
.NET assemblies and DLL rebasing

According to this article rebasing is not necessary for .NET assemblies due to JIT compilation of the code. The article states: "JIT-compiled code does not have a rebasing problem since the addresses are generated at run time based on where the code is placed in memory. Also, MSIL is rarely affected by base address misses since MSIL re...

Function pointer incorrect in Visual Studio 2005, code starts at 1 byte offset


If I want to rebase my DLL's, how do I go about doing it?

This is a continuation of this question. I'm in the process of testing whether rebasing the .NET DLLs, and NGENning them will provide me with more shared code in memory on terminal servers. However, my plan seems to have a flaw, and it's that I seem unable to find a working method to figure out a working set of addresses. What I thoug...

How do you rebase hyperlinks and content in an ASP.NET page?

I have an ASP.NET page to handle "404 page not found" it's setup by configuring the <customErrors> section in my web.config file and setting the custom error page for 404 errors in IIS manager. It works as expected for pages in the root of my website but doesn't work in a subdirectory of the site - the hyperlinks and content in my custo...

Theme Image URL Rebasing

I am implementing themes to enable an existing website to be rebranded (logos, colors, images etc.) depending on the requesting URL. I understand how to do that and have got the skins working fine except for some exceptions related to the URLs of images. Specifically I have a control property that it is not feasible to skin. Prior t...

.NET assembly cache / ngen / jit image warm-up and cool-down behavior

Hi, I have an Input Method (IME) program built with C#.NET 2.0 DLL through C++/CLI. Since an IME is always attaching to another application, the C#.NET DLL seems not able to avoid image address rebasing. Although I have applied ngen to create a native image of that C#.NET 2.0 DLL and installed it into Global Assembly Cache, it didn't i...

What are the practical consequences of rewriting GIT history ?

Our project has been using git for a week or so now, and we're all enjoying it a lot (usíng it in a tight collaborative group turns out to be quite a different git experience). To keep things as simple as possible, we do not do any rebasing or history modifications. But we did make a few mistakes in the first week. A few commits were mad...

How to measure the effect of correctly rebasing .NET assemblies before NGen?

Our application has a lot of .NET assemblies, which up until now, has not been deployed with NGen-scripts, so they are always JITted at runtime. Since our application is typically deployed to a terminal server, getting Windows to share binary images of the code is probably more optimal than the current way, so I'm looking at setting bas...

Limitations on forking from a GIT repo created with GIT-SVN?

Many open-source projects (e.g. django) have GIT mirrors which are, in turn, forked for private or public development. GIT mirrors are kept up to date with git svn rebase. But the Pro Git Book contains this unequivocal recommendation: Ahh, but the bliss of rebasing isn’t without its drawbacks, which can be summed up in a single ...