
Authlogic Multiple Password Validation

Hello, I'm using Authlogic to manage my user sessions. I'm using the LDAP add-on, so I have the following in my users model acts_as_authentic do |c| c.validate_password_field = false end The problem is that recently I found out that there will be some users inside the application that won't be part of the LDAP (and can't be a...

authlogic in Rails

Hello, I am using the authlogic gem for authentication. I have followed the steps at: I have the following code: # config/environment.rb config.gem "authlogic" # models/user.rb acts_as_authentic # users_controller.rb def create @user =[:user]) if flash[:...

How to handle User "confirmation" with Watir/Cucumber?

I'm new to Watir and I've having a little trouble getting logged in in my tests. I use authlogic as my authentication method of choice. When a User registers, they are sent an email with a confirmation link. Clicking this link confirms their account and they can then login. The issue I'm having is how do I confirm the User when using Wa...

Authlogic: Create records on other users' behalf

Hi Using Authlogic, what is the best way to create a record in rails on other users' behalf? Description: I have a c++ server which handles Tcp connections from many c++ clients, and I want the c++ server to create a new record in the rails database using its REST api. However, the c++ server needs to be authenticated before creating t...

Regarding Authlogic and page redirection.

I am using authlogic for authentication in my Rails app. Have named routes for the frequent actions, viz: map.login "login", :controller => "user_sessions", :action => "new" map.logout "logout", :controller => "user_sessions", :action => "destroy" map.register "register", :controller => "users", :action => "new" map.ed...

Error when logging in with Machinist in Shoulda test

I am having some trouble getting the right usage of Machinist and Shoulda in my testing. Here is my test: context "on POST method rating" do p = Product.make u = nil setup do u = login_as post :vote, :rating => 3, :id => p end should "set rating for product to 3" do assert_equal p.get_user_vote(u), 3 end And here's my bluepri...

How to automaticly generate password if not provided with authlogic

Hi, everybody! I'm new on both this site and ruby on rails! I have a common installation of authlogic and want password to be generated automaticly for user registration if user did not set the password. What is the best way to do it? ...

Facebook Cucumber testing with Authlogic - how test user logged in as facebook user?

I'm having trouble implementing this step: Given "I am logged in as a Facebook user" do end The best suggestions I can find on the web ( do not seem to be using Authlogic for authentication. Can someone with the Cucumber/Authlogic_facebook_connect/Authlogic combo post thei...

Authlogic and functional tests - Authlogic::Session::Activation::NotActivatedError: You must activate...

Im getting the errors below despite following the documentation. In test_helper.rb ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment") require "authlogic/test_case" require 'test_help' require 'shoulda' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/factories" In my functional test require 'test_...

autologin in authlogic Rails

Hello, I have added auhlogic in my Rails app to authenticate users. I have also included the code from the Reset password tutorial . All of it works, the only issue I have is that once a user registers he gets automatically logged in. Anyone worked with authlogic, what would be the best & fastest way to disable the autologin after the...

Authlogic RPX extended permissions

Hi, I am working on the Facebook Connect feature for a Ruby on Rails website. I noticed that FB doesn't provide the user's email unless you demand extended permissions. I'm using the authlogic_rpx gem. Does anyone know, if it's possible, and if how, to ask the user for granting access to his email address using the authlogic_rpx gem? ...

Disable validation in an object in Ruby on Rails

I have an object which whether validation happens or not should depend on a boolean, or in another way, validation is optional. I haven't found a clean way to do it. What I'm currently doing is this (disclaimer: you cannot unsee, leave this page if you are too sensitive): def valid? if perform_validation super else super ...

Authlogic with nested attributes and polymorphic associations

Hi all! I'm having trouble with the following code: User < AR acts_as_authentic belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true end Worker < AR has_one :user, :as => :owner accepts_nested_attributes_for :user end Employer < AR has_one :user, :as => :owner accepts_nested_attributes_for :user end I'd like to create registration ...

Rails OpenID Authentication Plugin No Longer Installs Rake Tasks?

I'm following the Railscasts tutorial on using OpenID with AuthLogic. This command: $ script/plugin install git:// installs the plugin, but I don't see any OpenID Rake tasks (rake -T). In particular, I can no longer run the task: $ rake open_id_authentication:db:create With previous appli...

authlogic without cookies, how?

G'day, I am developing server application with Ruby on Rails and I'd like to store session token in each request's body. For example {"token":"asdkjahsdoahgfblkasblbag"}. And I am stuck, really don't know how to configure authlogic to handle token from params, not via cookie. And how to prevent "set-cookie" header sending? Thanks, Ale...

Authlogic and password and password confirmation attributes - inaccessible?

Im trying to test my successfully creates a new user after login (using authlogic). Ive added a couple of new fields to the user so just want to make sure that the user is saved properly. The problem is despite creating a valid user factory, whenever i try to grab its attributes to post to the create method, password and password confir...

Configuring authlogic-oauth with google

Howdy everybody, I am trying to learn rails, and I'm working on an app that uses Google for logins and also for calendar data. I'm currently working on configuring authlogic-oauth and having some issues. I've been following the guide for the authlogic-oauth (see link above) plugin, and I'm on steps 4 and 5. First off, I am still learni...

Excess errors on model from somewhere

I have a User model, and use an acts_as_authentic (from authlogic) on it. My User model have 3 validations on username and looks as following: User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authentic validates_presence_of :username validates_length_of :username, :within => 4..40 validates_uniqueness_of :username end I'm writi...

Format Authlogic "last_login_at" string

Using Authlogic, the time format for @user.last_login_at" looks like this: Mon Apr 12 16:52:56 -0400 2010 How can I mangle that into a more user friendly string? ...

Problem with Authlogic and Unit/Functional Tests in Rails

I'm learning how unit testing is done in Rails, and I've run into a problem involving Authlogic. According to the Documentation there are a few things required to use Authlogic stuff in your tests: test_helper.rb: require "authlogic/test_case" class ActiveSupport::TestCase setup :activate_authlogic end Then in my functional tests...