
How does the ACM ICPC Online Judge prevent malicious attacks?

I've spent more than a few hours humbling myself on the ACM ICPC's problem set archive, and I've wondered how the online judge is able to compile and run source code from any user and prevent malicious attacks to their system. Are the compiled binaries run from some kind of limited sandbox? How would one go about setting up this kind o...

Using java applets from outside the Server's html page.

Hi experts... we have a java server-client application with an applet in the client side. our applet seems to be used by attackers for bots and other attacks... we suspect that they modified it and used it. because we use strongly encrypted packets they can do that in only two ways: 1.modify our applet and use it against us in someway...

SSL certificate behaviour within Joomla 1.5

One of the requirements of our Joomla backend admin session is to encode the user's IP within the cookie to prevent replay attacks. If I implemented SSL for the admin session, would this solve this issue? ...

Can someone give me some basic XSS and sql injection scripts? (not what it seems)

I am testing out my scripts to see if they will prevent xss and sql injections. Can someone provide me with some basic but good scripts that would "hack" into my programs. I want to test my scripts before it goes online. EDIT: Thank you all for those links, they contain loads and loads of information. But for a beginner to security, is...

What are attack ways on a website?!

Hi Can anyone tell me so short what are attack kinds on a website?! I'm using and SQL server 2005. And can you give me a reference about each of them please?! ...

stopping ZmEu attacks with ASP.NET MVC

Hello, recently my elmah exception logs are full of attempts from people using thus dam ZmEu security software against my server for those thinking “what the hell is ZmEu?” here is an explanation... “ZmEu appears to be a security tool used for discovering security holes in in version 2.x.x of PHPMyAdmin, a web based MySQL database man...

Which tools or service to use for testing the site?

Hello, I have site and would like to test how it can resist hacker's attack like some kinds of injections, DDOS etc? Thanks ...