
[bash] files indexed by production date

Each day an application creates a file called file_YYYYMMDD.csv where YYYYMMDD is the production date. But sometimes the generation fails and no files are generated for a couple of days. I'd like an easy way in a bash or sh script to find the filename of the most recent file, which has been produced before a given reference date. Typic...

SSH login with expect(1). How to exit expect and remain in SSH?

So I wanted to automate my SSH logins. The host I'm with doesn't allow key authentication on this server, so I had to be more inventive. I don't know much about shell scripting, but some research showed me the command 'expect' and some scripts using it for exactly this purpose. I set up a script and ran it, it worked perfectly to login....

How to know from a bash script if the user abruptly closes ssh session

I have a bash script that acts as the default shell for a user loging in trough ssh. It provides a menu with several options one of wich is sending a file using netcat. The netcat of the embedded linux I'm using lacks the -w option, so if the user closes the ssh connection without ever sending the file, the netcat command waits forever....

Linux - Want To Check For Possible Duplicate Directories (Probably RegEx Needed)

Hi, I have a directory which contains several directories as follows: /Music/ /Music/JoeBlogs-Back_In_Black-1980 /Music/JoeBlogs-Back_In_Black-(Remastered)-2003 /Music/JoeBlogs-Back_In_Black-(ReIssue)-1987 /Music/JoeBlogs-Thunder_Man-1947 I want a script to go through and tell me when there are 'possible' duplicates, in the example ...

Bash Color Variable Output

I've got a variable, let's say $x and it holds the value of I want to be able to call the variable and apply shell color to it like so: echo -e '\033[1;32m$x:\033[0m'; The problem is not the color, however, it's how the script it interpretting the output. So the output I'm getting is: $x: I need the output to obvious...

shell scripting: nested subshell ++

Hi guys, more than a problem, this is a request for "another way to do this" actually, if a want to use the result from a previous command I into another one, I use: R1=$("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1 }'" ) myScript -c $R1 -h123 then, a "better way"is: myScript -c $("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1 }'" ) -h123 but, what if I h...

How do I make a symlink to every directory in the current directory that has the same name but has underscores replaced by dashes?

For instance, I suppose I have a directory that contains the following folders foo_bar baz What I would like to have is a bash command that will make a symlink foo-bar to foo_bar so it would look like this: foo-bar foo_bar baz I'm pretty sure I can write a Python script to do this, but I'm curious if there's a way to do this with b...

Is there a reasonable way to attach new path to PATH in bashrc?

Guys I constantly need to attach new paths to the PATH environment variable in .bashrc, like below: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH Then to make it take effect, I always do 'source ~/.bashrc' or '. ~/.bashrc', while I found one shortcoming of doing so which make me uncomfortable. If I keep doing so, the PATH will getting longer and lon...

shell command to find a process id and attach to it?

Hello I want to attach to a running process using 'ddd', what I manually do is: # ps -ax | grep PROCESS_NAME Then I get a list and the pid, then I type: # ddd PROCESS_NAME THE_PID Is there is a way to type just one command directly? Remark: When I type ps -ax | grep PROCESS_NAME, grep will match both the process and grep command ...

ImageMagick bash script issue

// This works convert ${path}${dst} -crop ${crop} ${path}${dst} // but when changed to this, it fails convert ${path}${src} -trim ${path}${dst} convert ${path}${dst} -crop ${crop} ${path}"pdf_"${dst} What am I doing wrong? ...

compare two files and get the output for the same lines

How can I get the following output using linux command by comparing two text files? Thanks. file1: site110 site120 file2(Updated): - site110 - site111 - site112 - site113 - site120 - site1201 - site1202 output: ...

What is the most robust way to determine the current codepage from a shell script?

Hi all, I'd like to determine the environment's current codepage at runtime from a Unix shell script. What's the most reliable way of doing this? I'm looking into parsing environment variable $LC_ALL, but it isn't always set to a useful value, and its format seems to vary (can be <locale>, or <locale>.<code page>, or <locale>.<code pag...

I write barely functional scripts that tend to not be resuable and make the baby jesus cry. Please help me stop the tears.

I received a request to add around 100 users to a linux box the users are already in ldap so I can't just use newusers and point it at a text file. Another admin is taking care of the ldap piece so all I have to do is create all the home directories and chown them to the correct user once he adds the users to the box. creating the direct...

Regex find and copy in bash (preserving folder structure)?

I have a folder with a bunch of log files. Each set of log files is in a folder detailing the time and date that the program was run. Inside these log folders, I've got some video files that I want to extract. All I want is the video files, nothing else. I tried using this command to only copy the video files, but it didn't work because ...

Converting a bash script to python (small script)

Hi, I’ve a bash script I’ve been using for a Linux environment but now I have to use it on a Windows platform and want to convert the bash script to a python script which I can run. The bash script is rather simple (I think) and I’ve tried to convert it by google by way around but can’t convert it successfully. The bash script looks l...

symbols in command line argument.. python, bash

Hi, I am writing a python script on Linux for twitter post using API, Is it possible to pass symbols like "(" ")" etc in clear text without apostrophes.... % ./twitterupdate this is me #works fine % ./twitterupdate this is bad :(( #this leaves a error on bash. Is the only alternative is to enclose the text into --> "" ?? like.. % ...

How do I find the millionth number in the series: 2 3 4 6 9 13 19 28 42 63 ... ?

It takes about minute to achieve 3000 in my comp but I need to know the millionth number in the series. The definition is recursive so I cannot see any shortcuts except to calculate everything before the millionth number. How can you fast calculate millionth number in the series? Series Def n_{i+1} = \floor{ 3/2 * n_{i} } and n_{0}=2....

Bash script: bad interpreter

Question: I get this error message: export: bad interpreter: No such file or directory when I execute this bash script: #!/bin/bash MONO_PREFIX=/opt/mono-2.6 GNOME_PREFIX=/opt/gnome-2.6 export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MONO_PREFIX/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MONO_PREFIX/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$MON...

How can I convert a file full of unix time strings to human readable dates?

I am processing a file full of unix time strings. I want to convert them all to human readable. The file looks like so: 1153335401 1153448586 1153476729 1153494310 1153603662 1153640211 Here is the script: #! /bin/bash FILE="test.txt" cat $FILE | while read line; do perl -e 'print scalar(gmtime($line)), "\n"' done This is not work...

Using sed with html data

I'm having some problems using sed in combination with html. The following sample illustrates the problem: HTML="<html><body>ENTRY</body><html>" TABLE="<table></table>" echo $HTML | sed -e s/ENTRY/$TABLE/ This outputs: sed: -e expression #1, char 18: unknown option to `s' If I leave out the / from $TABLE so that it becomes <table><...