
Autocomplete functionality on a textarea

Is there a way to implement auto-complete functionality in a region defined by textarea tags or something similar? I'm currently using a jquery autocomplete plugin to suggest input to the user inside input tags, but the issue is that the autocomplete phrases can often be fairly long and thus scroll off the edge of the input field. ...

flex combobox backspace or delete key does not delete highlighted text

Context: I am implementing a flex auto-suggest combobox - as the user types in each character: Consider the string 'Stackoverflow' and user input = 'st' 1) the data provider is filtered to show all items starting with 'st' 2) text is set to auto-suggest string such that the un-typed part is highlighted. So for instance, the combobox...

jquery: prepopulating autocomplete fields

I'm using the tokenizing autocomplete plugin for jquery ( ). I mostly use Ruby, and I'm really unfamiliar with javascript, though. My basic setup looks like this, and works fine for a new, blank form: $(document).ready(function () { $("#tag_ids_field").token...

how to capture the mouseover element?

hi, i am developing an autocomplete feature.but i am facing one problem there... when i click on the suggestion box one of the results will not enter into the suggest html box... function handleOnMouseOver(oTr) { deselectAll(); oTr.className ="highlightrow"; position =,; updateKeywordV...

How to make a google-like auto complete textbox with C# in an application?

Hey! I tried to find a solution but I didn't found what I was searching for. So here is my problem. I want a google like behaviour with a textbox. As I type "dum" it should find dummy in the database and display it as option under the textbox. It should be selectable. I don't use or any other stuff. Just pure C#. Thanks for you...

Searchfield with autocomplete ASP.NET and Database

Searchfield with autocomplete I would like to make a searchfield with autocomplete, so when you write like 2 or 3 letters it will show a dropdownlist with results that match a column from a table in the database. I have been reading all over the internet, and i have found out that it can be done with jQuery and AJAX Control Toolkit. ...

Is there a software that can automatically create possible css rules from an html file?

Hello, I know that StyleMaster has this feature, but is there any free sofware that has it? Thanks) ...

Autocompletefb working fine in mozilla but not in IE7

Could you please suggest a debugging tool for browser issues? ...

jquery ui autocomplete with database

I fairly new to JQuery and perhaps trying to achieve something that might be abit harder for a beginner. However I am trying to create an autocomplete that sends the current value to a PHP script and then returns the necessary values. Here is my Javascript code $("#login_name").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { ...

Updating AjaxToolKit Breaks WCF Service for AutoCompleteExtender

I had a perfectly working WCF service that I used for a custom AutoCompleteExtender but when I updated the AjaxControlToolKit.dll the service no longer works. I changed nothing else but removing the old DLL and adding the new one. Is there something else I need to update that I am missing? I can access the service so I know it's wor...

How to use jQuery autocomplete using aspx URL?

I had been storing my "data" in a dropdown that was also on the page I am writing about. But the user doesn't want to see that dropdown now. If I make it go away, the data it was providing to my autocomplete data goes away. So I figured I would create a separate .aspx page and call it that way. It's not working. What do you think I'm doi...

Increasing the width of the autocomplete extender list

I have an ASP.NET AJAX autocomplete extender with CompletionListCssClass=autocomplete_completionListElement : .autocomplete_completionListElement { width:500px; margin : 0px!important; background-color : inherit; color : windowtext; border : buttonshadow; border-width : 1px; border-style : solid; over...

jQuery UI Autocomplete plug-in pass in optional data for ajax call

I'm using jQuery UI Autocomplete plug-in. I'm giving it an URL to make an ajax call and retrieve data. I want to pass optional data parameters but not as part of URL. In the code they make a getJSON call and pass in 'request' parameter(which is an optional data parameter), however I don't see a way to get at this request parameter. t...

jqueryui autocomplete: lists entries with search terms in middle

Hi, I am using jqueryui autocomplete widget for autocompleting a 'country' field but I am facing an issue. Suppose the user enters "in", I want the jqueryui to list countries like 'india', 'indonesia' which start with 'in', but it also lists the countries which have 'in' somewhere in the name (like: argentina). How can I solve this iss...

jQuery UI Autocomplete - style like a standard <SELECT>

I'm on the verge of starting a new web application that is likely to have need for both standard, simple dropdowns as well as more feature-rich autocomplete controls for longer lists of values, better type ahead behavior, etc. I'm planning on using the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget along with some combobox behavior as detailed here: ht...

jQuery autocomplete: taking JSON input and setting multiple fields from single field

I am trying to get the jQuery autocomplete plugin to take a local JSON variable as input. Once the user has selected one option from the autocomplete list, I want the adjacent address fields to be autopopulated. Here's the JSON variable that declared as a global variable in the of the HTML file: var JSON_address={"1":{"origin":{"name...

how to restrict anonymous data while using jquery autocomplete plugin

Hi, I am using jQuery autocomplete plugin. I want to restrict the user to select the options only available from autocomplete list and he cannot enter the non available. And the data for autocomplete is from the server and not local. Is there any option to implement it. ...

Enabling full documentation for J2EE in eclipse

I'm new to Eclipse and am using it currently to play with J2EE. When using Ctrl+Space for types/functions from the regular Java libraries I get a full description (i.e. general description of the type, what are the arguments of the method for, etc.). However I don't get the same for J2EE types. For example, when using Ctrl+Space on met...

How add default value JQuery Tokenizing Autocomplete ?

I am using jquery autocomplete. I want, add default value when loaded page. I added input value tag. But, did not work :( How can I do ? ...

jQuery Autocomplete Json Ajax cross browser issue with Google Search Appliance

I am implementing a jquery autocomplete on a search form and am getting the suggestions from the Google Search Appliance Autocomple suggestions service which returns a result set in json. What I am trying to do is go off to the GSA to get suggestions when the user types something in the search box. The url to get the json suggestions i...