
Supplying Basic Authentication credentials to a protected folder in ASP.NET

I have a Barclays payment system which posts its results back to an ASP.NET page inside a folder protected with Basic Authentication (the rest of the site uses Forms). The payment system works fine but I also have a credit system which means that if credit > total then the payment system is bypassed and I just want to call the page mysel...

Google check out error

Hi I want to implement Google checkout in my PHP project (running on Apache). I put the callback URL in my merchant center account. My Checkout is in sandbox mode. When placing an order I get the following error message in my merchant center: We encountered an error trying to access your server at -- the error we got is S...

WCF client calling a Java webservice

I have a small issue logging in with a webservice being hosted using HTML with basic authentication. I have tried the following but it does not work. Are there any restrictions or gotchas on this? var client = new WSClient(); client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "xxx"; client.ClientCredentials.U...

Basic CouchDB Local-to-Remote Replication

I am playing around with CouchDB Replication and I'm wondering how to copy a local database of name "myDatabase" to a remote database on that requires ssh access, and rename it to "myRemoteDatabase". How do I do that? I am able to login to both the local and remote servers and run: curl -X GET http://localhost:5984/ .....

Trying to connect to a "digest authentication" webservice using HTTParty or Net:HTTP (or etc)

I have been trying to connect to a web service that is using digest authentication. I am able to connect in Safari using user:[email protected]/endpoint I have tried in Ruby and Rails to connect using HTTParty and Net:HTTP using the "basic"auth" options, but have not had any luck. Wondering if the HTTParty/Net:HTTP "basic_au...

Why is command line computed base64 string different than curl computed base64 string?

Really confused - Guess it has to do with a single character placement at the end, or possible padding done with basic digest that I'm not aware of..? So, if I execute this, you can see the product of the base64 encode: echo '[email protected]:password' | openssl enc -base64 aG9zdEBtYWlsLmNvbTpwYXNzd29yZAo= Now, if I make a curl request:...

Nginx proxy_pass to a password protected upstream.

I want to pass a request to an upstream server. The original url is not password protected but the upstream server is. I need to inject a Basic auth username/password into the request but get errors when doing: upstream supportbackend { server username:[email protected]; } and upstream supportbackend { ser...

How do I make a request using HTTP basic authentication with PHP curl?

I'm building a REST web service client in PHP and at the moment I'm using curl to make requests to the service. How do I use curl to make authenticated (http basic) requests? Do I have to add the headers myself? If so I've got some other questions - Is there a REST library for php? or is there a wrapper for curl that makes it a bit ...

How to connect Java client to WCF service using clientCredentialType="Basic"

Hi, I have to connect from a Java client to a WCF Web Service which has the following binding configuration: <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="basicHttpBindingSecurity"> <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly"> <transport clientCredentialType="Basic"/> </security> </binding> </basicHttpBinding> I'...

How to force Jetty to ask for credentials after invalidating the session?

I'm using jetty 6.1.22 with BASIC authentication as my login mechanism. The first time I log into the web app, the browser requests the username and password. If it try to log out using a session.invalidate(), the session is invalidated but the credentials are cached. This means that if I try to connect to a secured URL, I will see a d...

Self-hosted WCF REST service and Basic authentication

I've created a self-hosted WCF REST service (with some extra's from WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2). This is all working fine. I'm now trying to add Basic authentication to the service. But I'm hitting some rather large roadblocks in the WCF stack which is preventing me from doing this. It appears that the HttpListener (which self-host...

URL not loading in UIWebView

I am trying to get this Outlook Web Access demo account to load in an iPhone's UIWebView, and it does absolutely nothing... I don't even get an error code with the UIWebViewDelegate didfailLoadwithError method... here's the details: URL: Username: [email protected] Password: test I would like ...

HttpListner: intercept requests to WCF DataService

Hello, I want to use the .net class HttpListener to intercept requests to my selfhosted (WebServiceHost) WCF Data Service in order to add the "WWW-Authenticate" header to the response (for user authentication). But it seems like that the HttpListener doesn't intercept any requests that go to my dataservice. The HttpListner works for dif...

Problem with Twitter basic authentication using AJAX

EDIT: This question is now redundant since Twitter no longer supports basic auth. I've left it up since it's relevant to anyone doing basic auth via AJAX on other services. I'm developing a javascript App that needs, as part of its functionality, for users to be able to update their Twitter status. The App is designed to work on mobil...

Cocoa Basic HTTP Authentication : Advice Needed..

Hello all, im looking to read the contents of a webpage that is secured with a user name and password. this is a mac OS X application NOT an iphone app so most of the things i have read on here or been suggested to read do not seem to work. Also i am a total beginner with Xcode and Obj C i was told to have a look at a website that provi...

Redirect to a page that uses basic authentication [PHP]

I'm trying to redirect to a page that uses basic authentication, with no success so far. Most examples I found online where to either use fopen or curl to request a resource, which I don't want to do. I've tried putting in the header the "Authorization: Basic" plus the encoded user:password, but it didn't work. Is it because I first ne...

What is wrong with my Basic Authentication in my Browser?

Hi folks, i'm trying to goto the following url :- http://user1:pass1@localhost:1234/api/users?format=xml nothing to complex. Notice how i've got the username/password in the url? this, i believe, is for basic authentication. When I do that, the Request Headers are MISSING the 'Authorize' header. Er... that's not right :( I have ...

How can I use htaccess to protect a subdirectory of codeigniter installation?

I have codeigniter installed at the root directory, and would like to have a subdirectory called "test" password protected using htaccess. I keep getting a "404 page not found" no matter what I try. The directory structure is: /public_html /css /images /system (codeigniter directory) /test .htaccess .htacce...

Twitter basic authorisation not working?

URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); String cridentials = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode((username + ":" + password).getBytes()); conn.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Basic " + cridentials); OutputStreamWr...

htaccess: only do [some lines of code] for one domain, no others.

Say I have a htaccess file shared by "dev.server" and "". The first domain should allow all users to access it unchallenged (it only exists on my local development server). The second domain I want to authenticate users with Apache (NOT by database). The code to authenticate users is: AuthType Basic AuthName "Server Ad...