
C#: POST request with BASIC authentication mixes QUERY_STRING and REQUEST_METHOD in PHP?

Hi, I have a problem with sending a POST request from C# to a PHP script on my Apache (Windows) server. Everything works fine, unless I instruct Apache to require a valid user using BASIC authentication through a .htaccess file. But let's put things in order. I'm using the following code to send a list of key/value pairs to my PHP scri...

Mixed authentication in ASP.NET application

I've got an ASP.NET application which uses forms authentication. We're adding on an HttpModule that responds to requests in the /webdav folder and below. We need to use basic/digest authentication for these requests. With <authentication> set to Forms in the root web.config, requests from webdav clients are receiving a 302 redirecting...

LDAP JBoss and Drupal authentication

Setup JBoss using LdapExtLoginModule to auth to Microsoft ADAM (Lightweight Directory Server) Drupal using ldap_integration module to auth to the same Microsoft ADAM above Url within JBoss realm that requires user to auth (again) using HTTP Basic Auth Use Case User logs in to Drupal , auth'ed by ADAM. At this point Drupal only kno...

Adobe AIR/Flex file upload to a server that requires basic authentication

Adobe reference specifically points this out as a limitation. Here's the note in the file.upload functionality in adobe reference. Note: If your server requires user authentication, only SWF files running in a browser — that is, using the browser plug-in or ActiveX control — can provide a dialog box to prompt the user for a username a...

Good Restful design: different payload for different accounts for same url

Is it considered bad design if one url accepted different payloads depending on the basic authentication used? for instance: http://localhost/userA PUT by userA is allowed up pass XML_A but http://localhost/userA PUT by adminA is allowed up pass XML_B which is XML_A plus more. in otherwords it is the same resource but what can be upd...

TouchJSON with basic HTTP authentication

Hello there, I was wondering if anyone has the TouchJSON framework working in conjunction with basic apache HTTP authentication. Essentially the directory of the RESTful webservice that I am calling is secured with basic http authentication. My calls are obviously all returning null now. Has anyone managed to get this working? I could e...

IIS7 basic authentication to protect a site that uses forms authentication

Hi All, This should be much simpler than it has proven to be! I have an ASP.Net web app which uses FORMS authentication to secure part of the site (i.e. the member login area). Now I simply want to put a traditional/simple browser password popup (directory security) across the whole site because we are testing it and don't want anyone...

How to set HTTP Request Header "authentication" using HTTPClient ?

I want to set the HTTP Request header "Authorization" when sending a POST request to a server. How do I do it in Java? Does HttpClient have any support for it? The server requires me to set some specific value for the authorization field: of the form ID:signature which they will the...

Control HTTP basic authentication using javascript

Hi, I'd like to check if a URL is protected by a Http Basic Authentication using javascript. Here is what I have so far : function showFailure(){ alert("FAILED ") } function showSuccess(){ alert("SUCCESS") } var myRequest = new Request({ url: 'http://localhost/access_protected_HTTP_BASIC', method: 'get', onSuccess:...

Conflict between spring security and basic authorization of Tomcat

Hi guys! Did someone face the problem with spring security login when basic authorization is activated under Tomcat? It is simply impossible to login when the login page loaded after logout. If you refresh the page and try again, everything is fine :)(. I could not find any complain on such a behavior and spent whole day to find out...