
how to record the user voice in objective-c for iphone.

i wan to record the user voice and then play back after some time in objective-c for iphone is there any way to do this. ...

iPhone microphone high-pass filter

Hi all, In my app, I am using the AVAudioRecorder to detect input from the microphone. However, I need to create a high-pass filter so that I only register higher-pitched sounds. I've looked into FFT, but I can't figure out how to implement it. So, now I'm looking to kind-of fudge an FFT with a high-pass filter. Any help would be gre...

iPhone, Where do I have to save user generated files if I want them to stay there after an app Upgrade (new release)? is Documents directory good?

I have an app that lets user record their own audio. By now I'm saving those files into Documents directory. My question is: if I will release a new version of that app, will user recorded files get deleted? Is there a better place to store user generated audio files? Should I use NSUserDefaults for data that stay even after app upgrad...

Proper AVAudioRecorder Settings for Recording Voice?

I am adding a voice memo capability using AVAudioRecorder and I need to know the best settings for the recorder for recording voice. Unfortunately, I know nothing about audio to the extent I am not even sure what terms to google for. Currently, I am using the following which I copied from somewhere for testing purposes: recorderSett...

AVAudioPlayer won't play audio file after AVAudioRecorder

I create a .caf audio file using AVAudioRecorder and if I try and play it back using AVAudioPlay I get no sound on the iPhone (if played in simulator works fine). If I close my application and reopen the file plays fine. Also I am not able to adjust the phone volume after recording unless I close and reopen my application. Any ideas? ...

AVAudioRecorder - Continue recording to file after user stops recording by leaving the application and then re-opens it

Can this be done? And if not, how far down towards Core Audio do I need to go (what method of recording should I be using instead)? I've noticed the behavior of AVAudioRecorder is to overwrite a file if it finds one at the path provided when you request that it record again, so I know that's not going to work. I'm also curious about fil...

iPhone SDK: AVAudioRecorder metering -- how to change peakPowerForChannel from decibel into percentage?

The AVAudioRecorder in the iPhone SDK can be used to get the peak and average power for a channel, in decibels. The range is between 0db to 160db. What is the calculation used to convert this into a scale between 0 - 10 or something similar that can be used for an audio level meter? ...

AVAudioRecorder Memory Leak

I'm hoping someone out there can back me up on this... I've been working on an application that allows the end user to record a small audio file for later playback and am in the process of testing for memory leaks. I continue to very consistently run into a memory leak when the AVAudioRecorder's "stop" method attempts to close the audio...

Cocoa: AVAudioRecorder Fails to Record

AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; NSError *err = nil; [audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:&err]; if(err){ NSLog(@"audioSession: %@ %d %@", [err domain], [err code], [[err userInfo] description]); return; } [audioSession setActive:YES error:&err]; err = nil; if(err){ ...

Conflit between AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPlayer

Hi, here is my problem : The code (FooController) : NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"mySound" ofType:@"m4v"]; soundEffect = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] error:NULL]; [soundEffect play]; // MicBlow micBlow = [[MicBlowController alloc]init]; And MicB...

iPhone - openAL stops playing if I record with AVAudioRecorder

Hi there, this is an iPhone-related question: I use openAL to play some sound (I have to manage gain, pitch, etc.). I want to record what I'm playing and I use AVAudioRecorder but when I "prepareToRecord" openAL stops to play audio. What's the problem? Here is the record IBAction I use: - (IBAction) record: (id) sender { NSError *error;...

AVAudioRecorder Won't Record On Device

This is my method: -(void) playOrRecord:(UIButton *)sender { if (playBool == YES) { NSError *error = nil; NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", [sender tag]] ofType:@"caf"]; NSURL *fileUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath]; AVAudioPlayer *playe...

Getting AveragePower and PeakPower for a Channel in AVAudioRecorder

Hi all, I am annoyed with this piece of code. I am trying to get the averagePowerForChannel and peakPowerForChannel while recording Audio, but every time i am getting it as 0.0 Below is my code for recording audio : NSMutableDictionary *recordSetting =[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 22050.0], ...

AVAudioPlayer crash after playing from an AVAudioRecorder

I've got a button the user tap to start recording and tap again to stop. When it stop I want the recorded voice 'echo' back so the user can hear what was recorded. This works fine the first time. If I hit the button for the third time, it starts a new recording and when I hit stop it crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. - (IBAction) readToMeTap...

Cannot play a recorded sound on device.

I'm using the exact code from the iPhone Application Programming Guide Multimedia Support to use AVAudioRecorder to record a file to the disk and then AVAudioPlayer to load and play that file. This is working fine in the simulator but is not working on the device. The file gets loaded (we can see the NSTimeInterval) but does not play (...

Problem using AVAudioRecorder.

Hi all, I am facing a strange problem with AVAudioRecorder. In my application i need to record audio and play it. I am creating my player as : if(recorder) { if(recorder.recording) [recorder stop]; [recorder release]; recorder = nil; } NSString * filePath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: [NSString stringWithFormat:...

iphone sdk: initialization of a AVAudioRecorder returns nil

Hi there, I want to initialize a AVAudioRecorder with the aac Format. To do so, I use the following code: soundFilePath = [soundFilePath stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"aac"];NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:soundFilePath isDirectory:FALSE]; NSMutableDictionary *recordSetting = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [recordSetting s...

Initialization of AVAudioRecorder with aac

Hi everybody, I want to initialize a AVAudioRecorder with a aac file format, but it doesnt work... Whats wrong with the following code? soundFilePath = [soundFilePath stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"aac"]; NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:soundFilePath isDirectory:FALSE]; NSMutableDictionary *recordSetting = [[NSMutableDictionary...

OpenAL doesn't work when using AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPlayer

hi. i have been troubled about audio problem for several days. i don't think OpenAL get along with AVAudio functions. i have my own OpenAL class. ( wrapped the MyOpenAL class ) my app start to record using AVAudioRecorder. i stop recording. and then i clicked the "OpenAL Play"button that play any sound using OpenAL. i can't hear it. but...

AVAudioRecorder normalize volume

hey there, I've got an app that records audio. I'm wondering how I can increase the gain. is there a way to normalize the audio or amplify it somehow? thanks, howie ...