
RSS feeds to Email, on the fly

I have a web app that generates RSS feeds. I would like to offer users the ability to subscribe to these RSS feeds by email. I know I can use Feedburner to manually burn my feeds and offer email subscriptions. The problem is I offer hundreds of RSS feeds and don’t want to manually burn a feed just for this one feature. Does anyone kno...

'OR' operator in XPath predicate ?

Hi, What is the XPath expression to select <link> elements with type="application/rss+xml" OR type="application/atom+xml" (RSS and Atom feeds) link[@rel='alternate'][@type='application/rss+xml'] selects RSS feeds link[@rel='alternate'][@type='application/atom+xml'] selects Atom feeds But what is the single XPath expression for selec...

Which of these data formats requires the least bandwidth?

What from xml, json, rss, atom format will generate less traffic? ...

Looking for simple/easy PHP-based Feed Parser

i am looking for a simple implementation of an PHP-based feed parser. it doesn't have to be extremely robust, flexible, or fast. easy setup and use is more important, it's for a student assignment. the goal is to consume feeds, and to wrap entries and their fields into simple HTML structures. ease of use really is the most important issu...

Distinguish between HTML/XHTML and plain text in a RSS description-element

Hi, Long version: Those familiar to the standardization nightmare of the RSS-family, may know that RSS does not provide you with information if for example the "description" element contains just plain text or html or xhtml. I currently use the ROME-API to convert from various RSS versions to Atom 1.0. The Rome-API will happily parse...

Can I integrate many sources into one RSS reader?

I'm looking to integrate a bunch of RSS/ATOM sources into a feed for our intranet. This is outside my usual realm of work so I've had very limited exposure to this. I'd like to integrate all the feeds into a single reader such that all the news items are in chronological release order. Is this doable? Do I need a special component? ...

Atom Publishing Protocol Client (C#)

I was wondering if there is a validating client for Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) that is implemented in .NET. We are currently looking at Joe Gregorio's APP Test Client but need an implementation in .NET. ...

ATOM date format to UNIX in PHP

So this cant be too difficult, I need a feed date/time converted into a unix timestamp in PHP. from "2010-04-13T10:00:00.000-04:00" -> Unix I have been trying all sorts of weird things with date() and strtotime() with no luck. Thank you! ...

How to detect if a page is an RSS or ATOM feed

Hello, I'm currently building a new online Feed Reader in PHP. One of the features i'm working on is feed auto-discovery. If a user enters a website URL, the script will detect that its not a feed and look for the real feed URL by parsing the HTML for the proper tag. The problem is, the way im currently detecting if the URL is a feed ...

Popularity of RDF format vs RSS

If you are building an RSS parser, how important is it to build support for RDF? Are any new feeds being published in only RDF? My thinking was that RSS 2.0 (and Atom) have replaced RDF. I actually had not heard of RDF until a client pointed out some feeds that are RDF-only. ...

Intergrating feed into twitter

Hi all, I have a ready RSS atom feed on my site,but I want to publish it through twitter how? and what it's requirment? ...

Hosting a WCF Atom feed in IIS

I have a simple Atom 1.0 feed that I've generated, similar to the example shown on MSDN. However, instead of creating a host and testing the feed via console application, as in the example, I'm attempting to create the endpoint via configuration. My configuration is as follows: <system.serviceModel> <services> <ser...

Problem parsing an atom feed using simplexml_load_file(), can't get an attribute.

Hi, I am trying to create a social timeline. I pull in feeds form certain places so I have a timeline of thing I have done. The problem I am having is with Google reader Shared Items. I want to get the time at which I shared the item which is contained in <entry gr:crawl-timestamp-msec="1269088723811"> Trying to get the element using $...

Does anybody know of an Atom APP server for .Net?

Hi all, I'm aware of the Argotic framework for .Net that assists in the collation and management of Atom data, but does anybody know of a .Net application/framework that implements the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP)? Creating a .Net APP server from scratch seems a daunting task, even if it 'stands on the shoulders' of Argotic. Maybe a ...

Rails AtomFeedBuilder Entry :Url option appears in url tag but not in link tag

Hello, I'm using the AtomFeedHelper and everything is working fine except for one feed where I need to link each entry to a URL which is not the default polymorphic_url for the record. Per the documentation I've specified an :url option for the entry. This correctly renders a <url> tag in the atom node but the <link rel="alternate" sti...

Would anyone tell me how to fetch the media:thumb element's attribute from a json feed?

I made a yahoo pipe that pulls up the atoms as json format; however, I can fetch and display all the elements in my html page except for the element's attribute. Would anyone tell me how to fetch the media:thumb element's attribute from a json feed? I am pasting the html page's code with javascript. If you save the html page and then ...

Can Atom be used for things besides syndication feeds?

Purely in terms of its conceptual model, is the purpose of Atom (and RSS) only to provide a time-sequential series of frequently-updated items, such as "most recent blog posts" or "last twenty SVN commits," or can Atom be legitimately used to represent static and/or non-time-sequential listings/indices? As an example, "index of files un...

creating Atom feeds with ROME and publishing them

Hello All, I am a newbie to this pub/sub protocol. Sorry if my questions are very naive. Could you help me by answering my questions. I started off creating an atom feed using ROME API looking at the example given on its wiki. SyndFeed feed = new SyndFeedImpl(); feed.setFeedType("atom_1.0"); feed.setTitle("Sample Feed (created with RO...

What happened to Builder::XmlMarkup in Rails 3?

I'm struggling with the atom_feed method in a RoR 3 project. The method complains about a undefined local variable or method `xml' error so I tried passing the XML builder as an option to the atom_feed (i e atom_feed({:xml =>})) but when doing so I get a NameError: uninitialized constant Builder exception ins...

Twitter feed appears to be both RSS 2.0 and Atom?

I'm parsing various site feeds, and putting together a small library to help me do it. Looking at the Atom RFC and RSS 2.0 specification, feeds from Twitter seem to be a combination. Twitter specifies an Atom namespace in an RSS 2.0 structure? GitHub uses Atom, whereas Flickr (offers multiple but the default 'Latest' feed from user pro...