
i need to know about the handlers available in outlook 2010 for previewing attachments

i am developing an addin for outlook 2010 which deals with the attachments. i want to know how can i use handlers available in outlook 2010 in my code for previewing the attachments?? is there any way to do this?? thanks and regards Ankita ...

The difference between using an OLE Object and an Attachment in Access 2007?

I'm learning Access 2007, and among the list of data types are the OLE Object and the Attachment. The text has this to say about Attachments: You can use attachments to store several files, and even different types of files, in a single field. The Attachment field is new for Access 2007 and stores data files more efficient...

Using phpmailer with attachment file but i m getting 0kb file only

I m using phpmailer and when i send newsletter i m just getting 0kb file size, Could anybody help me plz <?php require_once("dbconnect.php"); require("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsMail(); $mail->From = "[email protected]"; $mail->FromName = "mywebsite"; $mail->Host = "localhost"; $chkval=$_REQUES...

Send email with attachment in Ruby

I need to send an email with an attachment via Ruby. Been searching around but haven't found any simple script example to do this. Closest I've found is ActionMailer but that seems to require a bunch of other scripts to to run. (NOTE: I am not using Ruby on Rails) ...

Sending a simple attached file via PHP mail() function

Hi all, I'm going to give this another try because my last question might have been confusing. I have a simple web form consisting of the following some inputs (for now, pretend i have two inputs, name and file input). I want the user to upload a document (if possible restrict to .doc, .docx, .pdf, if this is not possible to accomplish,...

Magento site - Embed an email contact form which allows user to send a file attachment

Hi, I'm trying to add a page to my Magento site which contains an enquiry form. User would fill out name, email, tel no and add a file attachment. The store owner would then get the email with the uploaded file as an attachment. I'm a Magento newbie and the client I'm doing this for is reluctant to pay for an extension. My understandi...

Using AppleScript to send mail attachment through default email client

Is it possible in any way to send an email attachment through the user's default email client using AppleScript? I'm assuming there is no easy way of doing this, as the programs themselves have to implement AppleScript and every email client will implement it differently and require a different script for sending an email with an attachm...

Handling File Contents Before Writing to Disc C#

So I have decrypted a file and am left with a byte array containing this (Uni-encoded): Content-Type: text/plain; name="testfile.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="testfile.txt" My super secret message. Where "My super secret message." is the contents of the file, which could be ...

Make image in HTML based mail no resizable

I have composed a simple mail message with ActionMailer <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Welcome mail</title> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> img { display: block; position:...

PHP sending mail attachments

Hello, I have a form with <input type="file" name="uploaded_file" /> I found the post about adding attachments to the mail. The question is how to connect uploaded file with that function? What I have to pass? UPD: echo '<pre>'; print_r($_FILES); echo '</pre>'; $uploads_dir = '/uploads'; // It has need rights $tmp_name = $_FILES...

Attaching Files to Email in App Engine?

How do I attach a file located on Web URL to an email using google app engine (Python)? I have the file located at say: I want to attach this to an email and send it to a user on app engine. How do I do this? ...

iPhone FileType Mapping / UTI for ICS attachment in Mail

Hi Everyone, I've been able to successfully map an application using UTI's from mail using my own file types such as .blah, .test etc, however I would like to create a UTI for the .ics (iCalendar meeting requests) extension. I thought this would be rather simple, as I've been able to test reference to Word Documents, PDF's and others ...

Multiple Attachment problems in PL/SQL using utl_smtp package

I'm using the code from this link to send attachments in the email notifications of our system;,339028441,339284536,00.htm The problem is that the second attachment has encoding issue. So if i send in a text file, the text in the txt file ...

ICS in Outlook being sent as a .msg file

I have an application, it is creating an ICS similar to the following: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:[email protected] ORGANIZER:MAILTO:[email protected] DTSTART:20100803T190000Z DTEND:20100803T200000Z LOCATION:Go to a...

Csharp for sending .zip in attachment by email on exchange server

Hell guys, I'm coding in csharp to send an email which contains a .zip file (has htmls and css inside). When I check the mail recieved, In fact, instead of the .zip file, the attachment becomes a txt file and has: FILE QUARANTINED The original contents of this file have been replaced with this message because of its characteristics. F...

Uploading attachment to sql server using LINQ

Uploading files from to SQL Server 2008, after I upload to SQL Server I see the attach content is: 0x89 My stored procedure accepts : @AttachContent varbinary, Below is my code how I am uploading. public bool AttachmentInsert(int mimeTypeId, string attachFileName, byte[] attachContent) { using (...

cannot convert from 'System.Data.Linq.Binary' to 'System.IO.BinaryReader'

my table column is: AttachContent varbinary (max) when i try to retrieve the data and i get this below error, i am using linq cannot convert from 'System.Data.Linq.Binary' to 'System.IO.BinaryReader' ...

How to fix background image inside div

I've discovered a rather odd problem, which I think I know how to explain; i just don't know how to fix it! I have a page with a div#container (a div with 100% min-height (height for IE)) containing a header, a "page-content" and a footer. The background image of the div#container is supposed to be fixed (not fixed position but backgrou...

javamail problem: how to attach file without creating file

Hello, I'm using javamail API to create e-mail and attach a file to it. Is there a way to send e-mail with attach using javamail api without physically creating file on file system. I just want to pick some data from app and attach it as file in my e-mail How should I attach: try { // create a message MimeM...

Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email?

I have a programmatically generated image that I want to send as an attachment via the ACTION_SEND and EXTRA_STREAM method. But how do i do this? My first attempt (writing to my context.getCacheDir() based file path) appeared to work in the Gmail preview (no image preview, but attached file name and icon was visible), but the attachmen...