
Prism2 Region Adapter for AvalonDock's DocumentPane and DockingPane?

Hi. Does anyone have sample code on how to create a Region Adapter for AvalonDock's DocumentPane and DockingPane? ...

Composite WPF and AvalonDock

Hi All, Has anybody tried PRISM and AvalonDock (latest release with DocumentSource property) together? I already had a look at http://www.youdev.net/post/2009/07/17/AvalonDock-Documents.aspx but it just briefs on how to use documentsource property. Please help, if anybody has tried this. I Would like to know 1.How to associate Docume...

AvalonDock dock a window.

Hello, I am trying to convert my app in WPF to work with AvalonDock. I have a few windows(about 10) and main form that has DockingManager. I would like to put those windows inside that DockingManager. I've tried this: <ad:DockingManager x:Name="MainWindow"> <ad:DocumentPane x:Name="Windows"> </ad:DocumentPane> ...

AvalonDock autohide to side of pane instead of window

I have the following AvalonDock XAML: <ad:DockingManager Name="DockManager" Background="White"> <ad:ResizingPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <ad:DockablePane ad:ResizingPanel.ResizeWidth="300" Name="LeftSideBar" SelectedIndex="0"> <ad:DockableContent Name="Connection" Title="Connection" IsCloseable="False"> ...

How to set up Avalon docking manager to resize like VS?

Hi I am using Avalon in my WPF app. I want a window similar to that of Visual Studio, Tools on the left, then the documents in the middle and the Properties on the right. I managed to do that with this code: <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="ht...

What kind of window can be docked in Win7?

I have been developing a toy editor, and I want my editor to look like the VS2010 text editor which can be dragged out of the main window to become a independent window and the dragged-out window can be maximized when it's dragged to the top of the screen, and can be docked by being dragged to the left or right side of the screen(which i...

Getting avalondock and wpf ribbon to work on vs2010

Hi all, I'm trying to make Avalon work with WPF Ribbon on VS2010 .NET 4, but all I got is a blank screen overriding even the titlebar. I think this problem is caused by some incompatibility with the RibbonWindow tag, instead of Window. I looked at these posts: http://avalondock.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=62562 http://avalo...

AvalonDock + UserControl + DataGrid + ContextMenu command routing issue

I'm getting weird behavior with command propagation from MenuItems of ContextMenu. I have the following kind of layout: ContextMenu is set for each DataGridRow of DataGrid inside UserControl, which in its turn is inside DockableContent of AvalonDock. If I get rid of either docking or UserControl around my grid there are no problems. Lis...

AvalonDock document binding

Hi, I'm using AvalonDock (link) to create my application. I have a toolbar and a documentpane (VisualStudio like) and each new document contains a textbox. And now I'd like to add an Undo button to my toolbar which will undo changes on the textbox wich is placed on the selected document.It's completely same like it's in Visual Studio. ...

AvalonDock - Bind MenuItem to State of DockableContent

I'm using AvalonDock to layout my application. I want to create a "View" MenuItem with a checkable MenuItem for each of my DockableContents that will show/hide each item. I'm not finding an example of anyone doing this, and it appears to me the State property is readonly, making it not possible to create a 2-way binding to the MenuItem...

How can I make a WinForms Form work as a DockableContent in AvalonDock?

I am able to use WinForms controls, but not an entire form: var foo = new DockableContent(); foo.Title = "Foo"; foo.Name = "FooName"; var c = new WindowsAppFramework.RenderTargetUserControl(); c.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; c.AutomaticUpdateFPS = 60; var host = ne...

AvalonDock : Controling the Splitter position

Hi, Using AvalonDock and Odyssey OutLookBar in a WPF Desktop application. It doesn't make sense to have the vertical splitter in the ResizingPanel have full range of screen width. ResizeWidth as an attached property on the DockablePane does control the initial position. But then it can be moved from full left to right. Is there any way o...

how to hide/toggle by default a DockingPane in AvalonDock ?

Here is the XAML markup. I'm trying to make by default "tools" pane hidden. I've seen in the tutorial something like this : Command="ad:DockableContentCommands.ToggleAutoHide". <ad:DockingManager Name="dockingManager"> <ad:ResizingPanel Orientation="Horizontal" > <ad:ResizingPanel Orientation="Vertical"> ...