
Base 62 conversion in Python

How would you convert an integer to base 62 (like hexadecimal, but with these digits: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'). I have been trying to find a good Python library for it, but they all seems to be occupied with converting strings. The Python base64 module only accepts strings and turns a single digi...

Convert MD5 to base62 for URL

I have a script to convert to base 62 (A-Za-z0-9) but how do I get a number out of MD5? I have read in many places that because the number from an MD5 is bigger than php can handle as an integer it will be inaccurate... As I want a short URL anyway and was not planning on using the whole hash, maybe just 8 characters of it.... So my qu...

PHP - How to base_convert() up to base 62

I need a base_convert() function that works from base 2 up to base 62 but I'm missing the math I need to use, I know that due to the limitations of PHP I need to make use of bcmath, which is fine. Functions like these convert a number to and from base 10 to another base up to 62, but I want to implement the same functionality of base_co...

Multi-base conversion - using all combinations for URL shortener

I am making an URL shortener, and I am struggling with the optimal way of encoding a number (id) into a character string. I am using the characters 0-9,A-Z,a-z so it will basically be a base-62 encoding. That is pretty basic, but it doesn't make use of all possible codes. The codes that it would produce would be: 0, 1, ... y, z, 10, 11...

Obfuscating ids in Rails app

I'm trying to obfuscate all the ids that leave the server, i.e., ids appearing in URLs and in the HTML output. I've written a simple Base62 lib that has the methods encode and decode. Defining—or better—overwriting the id method of an ActiveRecord to return the encoded version of the id and adjusting the controller to load the resource ...

jQuery having trouble selecting things in different cases

Note: If you're 'just' a jQuery developer some things in this post may look a tad complex (Base62 encoding etc.) - it's really not. Although the more technical details are relevant to the question, the core is that jQuery won't select stuff with capitals. Thanks! Hi folks! So I have a list generated by Ajax. When you click the list's t...

convert md5 string to base 62 string in c++

i'm trying to convert an md5 string (base 16) to a base 62 string in c++. every solution i've found so far for converting to base 62 only works if you can represent your number as a 64 bit integer or smaller. an md5 string is 128 bits and i'm not getting anywhere with this on my own. should i just include a bigint library and be done ...