
Where do I put a post-commit hook script?

I've just thrown together the following shell script: cd /home/firefli/webprojects/project1 svn checkout file:///home/firefli/svn/project1/trunk . rm -rf /home/firefli/public_html/project1 svn export . /home/firefli/public_html/project1 It does work when I do a commit and then run the script manually but I still have a couple of quest...

Email check regular expression with bash script

Hello, im trying to make a bash script to check if a email address is correct. I have this regular expression: [a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])? Source: And this is my bash script: rege...

Susbtitution in sed with spaces

Hi, I have the following variable in bash: var1="this is ok" and in a file I want fo make in all lines the subst: _day 23. 45. 56. ... to this is ok_day 23. 45. 56. so I add var1 to the start of the line I tried with this sed -e "s/_/${var1}"_"/g" ${filename} but i get errors I do not know if this is because the spaces. I...

Store LINE in a string in bash

Hi, I have a bash script which reads lineas filename=$ while read LINE do ...... done < $filename I wonder how could I store $LINE in a string (my_string) so for each line I can do echo $my_thing" "$my_string I tried several things but when I print with echo or printf, $LINE deletes everything before it Tjans ...

Bash or Python or Awk to match and modify files

Hi, I have a set of 10000 files c1.dat ... c10000.dat. Each of these files contains a line which starts with @ and contains a string with spaces specific for this file, lije c37 7.379 6.23. I have another set of 10000 files kind of determined_cXXX_send.dat (where XXX goes from 1 to 10000). Each of these files has only one line. Each l...

How to correctly save the unix top command output into a variable?

I've got to save the output of the top command into a variable and I do this: myvar=`top -b -n1 | head -n 18` The problem is that it seems to be ignoring the return characters, so when I echo the content of $myvar I see something like: top - 15:15:38 up 745 days, 15:08, 5 users, load average: 0.22, 0.27, 0.32 Tasks: 133 total, 1 runn...

Display characters of a variable

Hi all, I am doing a bash script and I want to display the characters of a variable ($VAR). What I want the script to do is (pseudo-code) : String var = "Hello"; for (int i = 0; i < var.length(); i++) { System.out.println(var.substring(i, i+1)); } The size of the variable can change, one time it can be 5 characters and the next tim...

Parse a File with Bash

Hi, I Try to parse my File with Basel. A typical entry looks like this: lease { starts 6 2009/06/27 00:40:00; ends 6 2009/06/27 12:40:00; hardware ethernet 00:00:00:00:00:00; uid 00:00:00:00:00:00; client-hostname "examle-workstation1"; } All information i get is the MAC and what i want is...

Zend Framework problem creating actions through command line

Hi there, I am trying to create actions in my project by using, zf create action add edit however my command line outputs this message, An Error Has Occurred A project profile was not found. Zend Framework Command Line Console Tool v1.9....

How can I hide a password/username used in a bash script for accessing MySQL?

I am writing a bash script that I plan to execute via cron. In this script, I want to execute a command against a MySQL database, something like this: $ mysql -u username -ppassword -e 'show databases;' For clarity and those not familiar with mysql, the "-u" switch accepts the username for accessing the database and the "-p" is for p...

Shell script: send sed output to mysql?

Trying to pipe the output of a sed replacement on a text file into MySQL like so: mysql -D WAR | sed -e "s/2000/$START/g" -e "s/2009/$END/g" < WAR.sql That's not working. Nor is: mysql -D WAR < sed -e "s/2000/$START/g" -e "s/2009/$END/g" < WAR.sql What's the proper solution here? ...

Simple Shell Scripting Question

Hi, I am a newbie with shell scripting but just wanna quickly do something really simple. I have a testprogram that writes some results into a file "result". I wanna run the program three times and then store the results in an appropriate file with the name result1, result2, etc. I thought something along those lines will do the trick...

Control Processes Started by Bash Daemon

In bash, I have created a simple daemon to execute commands when my internet connection changes: #!/bin/bash doService(){ while do checkTheInternetConnection sleep 15 done } checkTheInternetConnection(){ if unchanged since last check return else execute someCommand fi } someCommand(){...

Caret search and replace in Bash shell

If I have just entered the following command in Bash: echo foo I can change foo to bar by typing: ^foo^bar Which results in the following command being executed: echo bar Now if I enter: echo foo foo Is there a way to change both instances of foo to bar just by using the caret (^) operator? Additionally, are there man pages ...

Kill other bash daemons from the same script

I am having a hell of a time trying to write a "kill all other daemon processes" function for use within a bash daemon. I do not ever want more than one daemon running at once. Any suggestions? This is what I have: #!/bin/bash doService(){ while do something sleep 15 done } kil...

Is it possible to cout to terminal while redirecting cout to outfile?

I'm running a program and redirecting cout to an outfile, like so: ./program < > outfile.o I want to be able to read in an option ('-h' or '--help') from the command line and output a help message to the terminal. Is there a way I can do this but still have the regular cout from the rest of the program go to the outfile?...

bash shell scripting combining *.txt into one file

What is the quickest and most pragmatic way to combine all *.txt file in a directory into one large text file? Currently I'm using windows with cygwin so I have access to BASH. Windows shell command would be nice too but I doubt there is one. ...

How do I use cURL to update Twitter?

Hi, I'm looking to update twitter using cURL. I've written a bash fuction, but I'm not sure how to get it to accept a line as an argument to use as status text. The current function just accepts the first word as an argument. Also, can I prevent it from returning the XML file or suppress it from going to stdout? Thanks #!/bin/bash f...

How to automatically add user account *and* password with a Bash script

I need to have the ability to create user accounts on my Linux ( Fedora 10 ) and automatically assign a password via a bash script ( or otherwise, if need be ). It's easy to create the user via Bash eg: [whoever@server ]# /usr/sbin/useradd newuser But is it possible to assign a password in Bash, something functionally similar to thi...

Mini Project: Change the color of the terminal based on the time of day

Good Evening, I am pretty new to Unix so maybe this mini project is too ambitious. Hoping someone could point in in the right direction. Working in a cubicle and I can't see how light it is outside. In general I use a yellow terminal in the morning (sunny) and a black/green past 3:00 (night). What I would like to do (partly just...