
Behavior Driven Development and PHP applications

I am in love with Cucumber. It's easily configured for a Ruby on Rails application. However, I'm new to Ruby and so is the rest of my team. We are writing PHP applications using the Zend Framework. I'm interested in hearing how you have implemented BDD for your PHP applications and what frameworks/libraries I should use. Have you configu...

Does Capybara require JRuby?

I'm building a Rails 3 app. I'm trying to learn Cucumber with Capybara. Do I need JRuby to run Capybara via Cucumber? I've used Webrat, but many people seem to be using Capybara, so I'd love to try. I don't need JavaScript testing right away, but I want to install Capybara if I need in the end. I read and read the Capybara document...

Must an actor of a user story be a human being?

User stories are traditionally written as expression "As a [User Type] I want [feature] so that [some benefit]". In the books and online resources [User Type] typically correspond to a role of a human being. However, when describing features of system internals, it is often easier to put some unattended service in place of a user, e.g. "...

Cucumber stories with external dependencies

The app I'm creating uses git to move repositories around. I'm trying to find a strategy that will let me implement a step like: Then the commit "d786239d8sd" is pushed from "[email protected]:opsb/conference_hub" to "[email protected]:conference_hub_ci.git" Given the command uses git, which interacts with the filesystem, how do I implemen...

Comparing two lists with MSpec

Which method should I use to assert that two lists contains the same objects with MSpec? ...