
jquery slider to change body background

I want to include a mini menu 20px by 20px images of potential backgrounds. When a user clicks on one them the body background image will change and the selection saved as the users choice. I've thought of using a slider but I don't know how I would be able to have the images in a li and be able to change the body css based on the selec...

What do Google think about links without text, with only background?

Like this one: <a href="/" id="logo"></a> Or should I do like this instead and change the font-size to zero: <a href="/" id="logo">Home</a> Edit: No one here seems to understand my question. So I'll post some CSS too: #logo { display: block; width: 326px; height: 69px; background-image: url(images/logo.gif); ba...

Starting background tasks with Capistrano

For my RubyOnRails-App I have to start a background job at the end of Capistrano deployment. For this, I tried the following in deploy.rb: run "nohup #{current_path}/script/runner -e production 'Scheduler.start' &", :pty => true Sometimes this works, but most of the time it does not start the process (= not listed in ps -aux). And the...

Stretch image as background

I need image to stretch as background of page. It doesn't matter if page will not scale well, what ever screen resolution may be, whole image has to be visible on screen. I found some solutions on Google, but it either didn't work in Firefox2 or IE6 or both, and I need those two too. I hate when people don't upgrade their software, but I...

VIM Background

When I am trying to change background in vimrc or directly in vim using set background=dark it doesn't affect my background at all, same with light option, however it looks okay when I run gvim. Is there a way to change background in vim without changing my Konsole settings? Thanks. UPD: Okay there is a difference between guifg/guibg an...

Keeping a rake job running

Hi, I'm using delayed_job to run jobs, with new jobs being added every minute by a cronjob. Currently I have an issue where the rake jobs:work task, currently started with 'nohup rake jobs:work &' manually, is randomly exiting. While God seems to be a solution to some people, the extra memory overhead is rather annoying and I'd prefer...

Threading using BackgroundWorker

I have a scenario. I have a list of user id's displayed on the windows form. As soon as I click one of the user id's I go and get the user details from the DB. To retain the responsiveness of the application, on selection changed event of the listbox, I create new BackgroundWorker(BW) objects and hit the DB. I show 'Searching user 'abc'....

How can you send a file to S3 after all processing is done using paperclip in rails?

I have a rails app with Video and Image models. Both use SWFUpload for progress indication feedback and queued uploading. So they are uploaded to a TempImage, and TempVideo model then when the ActiveRecord Video and Image models are saved the temps are moved over. On the images the different styles are created with the default paperc...

Maven jetty plugin - delay when starting in background mode

I start a jetty server on linux using nohup mvn jetty:run & to run it in background and to stay when I quit from the console. Usually (mvn jetty:run) it starts in seconds, but in this case it takes about minute to start. What can be the cause of such a delay? Thanks. ...

Howto dynamically render space background in actionscript3?

I'm creating a space game in actionscript/flex 3 (flash). The world is infinitely big, because there are no maps. For this to work I need to dynamically (programatically) render the background, which has to look like open space. To make the world feel real and to make certain places look different than others, I must be able to add filt...

WPF ListView - how do i set selected item background colour?

Hi, I currently have this, but it only work for the foreground colour. Any help would be apriciated :D <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="true"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red" /> <Setter Property="Background" Value="Green"/> </Trigger> </Style.Triggers> ...

Cloning background image with parenthesis in file name

I have a background image with a parenthesis in the filename: <DIV style="BACKGROUND: url('');"&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt; This is fine normally, and there is no confusion because there are quotes around the file name. Looking in IE's developer tools however, I see that the browser stripped the quotes for some reason...

DatagridView loses current edit on Background update

Here's my problem : I have a DataGridView bound to a BindingList of custom objects. A background thread is constantly updating a value of these objects. The udpates are showing correctly, and everything is fine except for one thing - If you try to edit a different field while the background-updated field is being updated, it loses the e...

How can I launch a background process in Pylons?

I am trying to write an application that will allow a user to launch a fairly long-running process (5-30 seconds). It should then allow the user to check the output of the process as it is generated. The output will only be needed for the user's current session so nothing needs to be stored long-term. I have two questions regarding how t...

Create a background process with system tray icon

I'm trying to make a Windows app that checks some things in the background, and inform the user via a systray icon. The app is made with Not managed C++ and there is no option to switch to .net or Java. If the user wants to stop the app, he will use the tray icon. The app can't be a Service because of the systray side and because it ...

Is there a way to use use text as the background with CSS?

I would like to use dynamic text as background of certain elements in my tag. Because of this, I can use images (dynamic text). How do I do it with just CSS or JavaScript? ...

Starting a background process in python

I'm a python newbie, so sorry for the simple question. I'm trying to port a shell script to the much more readable python version. The original shell script starts several processes (utilities, monitors, etc.) in the background with "&". How can I achieve the same effect in python? I'd like these processes not to die when the python scr...

Opera CSS Issue: Strange black backround in Opera 9.63 and 10 beta when using a combination of overflow and background-color

I've created a script to create scrollable tables with fixed headers but it is having a strange styling issue in Opera where the background color of the containing div turns black above the scroll bar if I try to set the background color to anything. This script was tested and works fine in IE6/7/8, Firefox 2/3, Chrome 2/3 and Safari 2/...

Run a ffmpeg process in the background

I am wanting to use ffmpeg to convert video to .flv in php. Currently I have this working, but it hangs the browser until the file is uploaded and is finished. I have been looking at the php docs on how to run an exec() process in the background, while updating the process using the returned PID. Here is what I found: //Run linux com...

CSS Set Table Cell Background Color Using Text Inside Table Cell

Have basically the same problem as this - text has a background color set and is in a table cell. Text background color is only behind the text, and does not fill the entire table cell, which it should. The solution is normally to set a bgcolor on the table cell. Difference is that this occurs in many places throughout this particular w...