
AutoHotKey: hotstring variable's?

How do I call global variables in hotstring functions. This Works ::hlw:: hlwvar = Hello World sendInput %hlwvar% return This Doesn't work hlwvar = Hello World ::hlw:: sendInput %hlwvar% return ...

VB open specific Excel Version when two are installed

I am looking at this piece of code that I got from here because I would like to use it. The issue is, I have used 2003 to create the "test.xls" file but when I run this code it opens in 2007. Is there any way to force this to open in a specific Excel version rather than the default? GoSub, GuiOpen pweb := COM_AtlAxCreateControl(WinExi...

Catch copy/paste of empty text on Windows from AutoHotKey script

Hi, By default on Windows, when copying text, it gets put in the clipboard. But when attempting to copy empty text, the clipboard is untouched. For example, selecting no text in your editor, then hitting ctrl+c, will cause no change in the clipboard. Problem is, I need to catch this event with AutoHotKey. Since the clipboard is unchang...

How to respond to WM_SettingChange inside an AutoHotKey script

(This question is similar to Delphi: How to respond to WM_SettingChange/WM_WinIniChange? but for the AutoHotKey language. This is not about sending WM_SETTINGCHANGE from inside AutoHotKey.) In another Windows process ("sender"), I change the PATH environment variable by modifying the HK_CURRENT_USER registry. Then I send/publish a WM_SE...

Mouse button modifiers - Autohotkey

I want to set up my mouse buttons to perform different functions if I press and hold them, or if I press them while holding down shift/alt/ctrl. As some trivial examples: Shift-leftMouseButton = "back" in firefox history? Shift-rightMouseButton = go forward in firefox, Press-and-hold right mouse button = some other action in firefo...

Autohotkey - capture extra mouse buttons

Can autohotkey capture nonstandard mouse buttons? I use a five-button mouse (Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000). ...

How can I discover a maximised window's restored position co-ordinates?

As the title suggests, I'm trying to discover where a maximised parent window will be re-drawn when the user Restores it from a maximised state. Now, I can currently do this by using the winRestore command, capture the position and then winMaximise again, but this causes the window to a) flash as it is drawn twice and b) takes too long ...

Accept UAC prompt verification with Autohotkey

I'm running an application using an Authotkey script, which requires UAC. I've read some post about it, but I can't get a clear answer explaining why it seems not possible to accept the prompt using Autohotkey. My code is something like this: Run,"%A_ProgramFiles%\someprogram.exe",,Max Send !Y ; Send Alt-Y I understand t...

Does AppleScript have image recognition like AutoIt or AutoHotkey

In AutoHotkey and AutoIt the script is able to recognize images on webpages. Can AppleScript do that? How? ...

Send Text in Clipboard to Application like Notepad (C# or Powershell)

I want to be able to send the text on the clipboard, in Windows, to an application. For example, I'm working on a text file in notepad, and I want to copy a portion out into a new file..I want to copy it to the clipboard and then use a hotkey to launch an application or powershell script that sends that copied text to a new instance of ...

Opening new appt in public calendar on MS Outlook

I need to automatically pull up a new appointment in Microsoft Outlook (I'm making a script so automate some things). I use this: Run, "%programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12\Outlook.exe" /c ipm.appointment which brings up my personal outlook calendar. I need it to open up a new appointment for my public (corporate environment)...

AutoHotKey - Resizing Windows

Hey everyone, I currently have a HTPC connected to a plasma in my living room, and I've had a few issues with image retention. While browsing the web, etc. for an extended period of time I'll run into the issue. However, it looks like it should be relatively easy to set up a script with AutoHotKey to resize the window automatically on...