
how to minimize the command prompt when running a batch script?

Hi all me again, anybody know how to minimize the command prompt when running a batch script in Windows 3.11? in Windows XP, there have a command start /min start.bat to minimize the cmd prompt, is it have similiar command in MSDos 6.22? ...

Deleting a directory (sub-directpries)using batch program on a event of new directory creation

Hi ALL I'm having trouble accomplishing the below. I would like have a batch file that will delete sub directories and the files contained in them, but it should keep the latest 3 sub directories. example- c:\test\ contained in this directory are sub directories named jan012004, jan022004 and jan102004. In the event of a new dir being...

How to extract rows from a log file using Windows command line tools or batch file?

I would like to extract certain rows from a log file using native Windows command line tools or batch file (.bat). Here's a sample log file: 2009-12-07 14:32:38,669 INFO Sample log 2009-12-07 14:32:43,029 INFO Sample log 2009-12-07 14:32:45,841 DEBUG Sample log 2009-12-07 14:32:45,841 DEBUG Sample log 2009-12-07 14:32:52,029 WARN Sam...

How to get file's modifed date on windows/dos command

I have been using the following command to get the file date, however the fileDate variable has been returning blank value ever since we moved to a different server (windows 2003) FOR /f %%a in ('dir myfile.txt^|find /i " myfile.txt"') DO SET fileDate=%%a Is there any other more reliable way to get the file date? ...

MsBuild - Is it possible to isolate batch tasks, so one failing task doesn't skip the remaining tasks?

Let me start by example... I have an all.proj that looks similar to this: <ItemGroup> <ProjectsToBuild Include="..\Sites\*\*.csproj" /> </ItemGroup> <Target Name="DeployWebsites" DependsOnTargets="BuildMergedSolutions"> <AspNetCompiler PhysicalPath="%(ProjectsToBuild.RootDir)%(ProjectsToBuild.Directory)" TargetPath="%(Proj...

Convert Spring Batch from 1.1.3 to 2.0.0

I'm trying to convert Spring Batch jobs from version 1.1.3 to 2.0.0 and have gotten numerous errors. Managed to resolve most of these, but not the following: In my QuartzBatchLauncher, the code invokes "new ClassPathXmlApplicationContextJobFactory(bean, path, parent)" and I've had no luck discovering what is the 2.0 equivalent to this ...

Filtered tasklist piped into find doesn't show console output?

Windows XP Pro This shows output in the console: dir | find " free" This doesn't: tasklist | find "Image Name" This does: tasklist | find /C "Image Name" And this does write the expected line into the file: tasklist | find "Image Name" > foo.txt What causes that? ...

Batch file: store lines of command's output without writing to a file?

Windows XP My batch file runs a command that has several lines of output. How can I count (and store in a variable) the lines of output without ever writing to the disk? ...

Uploading/Pushing Data To A Website

I need to let a company push information up to my site. The best way to explain what I am talking about is to explain how it is currently done with their previous website: This company uploads a CSV file to an FTP set up by the website. The website then processes the CSV file and puts it into an SQL database so that it can be used by ...

Newbie Question about batch files/table read ins

I am trying to write a little script that will help my office automate the uploading of zips and self extractors to a ftp site. They have to create several zips/se's and name them various different things etc. My idea is for them to have a little table they could type in (i.e. the name they want the file to be called, the location of...

Azure platform: scalling instances up and down

Note: if you are familiar with the Azure pricing model, just jump to the "question" section. Microsoft will begin to charge for the use of the Azure platform starting February 1, 2010. The monthly bill will be a function of bandwidth, storage, and others. Among the factors used to calculate the bill is compute time. This latter factor, ...

Backpropagation and batch training

Backpropagation calculates dW (weight delta) per weight per pattern, so it's straightforward how to modify weights when doing stochastic training. How do I use it for batch training, though? Simply accumluate dW over the entire training set and then apply the modfication, or is there more to it? ...

Iterating through a folder using batch script.

I have a folder containing 1000+ xml files. I need to modify these xml files, for which I am using xslt. Now the problem that I am facing is that I want to use batch script to do this modification recursively for all the xml files in the folder, rather than doing it manually. How can I do it using batch script? It would be helpful if ...

Script: SSH command execute and leave shell open, pipe output to file

I would like to execute a ssh command and pipe the output to a file. In general I would do: ssh user@ip "command" >> /myfile the problem is that ssh close the connection once the command is executed, however - my command sends the output to the ssh channel via another programm in the background, therefore I am not receiving the output...

Match and Move batch Job

I'm writing a DOS batch job to review two different directories, identify files with like first six characters, and then move both the matched files to a third directory. I'm getting a syntax error on the following code. Any suggestions? File 1: set CopyCount=0 for %%f in (??????*.tif) do call ..\MatchMove1.bat %%f cd .. if %Copy...

Batch processing and backgrounding jobs

Hi, Accoding to wiki, Batch processing is execution of a series of programs ("jobs") on a computer without manual intervention. I wonder what is the difference and relation between batch processing and putting a process into background? Are backgrounding a job always batch processing? Are there batch processing not backgrounding? Tha...

How to create folders using file names and then move files into folders?

I have hundreds of text files in a folder named using this kind of naming convention: Bandname1 - song1.txt Bandname1 - song2.txt Bandname2 - song1.txt Bandname2 - song2.txt Bandname2 - song3.txt Bandname3 - song1.txt ..etc. I would like to create folders for different bands and move according text files into these folders. How could ...

NHibernate Batch Size across entire app - any problems?

If I configure NHibernate with a batch size of say 20, am I likely to run into problems in regular, non-batch-update related scenarios? The majority of updates/inserts performed by my application are once-offs. But in certain cases I am doing large scale updates/inserts which would benefit from batching. Should I use a different session...

execute a batch file from a program

i would like to execute a batch file from a program (exe file). i usually create the batch file while program (exe file) execution. and will the execl("START","",NULL); the function is calling the batch file, but unfortunately new command window is showing up as the execl function is process START and parses as “cmd.exe /k " . can you ...

nHibernate batch insert doesn't work with associations?

I'm trying to find more information about how nHibernate decides how to batch multiple inserts together. Apparently it just works if you have a simple list of objects of the same type, with no children objects. In my application, I have a one-to-many relation between three tables A, B, and C: A has many B, B has many C. I'm using a nati...