
Authentication type in DD paragraph confusion

Hi, Could anyone please tell me why the following paragraph is incorrect: If your deployment descriptor correctly declares an authentication type of BASIC, the container automatically requests a user name and password whenever a user starts a new session. ...

NSURLConnection using basic auth fails on Tiger, succeeds on Panther and Leopard

I have a program running on Panther, Tiger, and Leopard systems and using the following method for NSURLConnection authentication ("encodedUserPass" is the auth string with the word Basic followed by the base64-encoded user:pass) [theRequest addValue:encodedUserPass forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"]; NSURLConnection *theConnection=[[...

django - protect some web paths with basic authentication.

hi, i'm fairly new to django and just trying a couple simple experiments to get my feet wet. i'm running django 1.0, apache2 prefork and mod_wsgi. I'm trying to build a site with the following url structure / /members /admin the root is basically a public area. the members path should be protected using basic-authentication (probabl...

What is base64 clear text username and password?

Recently I came across this word in a basic authentication article. What it meant by base64 clear text usrname and password on the network? Thanks ...

Python HTTPS client with basic authentication via proxy

From Python, I would like to retrieve content from a web site via HTTPS with basic authentication. I need the content on disk. I am on an intranet, trusting the HTTPS server. Platform is Python 2.6.2 on Windows. I have been playing around with urllib2, however did not succeed so far. I have a solution running, calling wget via os.syste...

How to set different web authentication mode for different database in Lotus Domino

Disclaimer: I'm not a Notes admin, I just wrote the application :), and I try to help our client to use it. We provide a simple database with one agent to accept and process HTTP POST messages from Internet. The Domino server where this database is going to be installed is configured for Single SignOn authentication for web access. Is...

XMLHTTP Basic Auth behaviour differs in VBS / VBA

The following late bound code in Word VBA macro will prompt with a credentials dialag, but for the same late bound code in vbscript (say a .vbs or outlook form) an "Access denied" error is issued on send instead. urlBasic = "http://myserver/mybasicauth/" set xhr = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0") xhr.Open "GET", urlBasic , false xhr....

QuickTime HTTP Basic Authentication on Safari 4

I am using Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8, which is running Safari 4.0.3. My cross platform Java app has an embedded native web browser with its own internal web server. Whenever the browser tries to serve up a file that needs quicktime (mov, mp4, m4v, etc) i get a username/password credential dialog. I can see every request coming through and ...

ASP.NET MVC - HTTP Authentication Prompt

Hi there, Is it possible to make my application ask for username and password prompting for it before render a view? Just like on twitter API to get information about your account: So before render the view || file it asks you to insert you username and password, I think this is made ...

JAX-WS and BASIC authentication, when user names and passwords are in a database.

Hi, I'm new to JAX-WS and there's a thing which I don't understand. There's a ton of tutorials available on how to set up JAX-WS security, but in pretty much all cases BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY and BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY are stored in some .xml file(depending on the container I believe) - they are "hardcoded" that is....

Calling an httpHandler from Flash with basic/Windows authentication

A project I'm working on uses a Flash component to upload files (the Flash allows for multiple file uploads at the same time and gives a nice upload progress bar). Once the upload is done, the httpContext (including the files) is being sent to: uploadhandler.axd. This works great, the uploadhandler is registered in my web.config like t...

How do I make a JSONP call with JQuery with Basic Authentication?

Using JQuery, how would I call a JSONP API that required basic authentication? Can I programatically handle this, or does the user have to interact and enter the username and password into the logon dialog? ...

Using anonymous and basic authentication in the same folder under IIS7

I have a have Winforms client that uses Web services on a IIS7 (W2008) The client will first access a first.asmx page with anonymous aaccess, then access second.asmx with basic authentication (over SSL). This works fine in IIS6 where I can set first file to have anonymous authentication and the second file to have basic authentication. ...

Basic Authentication With XMLHTTPRequest

Hi, I am attempting to use XMLHTTPRequest to get an update on twitter. var XMLReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", false, "TestAct", "password"); XMLReq.send(null); However, using my sniffer I cannot see any authorization headers being passed through. Hence, I get a 401...

Proxy URL without authentication

I have an Apache web server with basic authentication enabled at the root directory. I can't change this due to business restrictions. However, we want a particular URL to be a proxy to a different site, with different authentication, without being asked for authentication by the main site. Example: My site is If you g...

Apache authentication: Redirect on failure, reliably?

I've set my ErrorDocument 401 to point to my website's account creation page, but not all browsers seem to honor this redirect (Safari). Also, other browsers (Firefox, Chrome) never quit asking for the password and show the ErrorDocument. This causes a good number of users to give up trying after many password attempts without seeing th...

Rails - authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic custom "access denied" message

I'm struggling myself trying to change that default message once you insert invalid credentials as username:password on rails using authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic. For example if I make a curl request on a method that need this authentication, once I insert the wrong username and password it returns HTTP Basic: Access denied. ...

C / C++ Library for HTTPS Client with Basic Authentication

Do you recommend any good library or examples online for implementing an HTTPS client that can connect to a website using basic authentication? This is meant to run in linux servers. Any pointers help. Update: Question about the unanimous libcurl - does it come bundled by default in major distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Slac...

why is use of "new NetworkCredential(username, password)" not working for Basic Authentication to my website (from a WinForms C# app)???

Hi, I have a website that uses Basic Authentication (username/password). Why is the following code not working? When I run it the web application takes me to the login controller, whereas I'm expecting that it should already be authenticated given I'm populating the credentials. In other words I'm trying to confirm how, in .NET, I...

Is basic auth with SSL secure enough?

I am developing an application which need to handle a massive amount of REST requests. Using basic auth will save a lot of computing resources since I don't have to compute the signatures. Also, the documentation will be a lot simpler. What are your thoughts? ...