
Why do browsers use my saved password for all forms in the one site?

Is there a way to limit the url of saved credentials in browsers? For example, if I save a username and password for can I make it so that the rest of the forms in the site don't use these details?, etc... I'm aware of the autocomplete attribute bu...

How to disable crazy Javascript/HTML formatting in Visual Studio 2008?

The formatting of HTML and Javascript is just crazy. It actively works against you. Does anybody know how to turn this off completely? (I Do not speak about the HTML designer, I speak about what happens when you press ctrl-k,d in HTML view or when you press ; in a javascript block). ...

use jquery autocomplete with carousel for preview and selection

Hi, I've successfully used jquery autocomplete to display a list of matching images based on user input. The user experience isn't great though due to the number of potential matches - even with fairly prescriptive input. I've found this example at nokia (I know it...

Eclipse: Java Enum auto-completion of switch case

Is there a CTRL+space -like way of "auto-constructing" a switch case around a given Java Enum in Eclipse? I'd like a stub with all Enum cases... EDIT: Dupe of ? :-( ...

Any good example about Autocomplete with Zend Framework? (JQuery and ZendX)

Hi guys, I have a problem, I don't find good examples of "autocomplete" with zend framework (using jQuery with zendx). I need one that works to understand how to develop it. Someone has done it? Thank you very much in advance PS: I know how to do it without ZendX, I mean, doing the form myself (and using jquery as usual with a autoco...

Increase Autocomplete scrollbar size

Hi All, I am creating a application for touchscreen device. The size of the scrollbar available with autocomplete is so user friendly. How to increase the size of the scrollbar in the autocomplete. JQuery autocomplete Geetha ...

Jquery Autocomplete Unable to Empty Input on Internet Explorer

Hi, I´ve got a Jquery autocomplete input like the following: $("#cities").autocomplete(regionIDs, { minChars: 2, width: 310, autoFill: true, matchContains: "word", formatItem: function(row) { ...

Autocomplete with Next/Previous button

Hi All, I am creating a autocomplete textbox for a application for touch screen device jquery autocomlete. The scrollbar in the autocomplete is not so user friendly so i was suppose to give another option. Is it possible to include Next/Prev button inside autocomplete? or Is there any other good option for this issue? Geetha. ...

Android - Autocomplete with contacts

I've created an AutoCompleteTextView box that displays the names of all contacts, but after looking in the Android APIs, it seems my method is probably quite inefficient. Currently I am grabbing a cursor of the all the contacts, placing each name and each contact id into two different arrays, then passing the name array to the AutoCompl...

Autocomplete with force of a choice

Hi I want to use autocomplete (jquery or .net) with force a choice so that the user must always choose something. There can be no possibility of entry, the user can only choose. Does anyone know how to do this?? I want to use webservice for this purpose, because the results will be a lot, and I'll show you the first few. I want to ...

Div click and AUTOCOMPLETE password dialog problem

And what if you want to autocomplete passwords? I am using similar thing here... I am using Div (id=loginButton) and it has some image - I don't want button control in MVC application (), neither image button. I have hidden input control which is hidden button actually (id=submit_btn). So, on div's (id=loginButton) click, I want to call...

Request periodically coming back empty under race conditions

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what the possible cause of the following might be. I am using an autocomplete script with the following code: if (that.currentAjaxRequest !== null) { that.currentAjaxRequest.abort(); } that.currentAjaxRequest = $.get(query_string, function(data) { ...

Stop browser from filling textboxes with details

Hi, I've run into a really annoying problem, and I'm hoping it's just a setting I've missed. I've got an ASP.NET application which allows users to enter their username/password in various places (e.g. login, change password, change username etc..). When I logged in, the browser asked if I would like to store the user details. Usually, ...

Autocomplete Error Question - Ruby on Rails

I have built a very simple blog application using Ruby on Rails. New to both Ruby and Rails so excuse the stupid questions. I currently have two tables that relate to this question. I have a Post table and a Tag table. Basically I set it up such that Post has_many :tags and Tag belongs_to :post. I am using AJAX to process and display t...

how to create unique keyword in the oracle db?

hi, i am using autocomplete with oracle Db,how to create unique keyword for the table. KEYWORD VARCHAR2(100) COUNT NUMBER(18) how can i make as unique can plz tell the query ...

Jquery autocomplete webservices - what am i doing wrong??

I created a class for JSON responses: public class PostCodeJson { public String Text { get; private set; } public String Value { get; private set; } #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Empty constructor /// </summary> public PostCodeJson() { this.Text = String.Empty; this.Value = Strin...

jquery autocomplete with key value pair

hi. I want to use jquery autocomplete with webservices data (webservice in c# in asmx file). This autocomplete need to take the value key pair. How to connect webservice and how it must look?? how to display text, and after selecting the value type somewhere?? ...

ajax search suggest autocomplete, server keep querying

ajax search suggest autocomplete. when i input something, ajax sends them to the server, query them and send back to client. But sometime when i input some words, ajax sends them to the server, server keep querying them. Should I set up timeout? ...

PHP: Type hints for fields with Eclipse PDT

Using Eclipse + PDT, I know that you can specify the return type of a method or the type of a variable within a method via type hints. How about class fields? Can I declare the type of a field in order to enable autocompletion for that variable? I tried something on the lines of: class MyClass { protected $Field; /* @var $Field MyT...

jquery autocomplete

Does anyone know if theres a jquery autocomplete library that works similar to the one here: (try and select a station to see what i mean) The one on here is a prototype library. Basically all the ones ive found will only match characters if they appear at the beginning of a string, for example, if i typed 'e...