
Batch file: Blat sending 2 emails not 1

Hi, first time I've used blat and it appears to work fine however its sending two emails for every email I intend to send. Script excerpt is below: ::If we have a problem we email from here CALL :checkForFailures :checkForFailures IF EXIST %ERROR_FILE% CALL :email & EXIT /B 1 ::pause GOTO :eof :email IF %TOLOG%==Y ( BLAT -f noreply@m...

batch file string concatenation

I have a directory for which I want to list all the .doc files with a ";" I know the following batch command echos all the files for /r %%i In (*.doc) DO echo %%i But know I want to put them all in a variable, add a ';' in between and echo them all at once. How can I do that? set myvar="the list: " for /r %%i In (*.doc) DO <what?> e...

batch list all .xls files in folder

Hi, I have following batch files to list all the excel files in my folder: for /r %%i In (*.xls) DO echo %%i However, this will also include all excel files in subfolders of my current folder. How can I prevent that? I only want the files in the folder itself, not the subfolder. ...

Need some major batch-fu.

I have this massive folder structure with thousands of folders and subfolders. I need to copy all the DLLs from this structure into a single folder. I've tried the xcopy *.dll c:\output /S /E but that copies the DLLs with the structure. Is there a way to do what I want in a batch file using DOS commands only. ...

Call URL with wget and return an ERRORLEVEL depending on URL's contents

A client has a Windows based in-house server, on which they edit the contents of a CMS. The data are synchronized nightly with the live web server. This is a workaround for a slow Internet connection. There are two things to be synchronized: New files (already sorted) and a mySQL database. To do this, I am writing a script that exports ...

How to output something in PowerShell

I am running a PowerShell script from within a batch file. The script fetches a web page and checks whether the page's content is the string "OK". The PowerShell script returns an error level to the batch script. The batch script is executed by ScriptFTP, an FTP automation program. If an error occurs, I can have ScriptFTP send the full...

How to execute a windows batch command recursively?

For example, you have a rename command in a batch file, and you want to execute that file on the current directory and all sub-directories. ...

How to hide batch output

I am putting the finishing touches to a batch script that transfers the contents of a locally edited web site to the internet. The script opens in a console window, and outputs quite a lot of stuff the administrator needs to see in case something goes wrong. In that case, though, the output is being sent as E-Mail, so there is no need t...

Command line does not execute my parameters

I have created a batch file to run an application automatically but it seems my CMD does not run it. I typed this (using notepad as an example): CMD /C "C:\notepad2\notepad2.exe" If I run this from Windows Vista it worked. But running this from Windows Server 2008 (64-bit) it just doesn't work. I even try using that line from the Run ...

Export VSD (visio) to text file

I'm no programmer but I'm sure this community can help. I have thosands of VSD files in a LAN share that I want to create a simple searchable index for. I want to be able to have the contents of each VSD file in clear text for manipluation in either windows or unix shell script that could be used for searching the clear txt output. Can...

Way to run Excel macros from command line or batch file?

I have an Excel VBA macro which I need to run when accessing the file from a batch file, but not every time I open it (hence not using the open file event). Is there a way to run the macro from the command line or batch file? I'm not familiar with such a command. Assume a Windows NT environment. ...

How to keep on transaction when it fails for some rows?

Hello! I want that when I execute a query for example DELETE FROM Contact, and an error is raised during the transaction it should delete the rows that are able to be deleted raising all the relevant errors for the rows that cannot be deleted. ...

CMD.exe C# Emulator?

I've been trying very hard to automatically ssh into a Linux server. What's crazy, is that I can create a .bat script, that will do it, but I have to be there physically, to type in the password. I've tried automating this using System.Diagnostics.Process object in c# to no end. There is no way, I've found, to make this object allow you...

Why does this trick not work for me? I just changed mplayer to woplayer, and I don't see what this does: findstr /I /R %1 dirlist.txt > playlist.txt What's dirlist.txt? ...

Batch Files: Processing files in alphbetical (Numerical maybe>) Order

Hey S.O Guys I am currently trying to process a bunch of files with imagemagick using a batch file in windows, they are all numbered numerically as follows: image00 image01, image02, ..., image010, image011, ..., image0100, image0101 and so on, but when i try to process the file it wants to run though image00, image01, image010, image0...

Feed Reader updates (Eg Google Reader or Bloglines)

Hi there What is the method through which online feed reader sites like google reader updates its feed is it cron or something else. Sorry if question is too basic i am still a novice in programming. ...

How to send the output of a software to a Microsoft Windows Virtual Keyboard?

I am using xvkdb with X11 to send the content of my Barcode reader to the Keyboard Focus Window. But I am looking to port this Barcode Reader on Microsoft Windows. How would you do that? Here is the bash script : zbarstream /dev/video | xvkbd -file - ...

Merging list problem

Sorry about the bad heading, but the question was not easy to compress into one sentence... I have two lists of contigs (list1 and list2). They contain mostly unique contigs, but with some overlap. I want to compare list1 and list2 and then create a list3 that contains all contigs in list1 minus those also present in list2. Is this poss...

Batch-file for finding the current folder and running a cmd-line with this path?

hi, I would like to have some kind of starter-batch for my *.jar file, but therefore I need the current folder path. How do I create a batch that can get the folder path, the batch and the jar files are in and then using this path for the jar-command in the command-line? Thank you in advance for any hint! Andreas ...

How should I implement batch processing for a commercial website?

Hi Guys, I'm really stuck on this one. Users enter some data on my website that I need to process later in a series of batch jobs. I really know always how to work with online transactions. I don't know what are the trends on top techologies to process data on a batch fashion. Should I use cron jobs, it's okay to use Perl for those bat...