get only 1 page of results of about 20 episodes. However my Google Reader can successfully retrieve episo...

System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed determine feed type (RSS vs Atom)?

Is it possible to determine from the syndicationfeed class what type of syndicationfeed is being read? If all I have is the url ( it might be rss or atom, and depending on the type I want to do one thing or the other. Is there a simple way to tell without parsing the document and looking for specific characters? ...

How to detect if a web URL contains a feed or not?

I have seen in some browsers (Firefox for example), the RSS feed icon gets activated only when a page contains a RSS/Atom feed. How the browser detects whether the page contains a feed or not? ...

How to convert relative links in atom feed to absolute with XSL?

I'm pulling an Atom feed from Confluence. Some of the links and images are relative to the domain (/), so when I consume the feed on a different website the images and links are broken. Is it possible to convert all app relative links to absolute with xslt? Is there a better approach? Here's a sample ...

Free Software Solution to continuously load a large number of feeds with several servers?

I need a system that schedules and conducts the loading of a large number of Feeds. The scheduling should consider priority values for feeds provided by me and the history of past publish frequency of the feed. Later the system should make use of pubsub where available. Currently I'm planning to implement my own system based on HBase an...

Parsing broken RSS feeds with Perl

I would like to be able to parse RSS and Atom feeds that contain non-valid XML. The errors I have encountered and would like to fix include "simple" things such as a &gt where the closing ; is missing, missing closing tags and closing tags that appear in the wrong order. I would like to ignore the question whether in theory it makes any...

Compile Nginx on Intel Atom

Are there any special options to compile nginx for Intel Atom CPU ? I saw an option called --with-cpu-opt the possible values are : pentium, pentiumpro, pentium3, pentium4, athlon, opteron, sparc32, sparc64, ppc64, but I don't see Intel Atom here ...

Confused about namespaces in Atom feed

Is there any difference between <opensearch:totalResults>1000</opensearch:totalResults> and <totalResults xmlns="opensearch">1000</totalResults> I'm using the SyndicationFeed class in .NET to generate an Atom feed, and I need to add some elements for the opensearch standard, but it keeps adding elements like the latter one above w...

Parsing an Atom feed via LINQ to XML

I wrote a code snippet to extract elementary information from an Atom feed (e.g. a SO feed) using a LINQ to XML query. I'd like to know if there are be cases when this code could fail or if there are more elegant ways. Thanks for the support. var url = @""; XDocument rss = XDocument.Load(url); var q = f...

Atom or RSS2 feed and a product image

Have a Ruby on rails site and want to use mailchimp's rss campaign. With it I need to send one image in the email. At the moment, I can only get the image to display if I add it to (description in RSS) or (entry in atom) along with the description of the product. How can I get it to display on its own "Channel". I tried this on the R...