
Why is my ASP.NET AutoCompleteExtender returning undefined?

Why am I getting a textbox that returns undefined list of variables? When I run this code: var query = (from tisa in db.TA_Info_Step_Archives where tisa.ta_Serial.ToString().StartsWith(prefixText) select tisa.TA_Serial.ToString()).Distinct().Take(Convert.ToInt32(count)); return query.ToList...

Winforms navigation bar control - like Explorer Address Bar

Can anyone recommend a .NET winforms control that offers similar functionality to the address bar in Windows Explorer, auto-completing file paths? I'm not too bothered about Vista-style breadcrumbs - quite happy with a simple XP-style textbox-only appearance, but I'd like it to offer auto-complete suggestions based on the file system. ...

Howto do python command-line autocompletion but NOT only at the beginning of a string

Python, through it's readline bindings allows for great command-line autocompletion (as described in here). But, the completion only seems to work at the beginning of strings. If you want to match the middle or end of a string readline doesn't work. I would like to autocomplete strings, in a command-line python program by matching wha...

Is it possible to implement Python code-completion in TextMate?

PySmell seems like a good starting point. I think it should be possible, PySmell's does a majority of the complex stuff, it should just be a case of giving it the current line, offering up the completions (the bit I am not sure about) and then replacing the line with the selected one. >>> import idehelper >>> # The path is...

how to Search multiple columns of a table in MySQL?

Given a table named "person" (in a MySQL database/schema), kind of like this one: code varchar(25) lastname varchar(25) firstname varchar(25) I'm trying to make a stored function to receive "code" or a part of "code" (which of course, is the code that identifies that person) and return a 'list' of suggestions of persons that have ...

autocomplete algorithms, papers, strategies, etc.

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has good resources to read or code to experiment for "autcomplete" I would like to know what's the theory behind autocompletion, where to start what are the commonn mistakes etc. I found fascinating the way products like Enso, Launchy, Google chrome and even tcsh perform their auto complete, I started m...

Loop through <select> and build array in the format: "value1","value2","value3"...

I wonder if anyone could suggest the best way of looping through all the <option> s in a <select> element with jQuery, and building an array. Eg. Instead of the following, whereby a string ins passed to the autoCompleteArray(), $("#CityLocal").autocompleteArray( [ "Aberdeen", "Ada", "Adamsville", "Zoar" //and a million oth...

"Autocomplete off" not working in IE - ASP.Net

Question: Is there any reason Autocomplete=off on a ASP:Textbox would not be working in IE 7? In case this is the best term for it, the IE Autocomplete feature is that drop down list like thing that drops down from textboxes and shows you past things you have typed in. I need the IE Autocomplete feature to not work at this point for a ...

Autocomplete on SQL Management Studio?

Does anyone know if there's an add-in that does autocomplete for queries on SQL Management Studio? ...

How to implement Google Suggest in your own web application (e.g. using Python)

In my website, users have the possibility to store links. During typing the internet address into the designated field I would like to display a suggest/autocomplete box similar to Google Suggest or the Chrome Omnibar. Example: User is typing as URL: http://www.sta Suggestions which would be displayed: http:...

Can you get SkinID Autocompletion in ASCX Controls

Working in VS 2008 When working on on ASPX file in Source mode, if i've specified a StyleSheetTheme in the page directive of the file, then Visual Studio will provide me with AutoCompletion lists of the possible skinID values for a control e.g. <asp:Button ID="myButton" runat="server" SkinID=" //Having typed this much, I'll get an in...

How get VS HTML editor to default to single quotes?

Autocompletion in the Visual Studio HTML editor inserts double quotes (e.g. <input type="text"). Does anyone know if there's a setting that will change the default to automatically insert single quotes (e.g. <input type='text')? thanks, Michael ...

Keyboard up and down arrows.

Hi, I have one autocomplete search, in which by typing few characters it will show all the names, which matches the entered character. I am populating this data in the jsp using DIV tag, by using mouse I'm able to select the names. But I want to select the names in the DIV tag to be selected using the keyboard up and down arrow. Can any...

How does StackOverflow's 'tags' textbox autocomplete work?

I know they're using a jQuery plugin, but I can't seem to find which one they used. In particular, what I'm looking for is autocomplete with exactly the same functionality as SO's autocomplete, where it will perform an AJAX command with each new word typed in and allow you to select one from a dropdown. ...

textbox autocomplete

how do i make an autocomplete textbox in asp? but i need to get the autocomplete data by querying the database. I dont really know how to explain this, sory if theres not enough detail. i cant use ajax, because i think i will have compability issues with my old app. so im thinking of doing this using java script. or is there a way to d...

Vanishing scroll bar when using Autocomplete extender

Hi I use the Autocomplete extender feature to get the list of suggestions from my database. There is no scroll bar for this control, so I have added a scroll bar in a panel (MS .net 2.0) which i attach to my autocomplete extender.Now the issue is with the srcoll bar. like this <asp:Panel ID="autocompleteDropDownPanel" runat="server" ...

How to Not Submit a Form Using AJAXToolkit AutoComplete Extender?

Hi I have used AJAXToolkit AutoComplete extender in my project.It works fines.But the issue is with the form of the page. when i type in the AutoComplete, i get list of suggestions.When i click on the page other than the Autocomplete, the form gets submitted. any suggestions how to stop submission of entire form whenever i click on the...

jQuery Autocomplete and ASP.NET

I searched all over this site and the web for a good and simple example of autocomplete using jQuery and ASP.NET. I wanted to expose the data used by autocomplete with a webservice (and will probably do that next). In the meantime, I got this working, but it seems a little hacky... In my page I have a text box: <input id="txtSearch" ty...

Autocomplete for password doesn't work for my webapp (in firefox)

Hi there, I've created a login submit form in HTML but for some reason autocompletion does not work in firefox. This is what happens in Firefox: - I give username and password and click on the login button - Firefox prompts me if I would like to remember the password. I press 'remember' and login works. - I log out and return to the lo...

Code editor with autocomplete

I need to create a code editor for my own simple language: className.MethodName(parameterName = 2, ... ) I've created the appropriate grammar and autogenerate parser using ANTLR tool. Now I would like to have an autocomplete for class, method, variables and parameter names. This list should be context dependent, f.e. for "class." it sh...