
Rails3, and users credentials : which plugin ?

Hi, I'm starting a new project on Rails3 and my question is about which plugin can i use to manage my users. I heard about Authlogic but it seems to don't be compatible with rails3. So if you have any suggestions, I'll be glad to hear them. Thanks ...

Getting "unknown attribute: user" while using nested models

Hi, I'm getting an error when I submit the form I tried changing "f.fields_for :users do |builder|" to "f.fields_for :user do |builder|", but it generated nothing. To give you a picture of how my accounts controller looks like: And the error I'm getting is on: T...

Rails with Authlogic, how to remove a default validation?

Hi there, I am building an Rails App with Authlogic. But I don't want to force the user to fill in the e-mail, or even username! Therefore, I believe i want a methods to skip those validations.. But I don't just want to bypass all other validations. Is there a method for that in Authlogic, or do I need to hack in the gem? The reason is...

Rails - Authlogic and Facebook App - Coherent Current_User

Hi Everyone, I'm currently building a web application in Rails. I'm using Authlogic to handle normal authentication. I'm using facebooker to handle facebook connect on the external site and to authenticate users within the facebook canvas application. I'm having trouble building simple, coherent current_user functionality. Currently I ...

How do I get a login screen on an iPhone app (using tabBarController)?

Hi all, I am developing a web app (using rails) that I will be launching within a week. I've "jumped the gun" and started working on the iPhone app for the site (I'm new to iPhone development). Using the peepcode iPhone screencasts and the expense/budget demo app from clarkware I've been able to get things going (using ObjectiveResource...

Rails: Authlogic: Cannot update user attributes -- "Password field cannot be blank"

I've got a simple form on a User page that allows a User, once they have logged in, to change some attributes on their own user object. The view: <% form_for @user, :url => {:controller => "teachers", :action => "update"} do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <%= f.text_field :display_name %> <%= f.submit "Update" %> <% end %> ...

Associate new Authlogic Model to existing Models

Hello, While playing around with Rails (since I am a newbie) while reading Agile Rails book I came across an issue using the Gem Authlogic that I don't know how to address. I have a simple business Model. The tables store the following information: Name, Address, Latitude, and Longitude. The above approach has been working fine, beca...

OpenID register on login (authlogic_openid)

What is the proper way to register users automatically when they log in with openid? I am using authlogic with an authlogic-oid gem (and an older version of openid_authentication). The stuff I read online so far seems to be obsolete. Does anyone know the proper way to do it with the new gem? What I do now is: options = params[:user_s...

Authlogic Facebook Connect Snafu

I have an application configured with authlogic and authlogic_facebook_connect, but every time I click to "Connect" button, my UserSession fails validation, saying "You did not provide any details for authentication" Isn't the authlogic_facebook_connect supposed to bypass login/password authentication? Am I missing some configuration st...

how to use either email or login in Authlogic

Hi, I'm using Authlogic with my Ruby on Rails App. I would like user to enter either user name or password in one field to authenticate. How do I do this with Authlogic? I know I can switch to using email: acts_as_authentic do |c| c.login_field = :email end I was sure if I can tell Authlogic to use either. Cheers, Tam ...

Session bug using facebook-connect-with-authlogic in Rails

I'm trying to follow this article:, but I'm stuck. I think the problem is with my session, in that the current_usermethod comes up with nil for session[:facebook_session]. According to the original authlogic, it says to use the active_record_store for sessions: # config/environment.rb confi...

Problem with sessions, subdomains and authlogic in Rails.

I've got a rails app with authlogic authentication and a structure built with subdomain-fu. But my session breaks when going from to I've tried to add config.action_controller.session = {:domain => '.localhost:3000'} to my development.rb but that seams to break authlogic disabling s...

I get an Exception when trying to implement reset password with Authlogic

Hi, I'm using Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 and Ruby 1.9 and implmeneted Authlogic as my authentication engine. Authlogic works fine. But now I have been trying to implement password reset using the following tutorial: But I'm getting the following exception when I ty...

Pros & Cons of separating the controllers using subfolders on an ruby on rails app based?

Hi, Need some help gathering thoughts on this issue. Our team is moving ahead with the idea that separating the authenticated and public sections of our app in two separate folders will allow us to be more organized and secured. I have seen this approach for Admin apps within the site but never for authentication. We are currently usi...

Recaptcha with Authlogic and OpenID problem

Hi all, I have a fully functioning rails app with authlogic and openid as per railscasts episode 170 ( The problem comes when I want to add recaptcha and a user signs up with openid. Apparently the verify_recaptcha method overrides the openid parameters. There must be a way to g...

OpenID and Authlogic - login and password?

How can I get rid of validation messages telling me that: Login is too short (minimum is 3 characters) Login should use only letters, numbers, spaces, and .-_@ please. Password is too short (minimum is 4 characters) Password confirmation is too short (minimum is 4 characters) this happens even before map_openid_registration is called,...

authlogic email as username

How do i override/set authlogic to use the email field instead of the username field for both signup and authentication, having a username + an email is occasionally too intense for some some registration scenarios ...

Authlogic's current_user object in models

Hi all! I need to know the ID of the current user in a model: def after_save desc, points=nil, nil if answer_index == daily_question.correct_answer_index desc = I18n.t('daily_question.point_log.description.correct') points=daily_question.points else desc = I18n.t('daily_question.point_log.description.incorrect') ...

Using Administration Dashboard with Declarative Authorization and Authlogic ?

Hello, I use Declarative Authorization and Authlogic and now wants to create a dashboard for the administration. About ActiveScaffold will be an overview of the different controllers are shown. However, I have the problem that I can admin no "admin rights" to the subfolders app/controllers/admin/admin_controller. How can I do that? C...

authlogic - do I still need Rails sessions?

Hi, I'm a newbie to Rails and am starting a new project that uses AuthLogic. I'm just a little confused about whether AuthLogic provides everything I need to store session state, or whether I still have to include the Rails mechanism (rake db:sessions:create). Thanks! Tim ...