
.NET assemblies and DLL rebasing

According to this article rebasing is not necessary for .NET assemblies due to JIT compilation of the code. The article states: "JIT-compiled code does not have a rebasing problem since the addresses are generated at run time based on where the code is placed in memory. Also, MSIL is rarely affected by base address misses since MSIL re...

Can several WCF services share a common BaseAddress?

I've got an assembly containing several WCF services, each with its own contract. It all works nicely. The service config in the app.config for the service looks like this: <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="WcfService.AlyzaServiceBehavior" name="Sam.Alyza.WcfService.ServiceWebsites"> <endpoint address="" binding="netT...

DLLs, memory mapping, base address, memory usage, and .NET?

Before I start with the real question, let me just say that I might get some of the details here wrong. If so, please arrest me on those as well as, or even instead of answering my question. My question is about DLLs and .NET, basically. We have an application that is using quite a bit of memory and we're trying to figure out how to mea...

Why does my WCF service not respond my baseAddress setting in web.config?

I'm trying to learn how to build RESTful services with WCF by recreating the project on this blog post by Anthony Steele. He uses the following XML in his config to setup the endpoint for the service. <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8080/greeter"/&gt; </baseAddresses> </host> Howev...

Finding device base address to communicate via inb() and outb()

I am trying to communicate with a disk drive using inb(), inw(), outb() and outw() commands so I can find specific information about the drive. However, to use these commands, I need the correct I/O ports for the device. When I have the correct I/O ports, I can find the information I am looking for very easily, however, I do not know a...

Multiple Base Addresses and Multiple Endpoints in WCF

I'm using two bindings TCP and HTTP. I want to give mex data on both bindings. What I want is that the mexHttpBinding only exposes the HTTP services while the mexTcpBinding exposes TCP services only. Or is this possible that I access stats service only from HTTP binding and the eventLogging service from TCP? For Example: For TCP I sho...