
Cant get Jquery ui autocomplete widget to work

Im trying to develop my first ASP.NET MVC web app and have run into a problem with the jquery ui autocomplete widget. At the moment I have a form with a number of text boxs which would lend themselves well to an autocomplete ability. The code for my "Make"(Car make) text box is show below: jquery: $(function() { $("#Make").autoc...

Komodo Code Completion for Django

Hi guys, Sorry to repeat old questions, but I didn't quite understand the answer. The question was: How to enable auto-complete in Komodo Edit 5.2 for Django "It was already on my python path (could import django stuff via plain old python shell), howev...

Is there more than one jQuery Autocomplete widget?

I thought there was only one - included in jQuery UI and documented here. I know there are third-party autocomplete widgets that plug-in to jQuery, like the one from devbridge. But I would describe that as an autocomplete widget for jQuery, rather than the jQuery autocomplete widget. But on Stackoverflow, I see questions asking ab...

how to maintain the spaces between the characters?

hi i am using the following code String keyword=request.getParameter("keyword"); keyword = keyword.toLowerCase(); keyword.replaceAll(" "," "); //first double space and then single space keyword = keyword.trim(); System.out.println(keyword); i am given the input as t s but iam getting as [3/12/10 12:07:10:431 I...

How to make autocompleting textbox in vb6 like this one?

hey all, well i want to have an autocompleting textbox like the one in the image below: this screenshot is from an accounting software. whenever the user focuses on a textbox and starts typing something the suggestions just popup under the control (as seen in the image under the Purc type textbox).This autosuggest functionality even wor...

Silverlight: AutoCompleteBox and TextWrapping

How to enable TextWrapping in the AutoCompleteBox control of the SilverlightToolkit (November 2009)? There is no property to set the wrapping mode. So is there any workaround? Sven Here are more infos about my current problem: To me the AutoCompleteBox consists of a list which displays all possible values and a TextBox where I enter a ...

Correct way to enable autocomplete in SharePoint (Asp.Net) forms?

There is a problem in SharePoint (both WSS3 and WSS2) that item registration and edit forms do not have the "autocomplete" feature in Internet Explorer. That is, if you need the same value in some text field frequently, you have to type it manually. Internet Explorer does not provide you with drop-down list of values you have previously ...

data structure for auto-completion

What are good data structures for auto-completion algorithms? What data structures allow for efficiently finding strings containing a particular substring? ...

JQuery Autocomplete only suggesting first row

I'm doing research using JQuery's Autocomplete plugin and Google Maps' API. What I have so far is located here. I'm using MVC to generate the list of potential address matches (limited to US addresses only) and presenting them as a pipe-delimeted list to Autocomplete, which is supposed to be .spliting them up and suggesting them ...

Use html to create autocomplete box for iphone browser

Creating some simple html pages specific for the iphone, and would like to use autocomplete for one of my textboxes. Is it possible to do this with javascript and if so, how? ...

Bash completion symfony

How can I make symfony completion in bash? Have ubuntu 9.10. It's hard to write own alias. Anyone know where can I find it? I find - but it is for symfony 1.1. Is it compatible with 1.4 ? ...

jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results?

I'm using jQuery UI Autocomplete plug-in. Is there a way to highlight search character sequence in drop-down results? For example, if I have data: "foo bar" it and I search for "foo" I get "foo bar" in drop down. ...

Autocomplete and IE7 - slowness, sluggishness as overall pagesize grows?

Hi, I have the autocomplete plugin (, version 1.1 and 1.0.2) on a project to add pieces of "equipment" to a "project". On a fresh project the plugin works great; the data returned from the database comes back FAST, you can scroll the list fast, and can select an item and mo...

FCBKcomplete, Create a new TAG with Commas as opposed to Enter

Currently, FCBKcomplete created new tags after you type something in and press enter. Is there a way to get the plug-in to allow for comma's (which is how tags are commonly separated) to create new tags? I'd hate to have to try to retrain users to user enter as opposed to the more standard comma separator. Plugin:

Autocomplete a textbox in c#

I'm trying to autocomplete a textbox. I'm retrieving values from Access Database. Just one field from a data table. If anyone can help me. Thanks in advance ...

How do I move focus to next input with jQuery?

I am using the autocomplete plugin with jQuery and it is working fine. However, in IE, when the user selects an item in the autocomplete, the focus does not then move to the next input field. Naturally it works in Firefox. The plugin doesn't have a built-in solution but does provide for "options". Is there a way I can force it to move to...

Jquery autocomplete not firing on keyup unless focus changes

I am using a jquery autocomplete and i have a keyup event for my textbox. When I enter in a letter the function is called but the box is not populated. Once I click away from the box and then click back into it the autocomplete works great. Really weird issue and I have no idea how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated. here's my ...

How to “unbind” .result on Jquery Autocomplete?

I have this code: $("#xyz").unautocomplete().autocomplete(dataVar, { minChars: 0, width: 400, matchContains: true, highlightItem: true, formatItem: formatItem, formatResult: formatResult }) .result(findValueCallback).next().click(function() { $(this).prev().search(); }); I call this code many times and the ...

How do you optimize database performance when providing results for autocomplete/iterative search?

Note: In this question I'm using the term "autocomplete" (or "iterative search") to refer to returning search-as-you-type results, e.g. like Google Search gives you. Also my question is not specific to web applications vs. fat client apps. How are SQL SELECT queries normally constructed to provide decent performance for this type of...

DESPERATE Request - jQuery tag suggestion, How is it inserting the DOM Element SPAN?

Take a look at this snazy plugin: ** it's real small Source: For the life of me, I can't figure out where in the plugin JS the code is injecting the SPAN which contains the tags... I see the following around line 73: var tagMatches = document...