
sendmailR (Part2): Sending files as mail attachments

Following the directions provided in this related question, I was able to send html formated mail messages. Now the question is this: How should I modify the following code, in order to attach one or more files (of any type) to this message? library(sendmailR) from <- "<[email protected]>" to <- c("<[email protected]...

When to delete a temporary file used in Intent.SEND for attached email?

We generate a temporary file on an Android device and attach it to an email. We use a custom Content Provider to feed that file to the email application. The problem is that the email application access the file many times, instead of once, until it finally sends the email (for example, every time it writes a draft we get a request). Th...

Email attachment in PHP?

I have a page with "File" html input field and a "Submit" button as below: <form id="formUploadfile" name="formUploadfile" method="post" action="" class="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="name"><strong>File</strong></label> <input type="file" name="uploaded_file" size="35" /> <button type="submit" ...

Android Email Intent Not Sending Attached File

I have created an app that sends an email with a recording, When the intent is fired and email is chosen as the app to send the attachment, you can see that there is an attachement but the attachment is not delivered. Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); //Mime type of the attachment (or) u can use sendIntent.setT...

Is it possible to send an html file with a downloadable file in one response?

Hi all, Basically, I am using an iframe to download a file. I set the source of the iframe to the file I want to download. That problem isn't that I can't get a download dialog. The problem is I can't close the window after the download is started. What I was thinking is I could send back one file with this header. "Content-Disposi...

Is it possible to change order of attachment views to drupal page view?

I have a view with a page display that contains essentially content A, that content exists in one column. in addition, I've got another 6 attachment displays that display content B,C,D,E, etc. in another column. Is it possible to modify the order of the the attached view displays? Right now i've got them all set to attach after Cont...

wordpress category conditional on attachment page

How do I check the category on the image.php theme file in Wordpress? I tried in_category('categoryname') but it did not work. I want to use it outside of the loop. (Btw, the function also did not work inside of the loop...) I need this to show banners according to the categories of the post. I guess the problem is that the attachment i...

Problem on attach a file with PHP mail() function and read that file from downloading the mail.

Hi friends, I am sending a mail with the attachemnet using the PHP mail function.I suceessfully attached the document to mail and I got it in the mail.My problem is when I try to read the document I got an error.If I downloaded the document and open the document I cant the see the text in the attached document.Here is the coding... $fi...

MFMailComposeViewController attachment choice

Hi, I'm using a MFMailComposeViewController in my iphone app and I'd like to give the user the choice to attach some pictures to the e-mail. As there is no specific button by default, I was thinking about subclassing MFMailComposeViewController and adding a button for this. Unfortunately, according to the documentation the addAttachmen...

Drupal Attachments (FileField) file path

What function in Drupal gets file attachment path? Edit: the attachments provided by Upload module in system section. But since you mentioned there may be another way around it. Maybe I could achieve may goals using FileField module so if you could tell me how to get a direct link of a file uploaded by FileField module that may also be ...

How to extract attachments from a Soap Message in Spring

The soap message successfully comes across, and I can print out the envelope just fine, but the attachments are always zero. Even though I put the exact request through SoapUI, and the attachments show up fine in that. Maybe this isn't a valid way to extract the attachments. I'm adding this to the sendandreceive method. private class At...

Is it OK to send an HTTP response with file attachment without specifying the Content-Length?

Meaning will it work fine? I have a situation where I am attaching files via HTTP attachment by attaching the URI of the file and it is on a different server so I don't have access to the length of the file. ...

Why is this code sending 0kb files to the browser?

here is the call... return new FileUriResult("application/octet-stream", a.AssetPath, null); [note that I set content length to null because I don't know it (file is on another server)] a.AssetPath is: " name/folder/folder/folder/asset.mp3" (fake URL for this example but in my implementation I can bro...

Best approach: MMS to Server to DB to WWW

I want to find an existing service, or set one up with available tools, that will do the following: Receive MMS message from a cell phone (picture/video/text/sound/anything else possible) Store attachment(s) into a structured dynamic filesystem Log their respective path, filename, filetype, filesize, timestamp, the sender's phone numbe...

php email attachement, works but the attachment is corrupt.

i have created a form that can send and email with a specified attachment, it come through to my mail address ok, and seem to work fine untill i attempt to open the file, it tell me its damaged or corrupt, i think this is down to my headers. here is my code. any help would be appreciated. ...

How can I trigger an email+attachment from the browser?

This is for a company intranet app, so everyone is using firefox on XP and I can install whatever is needed. We'd like to setup an email with a pre-made subject and attachment (similar to using mailto), but the mailto spec doesn't allow attachments. Any ideas how it can be done? Perhaps using a ff extension? update: The file is a n...

Adding photo as attachment from photo application on Android

I have an application that 'registers' itself to images. I.e if I open Photos application, select a photo and press 'Share' my application will show up in the list. If I press on my application it will launch. Now I would like to get the image that i previously selected to share within my own application. How do I do that? Is there a met...

How to add .pdf extension when sending an attachment from Android?

I am trying to send a pdf as an attachment from Android. Here is the code: String[] mailto = {"[email protected]"}; Uri uri = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.mywebsite.sendemail/raw/mypdf"); Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, mailto); emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "My...

javascript mailto attachment not showing up

hi guys, i'm trying to create a small web app wherein in one form, the user may type in certain parameters as part of the message, then after he hits a button, it will show an Outlook (depends on his default email client) email client popup with all the details he placed.. and then it will include an attachment. the javascript code look...

sp_send_dbmail inserts line-breaks into the attached xml query result

When you use msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail to send a query result as an attachment, you'll have to provide the @query_result_width parameter which is an integer between 10 and 32767. Now, If you use For XML Path('Row'), Root('Data'), Type in your most-outer Select query, you may get the send_dbmail to send an xml attachment for you which is re...