
How can I debug a .BAT script?

Is there a way to step through a .bat script ? The thing is , I have a build script , which calls a lot of other scripts , and I would like to see what is the order in which they are called , so that I may know where exactly I have to go about and add my modifications . ...

I can't seem to change drive drive using attached piece of code

y: &pause cd ptls5.0 &pause sdp describe Integration.dpk &pause z: &pause cd ptls5.0 &pause dir &pause I have those commands in the 1.cmd file. First three are executed fine. The result of it is that after "sdp describe Integration.dpk &pause" is executed I'm given "press any key to continue..." after I hit any key. The command prompt ...

How do I open an Access database (and wait for it to close before proceeding) in a batch file?

I've tried these, and they did not work (Access opens, but it does not wait: start "C:\program files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE" filename.mdb start /WAIT "C:\program files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE" filename.mdb start /W "C:\program files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE" filename.mdb start filename.mdb s...

how can I save the output of windows internal FTP client?

Hi, UPDATED: on win2k it seems it works OK. Sorry for the confusion. MS Windows Vista internal ftp client has a strange behavior. When redirecting its output and error to a file, the errors do not show up there: ftp -n -s:commands.txt host >output.log 2>&1 When running it from Task Scheduler inside a batch file, I don't get a...

How do I handle large SQL SERVER batch inserts?

I'm looking to execute a series of queries as part of a migration project. The scripts to be generated are produced from a tool which analyses the legacy database then produces a script to map each of the old entities to an appropriate new record. THe scripts run well for small entities but some have records in the hundreds of thousands ...

Why does batch file FOR fail when iterating over command output?

I have a batch file that uses this idiom (many times) to read a registry value into an environment variable: FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Path\To\Key" /v ValueName') DO SET MyVariable=%%B (There's a tab character after delims=) This works fine on thousands of customer's computers. But on one customer...

Best Timer approach in C# console batch application

Which is the best timer approach for a C# console batch application that has to process as follows: Connect to datasources process batch until timeout occurs or processing complete. "Do something with datasources" stop console app gracefully. related question:

How to say no to all "do you want to overwrite" prompts in a batch file copy?

By default, copying from the command prompt will prompt you to overwrite files that already exist in the target location. You can add "/Y" to say "Yes to all" replacements. But how can you say "No to all" ? In other words, I want to copy everything from one directory that does not already exist in the target. The closest thing I see ...

What slows down growing database performance?

Hi all, I'm creating a database, and prototyping and benchmarking first. I am using H2, an open-source, commercially free, embeddable, relational, java database. I am not currently indexing on any column. After the database grew to about 5GB, its batch write speed doubled (the rate of writing was slowed 2x the original rate). I was ...

Executing multiple commands from a Windows cmd script

I'm trying to write a Windows cmd script to perform several tasks in series. However, it always stops after the first command in the script. The command it stops after is a maven build (not sure if that's relevant). How do I make it carry on and run each task in turn please? Installing any software or configuring the registry etc is c...

xcopy /exclude issue

I am trying to run xcopy that copies files excluding .obj, etc. What I am seeing is that Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.dll is not copied when my excludes.txt file contains .obj as an extension. When .obj is removed, I Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.dll is copied correctly. This does not happen to other dlls though. Does anyone ha...

Capitalize every file in a directory, in bash, using 'svn mv'.

I need to change the capitalization of a set of files in a subversion working copy, like so: svn mv test.txt Test.txt svn mv test2.txt Test2.txt svn mv testn.txt Testn.txt ... svn commit -m "caps" How can I automate this process? Standard linux install tools available. ...

C#-SQL: How to execute a batch of StoredProcedure?

Edit: My problem is not a problem anymore: I have redo my performances tests and I have do a fatal stupid error: I had forget a x1000 to get seconds from milliseconds :/ Sorry for that guys. For info: - I do some 1900 updates per second from my PC to the DataBase server on local network. - 3.200 updates per second if the programs ...

DOS batch files: How to write to the prompt and stay in the same line to input text.

I like to know if there is a way to read the user input inside a batch file, because i have a file named: "fif.bat" that recives two parameters (just call them paramA and paramB) so i execute the file like this: fif paramA paramB I have to change paramA every month, but i call this file lot of times so i like to open a console and hav...

DOS batch files: How to read a file?

How you can read a file (text or binary) from a batch file? There is a way to read it in a binary mode or text mode? ...

Calling batch/script files from VC6/VC2005/VC2008 project files.

Is there a way to invoke an external script or batch file from VC6 (and later) project files? I have a background process that I need to kill before attempting to build certain projects (DLLS, executables) and haven't found a way to successfully do so from the project itself. I'd like simply to call a batch file with a taskkill command...

GCC compiler error on Windows XP

I'm getting a totally bizzare error trying to compile a C program using GCC. Here is the batch file I am using: echo Now compiling, assembling, and linking the core: nasm -f aout -o start.o start.asm gcc -Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -nostdinc -fno-builtin -I./include -c -o consoleio.o consoleio.c g...

Why "The system cannot find the batch label specified" is thrown even if label exists?

While running a batch file in Windows XP I have found randomly occuring error message: The system cannot find the batch label specified name_of_label Of course label existed. What causes this error? ...

How to create a function in my Windows context menu

I use jsmin to compress my javascript files before uploading them to production. Since I tend to have one "code-behind" javascript file per page, I wind up doing this a lot. I installed a Windows Powertoy that adds a context menu item in Windows Explorer, so I can "Open Command Window Here". When I click that, the command prompt opens...

Underused features of Windows batch files

I think everyone agrees that DOS batch scripting is lame. Nonetheless there are many situations where it is expedient, or you must maintain existing scripts. Guidelines: One feature per answer Give both a short description of the feature and an example, not just a link to documentation Limit answers to native funtionality, i.e., does ...