
Prevent Firefox autocompletion from popping up

Hi. I wrote an autocompletion script for an input field on a website. It uses jQuery and works fine. It should look something like this: Unfortunately, Firefox's own autocompletion gets in my way, overlapping some of the results: Is is it possible to prevent the Firefox autocompletion field from popping up? (Not only on my machine ...

problem jquery.ui.autocomplete 1.8 with height and overflow with IE

Hello, I have a probleme with jquery.ui.autocomplete 1.8 rc2 in IE7 or IE8 with the following CSS (inside jquery.ui.autocomplete.css) : .ui-menu { list-style:none; padding: 2px; margin: 0;display:block; height:200px; overflow:scroll; } I'm using the demo from the project cal...

Trigger Jquery autocomplete via scripted event on 1.2.6

I'm attempting to trigger Jquery autocomplete from outside the field. I'm running an on screen Jquery keyboard, so the normal keyup keydown events are not fired. I can not use Jquery.Event or trigger() because I'm stuck with Jquery 1.2.6. I am aware there are other onscreen keyboards out there, but all the other ones I've tested have ...

Jquery ajax auto complete problem

Hi all, I'm having newbie problems resolving an ajax autocomplete script if anyone would like to offer advise? In my form i wish for users to select an event type (drop down box) which on selecting then displays a text box. This text box then offers a user the ability to autocomplete as they start typing, the options having been genera...

Using the RadComboBox button, is it possible to populate a different combobox when one combobox makes a selection?

I have two combo boxes that are cascading. I would like to have it so that when I select something in ComboBox1, it will fire off a web method that automatically filters the list in ComboBox2. At the moment, I'm adding the value of ComboBox1 to the context key of the ComboBox2 web service when I'm firing it, however, I've noticed that...

Search for multiple words with jQuery Autocomplete

I am really struggling with jQuery's autocomplete plugin. I have a large field in my database with multiple words in it, seperated by spaces: forename surname address postcode I can get the autocomplete to search for a single word. E.g. if I type "forename" I get an output of: forename surname address postcode. However, if I ...

Autocomplete jQuery on User Controller within Repeater .NET

I have a Multiview search feature on a Web User Controller that is called within a Repeater, OHMY!! I have some training sessions being listed out on a page, each calling an employeeSearch Web User Controller so people can search for employees to add to the training session. I have the Employee Names and Employee IDs listed out in JS on...

Customized Auto-completion in XCode development

Is there a way for me to create a UITextView/UITextField* that on getting the latitude and longitude of the current location the texf field is autofilled automatically. I don't want to use Google Maps database, I already have my own that is customised that contains 1,265 entries. On getting a location that is not in the database, the...

What is good rich text editor with autocomplete option for webpage ?

I tried using jQuery autocomplete plugin - it works great, but only on simple text fields. I'd like sth. simmilar that would work with tinymce or ckeditor or any rich text... help please! ...

Jquery Plugin Autocomplete Fade In List

Hi there I have successfully implement the Jquery Autocomplete plugin into my site, using the examples as a template. However, I am looking to fade in the suggestion list in the autocomplete so its a smooth transition, rather than just suddenly appearing and disappearing as it currently does. I have looked through the options, but can...

Ajax Auto Complete in ASP.Net MVC project - How to display a an object's name but actually save it's ID?

I have implemented the Ajax Autocomplete feature in my application using a web service file that querys my database and it works great. One problem I am having is allowing the user to see the item's name, as that's what they are typing in the textbox, but when they select it, it saves the item's ID number instead of the actual name. I ...

CompositeCollection breaks ComboBox AutoComplete-Feature?

push Hello everybody! I'm using a WPF ComboBox with IsTextSearchEnabled="True" (Autocomplete) and want to bind its ItemsSource-Property to a CompositeCollection. Unfortunately, the Combobox doesn't seem to recognize the items provided by a CollectionContainer within the CompositeCollection. They are shown, but not selected by AutoCompl...

Mysql auto fill field based on value of two other fields?

I know its possible to autoincrement values, but i was wondering if its possible to fill a field based on the value of two other fields. I have a table with the fields: CREATE TABLE pligg_links ( ... link_votes INT, link_reports INT, link_votes_total INT, ... ); Field link_votes_total should hold the value of field link_vote...

Autocomplete Ajax - Get Complete list of Cities by State?

I just tried creating an Event on EventBrite and they have this nice autocomplete input for cities (start typing "san" and it will bring up "San Francisco, California..." and a list of others). What's the best way to do that? Do you need to store that in a local database or do people make those ajax calls to something like google maps ...

How to make input not to lose focus when clicking on scrollbar in suggestion list

Hi, I'm testing TagDragon jQuery plugin, it's exactly what I need, but is has one annoying "feature", when I click the scrollbar in the suggestion list, it hides it's results. On the other hand jQuery autocomplete plugin doesn't lose the focus on the input field and that's why it doesn't hide its results. But that plugin doesn't provide ...

How do I continue showing a decorated empty result list with AutoCompleteBox?

I have an AutoCompleteBox that needs to wrap the filtered items with some other controls, such as a link to a different search form. I need the AutoCompleteBox's dropdown to show even when the filtered list is empty. Currently, AutoCompleteBox forces the Popup to close when the item list is filtered to nothing. How do I keep the dang...

WPF: AutoComplete TextBox, ...again!

This other SO question asks about an autocomplete textbox in WPF. Several people have built these, and one of the answers given there suggests this codeproject article. But I've not found any WPF Autocomplete Textbox that compares with the WinForms autocomplete textbox. The codeproject sample works, sort of, ... ...but it isn't s...

Add spaces to the end of some Bash autocomplete options, but not to others?

I'm trying to create a Bash completion script for a Java program. A typical invocation of that program might look like this: $ javaProgram -Dproperty=foo option1 option2 Part of my script will be to suggest the various Java properties that are available for this program (i.e., when the user types "-D", the script would suggest, say, ...

Jquery autocomplete loops HTTP requests.

I have a problem with the JQuery autocomplete plugin. It's hard for me to explain but whenever I try to press a key it keeps looping with requests to the server. See: It should only request once! Can anyone help me please? ...

Firefox search plugin: varying result destination URL based on results returned?

I want to create a firefox search plugin with an autocomplete function. However I have a twist to the standard, "return a result and append to the URL" method. Depending on the result returned in the autocomplete how do I use a different "template URL" (or destination URL) when the user submits the search? Can you return a result and ...