
Batch File To Display Directory Size

Hi guys just wondering if u can help me modify this script that ive been playing around with, i cant get it to accept wildcard charcters '*' @echo off setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion set /a value=0 set /a sum=0 FOR /R %1 %%I IN (*) DO ( set /a value=%%~zI/1024 set /a sum=!sum!+!value! ) @echo Size is: !sum! k Its in a batch file calle...

Setting an environment variable in javascript

How can I set an environment variable in WSH jscript file that calls another program? Here's the reduced test case: envtest.js ---------- var oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); var oSysEnv = oShell.Environment("SYSTEM"); oSysEnv("TEST_ENV_VAR") = "TEST_VALUE"; oExec = oShell.Run("envtest.bat", 1, true); envtest.bat ---...

Batch File Querying Registry in 64-Bit Vista

Hi guys me again :) I have a problem with a batch file I wrote. It works fine on 32-bit, but apparently it doesn't work on 64-bit systems, and I don't know why because I do not have access to a 64-bit system. This is the code that works on Vista 32-bit system @echo off Set Reg.Key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Set Reg....

How do I get the equivalent of dirname() in a batch file?

I'd like to get the parent directory of a file from within a .bat file. So, given a variable set to "C:\MyDir\MyFile.txt", I'd like to get "C:\MyDir". In otherwords, the equivalent of dirname() functionality in a typical UNIX environment. Is this possible? ...

Why is it that Cygwin can run .bat scripts?

When I execute a .bat script from bash in Cygwin, by what mechanism is it running? I understand that if I run a .EXE it will launch, regardless of whether the .EXE is from Cygwin or from a more traditional environment. I understand that when I execute an executable script with #! at the beginning that Cygwin supplies the magic for it t...

taskkill in an if condition?

Hello, Has anyone used taskkill on Win XP in an if condition? I want to use it as a watchdog to restart a program in case it leaks memory and grows too big by adding it in an unending loop. For example with the following command I can kill Internet Explorer if its memory usage is greater than 40kb (will happen every time): taskkill /...

New window question for batch (.bat) files.

I'm using a batch file to open a few new windows. Once they complete their processes, I have the /c set they quit. However, I'd like for my main batch process to wait for one window to finish before moving on, instead of doing everything at once. For example, if my main batch file has: @ECHO OFF start "Win1" cmd.exe /c scomp -out ........

.bat files, nonblocking run/launch

How do i launch 2 apps at once in a .bat file? my current text is cd mydir my.exe my.exe difParams //bat is finished. i dont want my.exe to close ...

Ignore question mark in .bat batch scripts

The thing is that I need to pass one parameter with question marks in it to a .bat batch file. If I use the question mark the parameter is not well passed. How can I solve this? I'm having troubles with this line: script.bat /n"output.owl" /r"" = symbol might be a problem too. ...

XCOPY exclude list ignored after first exclusion

Hey, I have a batch file I've created which uses xcopy to copy a dir, and child dirs, and merge them into one file. (ie. all my modulised development css stylesheets merged into one production stylesheet). Everything is good, apart from the fact that when I reference the excludelist.txt, it only excludes the first line, and not the sub...

How to insert automatically value in bat file

Hi! I need a backup script but the executed program after executing asks Y or N for continuing. How to write a script to automatically insert Y. for example the program acts like this c:\tool\backup.exe -b Continue Y, N? now I would need that I create a bat script, but how to insert Y automatically? ...

How to make by-turn start of .exe files using the .bat-script

I have directory structure: DIR |-component_name |-source |-setup.exe |-another_component_name |-source |-setup.exe |-yet_another_component_name |-source |-setup.exe and so on... In every directory like "component_name" I have setup.exe file which installs current component to the palette component in Delphi. I need to ma...

How can I move files to the Recycle Bin in a Windows batch script or Perl?

I've got a Windows XP batch script which cleans some directories, but I would like to move the deleted files to trash instead of using plain del. How is this done? It looks like the only languages I can use for this is plain batch or Perl. ...

Getting errorlevel from a called batch file

I have several batch files that I call from a parent batch file. I need to trap if there are any errors that occur in the child batch files. When a child batch file makes a call to an exe file, I am able to trap the error in the child batch file just fine. How do I surface it up to the parent batch file? ...

Run a windows xp bat script remotely from a ubuntu machine

Is it possible to run a windows xp bat script remotely from a ubuntu machine via command line? ...

Questions about a possible replacement of batch files on a Windows application?

I've got a big Windows legacy application composed by many executables interacting with a database. Executables have 4 main purposes: (a) parsing and loading a file on a database (b) transform a file (e.g. encode a file.) Tthis may as well split a file in many parts. (c) perform some sort of complex updates in the database (d) produc...

How do I write a batch file to uninstall an application and install a new version of it?

I am using a CAD application which will have monthly updates. For updating, we need to uninstall the current version and install new version which will come with the new patch. Can we do that? ...

In Windows cmd, how do I prompt for user input and use the result in another command?

I have a windows bat file which I would like to accept user input and then use the results of that input as part of the call to additional commands. For example, I'd like to accept a process ID from the user, and then run jstack against that ID, putting the results of the jstack call into a file. However, when I try this, it doesn't wor...

Batch Script IF

I'm trial and erroring a trivial batch script: I need to execute the .bat and have it iterate through all the files in the current directory and delete all files (and subfolders) except for itself and two other files. This works: @echo off for /f %%f in ('dir /b c:\d\test') do (del %%f) This doesn't: @echo off for /f %%f in ('dir /...

Batch file FOR/f expansion

I have a file (directories.txt) with directory names, each on a single line and I like to expand the line C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\My Documents In my script to the real user name running the script. However the echo comes out exactly the same as the line and %USERNAME% does not expand. FOR /f "tokens=*" %%X IN (directorie...