
Issue with accepts_nested_attributes_for while using authlogic_oauth

I have the following models: class Merchant acts_as_authentic has_one :store accepts_nested_attributes_for :store end class Store belongs_to :merchant end I am using authlogic_oauth gem for Twitter authentication. While registration I save the Merchant and the Store model. If I disable the oauth authentication both models are...

Configuring authlogic-oauth with google

Howdy everybody, I am trying to learn rails, and I'm working on an app that uses Google for logins and also for calendar data. I'm currently working on configuring authlogic-oauth and having some issues. I've been following the guide for the authlogic-oauth (see link above) plugin, and I'm on steps 4 and 5. First off, I am still learni...

django base64 decode encode returns different value

Hi. I was wondering if something can shed some light on where I might be going wrong with this. I need to generate a signed Key for use with Gigya an openauth platform This is a rework from their Ruby info, Here is what I have thus far. #@ escape the status mes...

optimistically save session in authlogic

I am trying to create similar functionality as this gem authlogix-rpx, which optimistically saves the session/user object even if some of the validated fields are missing. (line 167) With this gem it's possible to create the record that does not meet validation crit...

How do I add a user model to my application so data is "user" specific in my Rails app.

Hi, looking to see if there are some ideas on how I should introduce the idea of a logged-in "user" that effectively 'federates' the data....let me explain. I have been building my app so far as if there is only one user. Me. All the data and reports are specific to me. I just added authlogic. I now want to be able to introduce a wa...

Sending a tweet using Authlogic-OAuth

Hi, I'm building a Rails application which uses Authlogic for authentication, which I've now set-up to run using the OAuth extension, meaning a user can be created by signing in from Twitter. This stores their OAuth token and OAuth secret, meaning they're accessible, but I was wondering how I would actually go about sending a tweet usin...

Customize Facebook url in Authlogic-connect

I'm using Authlogic Connect for Authlogic and I can't figure out how to customize the facebook url. By default it sets the display param to page display=page and I want to have it set to page=popup. I've been stepping through the code but I haven't been able to figure it out. Any ideas on how to customize it? ...