Any idea why this works:
[[[[[self tabBarController] tabBar] items] objectAtIndex:2]
But this doesn't?
[[self tabBarItem] setBadgeValue:@"Hello"];
I would rather not have to provide an explicit tab bar index (2 in the code above). Also, is there a way to get the ta...
I am trying to add badges to the icons in my app. e.g. in the facebook app, in the home page the number of pending requests is shown on the requests icon.
Can someone provide any links/ideas on how to do this?
my APNS notification works fine, but I have noticed a strange behavior for which I would like to ask for confirmations.
I'm retrieving the notification payload either during "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" or "didReceiveRemoteNotification". In "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" I'm checking
NSDictionary* userInfo = [launchOptions val...
could you please show me some example please?
ok guys so i'm new in iphone dev you know it !
I want to add badge from my app : i know how to in the application did finish launching.
But i want to it depending on an int value i have stored in a plist (just one string an int value) i have placed on my server htt://anadress/myplist.plist
How can i read the content of this value in...
I'm a writing a program to add a new way of communication such as MMS/SMS or SIP phone to Android.
Is there a way to add an icon in the QuickContactBadge menu, when clicking on a contact photo in the Contacts application ?
I wasn't able to fully understand how it works from android sources ... Is the list of icons only popula...
On the iPhone, you can add a numbered badge to the application icon. On BlackBerry, I've successfully painted an image onto the application's icon while in the program. I want to do this for Android as well. I don't want to use the notification bar, as it's not something that needs to be notified instantly. Instead, I just want the user ...
Hi all,
I'm developing an app that uses Core Data for save and retrieve data.
Now I would like to add a badge number on app's icon in the home screen but I have some problems...
I tried this code:
NSInteger section = [self.tableView numberOfSections];
id <NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo> sectionInfo = [[self.fetchedResultsController se...
Occasionally I want to highlight one of segments of a UISegmentedControl, i.e. the third title is "News" and I want to draw user's attention to it. Ideally with a red badge with a number as on the UITabBar - any idea how to achieve this? Feel free to share other ideas as well. I thought about adding the badge as an image just on top of i...
In my application i will show the badge number in springboard icon. But after the user deleted the application and install it back, the badge number automatically show at the springboard icon.
My question is how to set the badge number to 0 when user deleted my application.
Which method it will trigger when user delete the application?
I want to implement badge like in SO, maybe you can give me a nice css code?
Hi guys,
I know that it's trivial to add a red number badge to an app's icon on the home screen. What's the best way to get a badge that looks like this within my app? There are some classes I've found online that can do this, such as MKNumberBadgeView, but none that I've found look completely right. Facebook, for example, implements re...
I tried the push notification tutorial . It's working fine but problem is badge. When I click on the view, app is appear and the close it. it still red badge in app icon. How to remove it ?
Another question is
when I click the view, it will appear home screen. I want to show other view when coming from push notification.
You see them everywhere. Like the twitter and facebook buttons that show up on blogs and websites that display a number of "tweets" or "likes".
All I need to be able to do is display a number from my MySQL database based on two variables (username and an ID). It would probably be useful to encrypt the variables somehow so that users can'...