
How to get the mime data from the DataHandler

I send a soap message using MTOM by Axis2, and i monitor the soap get the message below: --MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_5C5747FDE5329B8CEB1280130156514 Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: <0.urn:uuid:[email protected]> <?xml version='1.0' e...

MTOM Java WebServices authentication

Im looking for a simple and secure way to authenticate users throug axis2/mtom webservice... Something like http authentication... or session cookie auth. A live example will help me a lot. I have this webservice that receive an image and process it... i will need to ask for an authentication and a way to process that user with the im...

WSDL2java generated stubs problem with multi node setup

I have a webservice server which is something like this https://&lt;my domain>/receiver This server serves 2 domains and will route to it's own ports based on the domain name. The axis2 stubs works find if I specify the port, forexample https://&lt;mydomain&gt;:8009/receiver, but it'll not work if it's redirected by apache. For th...

What are the minimum dependencies and plugin configuration I need to create a web service client using Axis2 and Maven from a WSDL file?

Hi, I'm trying to create a web service client using Axis2. I would like to use Maven 2 to generate the necessary classes from the WSDL I have but the documentation for the wsdl2code plugin isn't helping me. Does anyone have a working example of a basic pom.xml that will generate classes from a WSDL? ...

Reference SecurityContextToken in Signature + Axis2

I have been searching google for many days and checked all samples of axis2. I am not able to find any solution to my requirement. Request you to kindly provide a sample/link/pointer how I can achieve this. We have an axis2 1.3 client talking to WCF service. Our client send RST/SCT request and service sends back RSTR response back to c...

axi2(1.5) is not defining the elements in wsdl types

Hi I am trying to create a web service as an "aar" file. But when i deploy it... i can not see the wsdl:types or xsd ... here is the wsdl <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=""&gt; <wsdl:documentation>Inverse</wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:types/> <wsdl:message name="getInverseRequest"/> <wsdl:message name="getInver...

What are some good Axis2 tutorials/books?

Hello everybody, I am currently learning Axis2 and would like to know what are some good tutorials or books. I know SOAP and WSDL already and currently reading the Quickstart Apache Axis2 book but don't like it very much so far (seems other either). It has a lot of theory and makes lots of comparisons with Axis1 (which I don't know ei...

How to see what Axis2 sends and receives?

I have Axis2 created web service client. This service uses both SSL and WS-Security so I use rampart. I think that my client sends correct query, but I got exception: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Must Understand check failed for header : Security at org.apa...

need help in webservice

Hi All, I am new to webservice first i used eclipse for consuming a third party free webservice "" tested the webservice successfuly the following java files are created in my src folder StockQuoteSoapStu...

SOAP 1.2 with Axis 2 is not parsed

Hello, I am writing a server that receives SOAP 1.2 messages. The problem I have is that when I am sending via SOAPui a SOAP 1.1 message, the message is correctly handled but not when it's a SOAP 1.2 message. I use axis2. Here is my POM dependency: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.axis2</groupId> ...

Generating Web Service (WSDL 1.2 or higher) from Parametrized class in Java (Apache CXF, Axis 2)

Hi guys I have an abstract class that looks as follows. public abstract class Entity<PK extends Serializable> implements Serializable { private PK id; //getters and setters generated here.... } public class User extends Entity<Long> { //all attributes, getters and setters are done here... } My Service looks like this ...

Is it possible to create a web-service client solely from a wsdl file?

I'm creating a web-service client. I used a WSDL file to generate the client side stubs. But now I have to authenticate to the web-service, and invoke methods. I've checked some tutorials on how this should be done, but they always explain generating the client code and server code then having them work together. I was wondering if all ...

Why are web service initial requests slow in Axis2?

Why are web service initial requests slow in Axis2? Initial call to stub is like ~3000ms, every other call is like ~50ms. I would guess that it has something to do with session overhead, but I've been wondering if there is anyway to eliminate some of the over head in that 3000ms. Thanks, Chenz ...

How to preserve the Content-Type header of a Tomcat HTTP response sent through an AJP connector to Apache using mod_proxy

I'm having a problem with an incorrect HTTP Response Content-Type header while accessing an Axis2 web service hosted in Tomcat behind Apache through an AJP/1.3 connector. I can access the web service without problems in the browser through its RESTful interface and I can see the results but somehow Apache is changing the response Conten...

Spring and Hibernate inside Axis2 inside Tomcat6

I'm try to create web service base on axis2 (without a ServletContext). I have code that work properly (Spring + Hebirnate) and try to put it into AAR as it describe in this article and this one . All work good except hibernate. I have: <bean id="dataSourceCommon" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="c...

mtom using axis and iphone

hi, I am new to webservice stuff. I have a axis service which sends a response which has a MTOM attachment of file. without using utilities like wsdl2objc is that possible to extract the file from the response ? It is a zip file. if yes please let me know how to do it. ...

what is the Message Exchange Patterns, in plain english?

Can someone please explain in plain English what the MEP is? I can't grasp the concept. From what I figure, is just a concept for two parties to understand each other (i.e. agree on a type of format that the messages they exchange between them must have). Is this it, or is there more? Thank you! ...

What is the purpose of <order phase="..."/> in an Axis2 handler tag?

In axis2.xml, why do you need to specify the phase again in the handler tag? Why this: <phaseOrder type="InFlow"> <phase name="Transport"> <handler name="RequestURIBasedDispatcher" class="org.apache.axis2.engine.RequestURIBasedDispatcher"> <order phase="Transport"/> </handler> <handler name="SOAPAction...

How to generate Axis2 XML Signature with distributed certificates

I have somewhat of a problem. We have a centralized interface engine that will talk to a web service that will provide information complement and allow to submit request to external systems. All this is good and fine until we have to integrate this with the required security from this provider. They issue certificates distributed thro...

WSDL2Java won't create all the stubs

Hello! I'm using Apache axis2 and more specifically, the wsdl2java tool to generate the stubs for a web service and create a client, given the wsdl file. When I try to generate stub classes for a paypal web service (its wsdl file is here) axis won't generate stubs for both the bindings included to the wsdl but just for the second one (...