
Easiest CMS to customize its User Interface ?

Hello guys, I'm actually working in a university-related project where the users would generate the site's content (quite a lot of searcheable static pages), having at the same time a profile's page, that the other users could see. As I work usually with WordPress, I though that I could make use of WordPress Multi User, but I found a b...

Why do most people say that data services and the database are the most important parts of a system?

Why do most people say that data services and the database are the most important parts of a system? From what I have seen, it is the front end development: GUI, WEBUI, XAML that is the most important. Certainly more important than the middle and database tiers. I don't think it is a big deal to build an application's database. After...

Communicate with backend job from web server or web page

I have an "appliance" (for lack of better description) running linux. Currently I ssh into the box to launch jobs. This isn't friendly enough for my users, so I'm putting together a simple web UI to launch the script. A job runs for anywhere from 10 seconds to several hours. The web UI needs to reflect the status of the job. I've solve...

CodeIgniter Backend Frontend .htaccess router

Hi, I'm trying to develop a little base CMS with CodeIgniter for my own use on projects but got stuck on this. Also, I'm very new to CI, but got some years with ZF and OOP PHP. First of all let me show you my file structure: index.php (frontend bootstrap) backend.php (backend bootstrap) .htaccess system ( CI core ) application backe...

Hidden login in website - looking for hotkey idea

I am developing a CMS. One of the greatest everyday annoyances when working with it is that when you are on a front-end page, not logged in, and want to make a change, you need to go to the back-end login first, log in, and then navigate to the page you want to change. I would like to introduce a smart little function that pops up a log...

Building a website backend in c#, compiled to a binary

I am creating a novel website that integrates web feeds from around the internet. I want to build a backend that does CPU intensive analysis of the web data on a regular basis, which will eventually add the results continuously into a database. This database will be accessable by the website through a normal backend that will se...

MS Access 2003 - Really simple question

If I try to duplicate an access file (this file is split into mdb and be mdb, and also has mde files), by importing everything into a brand new access application, why won't the table links work? Everytime I click anything it says that the tables cannot be found Probably so simple its not worth asking on here, but ....??? Thanks! ...

tumblr as a backend-solution for a flex/actionscript app?

I love tumblr because it is so easy to use and you can generate xml's of all or parts of the content. Does anybody have experience in using tumblr or similar platforms as a backend for flex/actionscript projects ? Advantages/Disantvantages? Are there some minimalistic examples out there ? Thanks a lot ...

Complete integration of vbulletin, help desk, knowledge base, sales database, gallery, etc

Hi, I operate a PHP-based website in which there are several disjointed parts: a vBulletin forum, a help desk ticket system, a knowledge base, a large sales database (with license keys), and a gallery. In the future I plan on integrating all of these into a single customer backend, where they can for instance view their license key, sub...

Is it possible to use the Google App Engine as a backend database for Android applications?

I would like to write a client application for Android that uses the Google App Engine as a database backend. My Android client would connect to the App Engine to save information, then it would connect later for reports. Is it possible to use the App Engine as a backend like this? ...

Django - update a model won't delete the old FileField

Hello! I am implementing an application with django, which has a model with a FileField: class Slideshow(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30,unique=True) thumbnail = models.FileField(max_length=1000,upload_to="images/app/slideshows/thumbnails") and I have an admin backend where django manages the models. I jus...

Different authentication backend for the django admin

What would be the best solution to use a different authentication backend for the Django admin site? ...

Formats for communicating between backend and Objective-C/Cocoa

I'm developing an iPhone app that is connected to a backend server. It needs to communicate with it many times, through several requests. I'm sending HTTP messages, but I want to receive more complex responses that I can parse somehow. Supposedly, I can provide any type of format for responses from the server, so my question is: which on...

Connecting Actionscript 3.0 with a C++ backend?

I am curious to know if there is a way of connecting a flash front-end to a C++ driven backend? I'm not currently working on a project that involves this, but I found out about an application used in the gaming industry, called Scaleform, that requires knowledge on doing such things in order to create menus in games. ...

Looking for a comprehensive guide to setting up custom authentication backends in Django, or pointers

I'm trying to set up a custom backend that queries another database, for which I have created a model in the system. It uses its own rules (email instead of username, and a differently salted/hashed password) so I can't use built in authentication. I've set up a custom authentication backend like so: class BlahBlahBackend: def chec...

Magento: Adminhtml form “Image” Field

Hi, I have set an input field of type “Image” in an admin form using the code below: <?php // Tab Form // File: app/code/local/MyCompany/Mymodule/Block/Adminhtml/Items/Edit/Tab/Form.php class MyCompany_Mymodule_Block_Adminhtml_Items_Edit_Tab_Form extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form { protected function _prepareForm() { ...

What in your opinion is the single best tool for any back-end web developer?

It doesn't matter if the back-end is done with PHP, Ruby, Python, ASP.NET, etc. In your opinion, what is the single best tool is for a back end-developer? Why? ...

Will including unnecessary php files slow down website?

The question might prompt some people to say a definitive YES or NO almost immediately, but please read on... I have a simple website where there are 30 php pages (each has some php server side code + HTML/CSS etc...). No complicated hierarchy, nothing. Just 30 pages. I also have a set of purely back-end php files - the ones that have ...

Symfony (doctrine): "Embedding" foreing forms

Hi folks, I always have this kind problem with Symfony : Let's say you have a product, and you want to add it some photos. I guess like this there's no problem : Product: columns: name: { type: string(255), notnull: true, unique: true } Photo: columns: product_id: { type: integer, notnull: true } name: { type:...

How can you trigger the reload of firefox on file save?

Hi, I'm curious with all the webservers reloading the code on save, can't we just make firefox do the same when in develop mode? any hints on how to do this? ...