I am working on a project that requires me to send raw headerless ulaw or linear pcm data to a server.
I am using the AVAudioRecorder and I can save out audio files to the phone quite easily, but the problem is that it no matter what I try and do, they get wrapped in a caf file or stamped with some kind of header.
It's my understandin...
I'm looking at AVAudioRecorder in the iOS SDK and thinking it's not going to be able to meet my audio needs. What I'd like to do is be able to record some audio, then play back that audio to review it (simply using a slider), then be able to continue recording from the end of that file.
I've gathered that I can use AVAudioRecorder to r...
hello all,
I want to play an audio when someone speaks in the iPhone's mic. This code works perfectly in iPhone 2G(OS 3.1.3), but when it is tested in iPhone 4, it doesnt work. I checked for API and method differences, but could not find any.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Aud...
with below code i can record sound but this way record any sound that play around device i just want to record sound that play with AVAudioPlayer in my app.is it possible ?
NSError *err = nil;
AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[audioSession setCategory :AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:&err];