
How to use multiline strings in Cucumber's tabular data sets?

Hi, I am building a cucumber feature that looks like this: Feature: Parsing of license files As a developer I want to know which requirements, prohibitions and permissions a license gives me So I can know my rights and duties. Scenario: Analyzing a known license Given I run local executable "licc" with arguments "gpl...

"Zero Iteration" - end to end acceptance test in simple contact-form feature

I was reading "Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests" lately. Authors of this book sugested to always start developing a feature with an end-to-end acceptance test (before starting TDD cycle) to not loose a track of progress and to make sure that you're still on the same page while unit-testing. Ok, so I've start writing a v...

BDD: When/where to setup stubs?

I've been using TDD/SSR for a while. I'm trying to transition to BDD: context, becauseOf, and Asserts. I'm using Rhino Mocks to isolate, and I'm struggling with syntax now. Here's what I've got so far (note: ContextSpecification class source): public static class DocumentIdAdapterTests { public class DocumentIdAdapterContext : Co...

Unit testing/documentation/code implementation in the same file?

Today we have documentation and code implementation in the same file: # @returns <String> A combined string def say :this :that return "#{this} "{that}" end I have never seen unit testing in the same file like: # @if_insert "good", "morning" # @should_return "good morning" # # @returns <String> A combined string def say :this :tha...

Statistics of positive impact of TDD/BDD

Everyone knows about some relevant statistics about positive impact of using test/behavior driven development in real projects. I know statistics can be very misleading, but it would be nice to see something like: "when started using TDD, we rose productivity and reduced bugs introduction by XY %...". It would be really nice to sh...

Cucumber + Spork = undefined method `visit' for #<Object:0x82fcc588> (NoMethodError) ???

I'm tearing my hair out here. When running Cucumber in Spork-compatible mode (--drb) the visit() method doesn't work. Simply trying the feature step: When I go to the home page calls web step: When /^(?:|I )go to (.+)$/ do |page_name| visit path_to(page_name) end Running "cucumber" on the command line produces the following err...

Which BDD framework allows a simplistic approach to "story writing"?

I'm trying to use BDD in a very simple way, in order to minimize the amount of Java code. I want to create exactly two files, one is my story: Given user is named "John Doe" And user is authenticated When user changes his password to "a1b2c3" Then user password equals to "a1b2c3" Next, I create a Java class: public class UserManipul...

rspec user story feature vs cucumber

Just to be up front, although the title appears to be similar to the thread, however my question is fundamentally different. I understand the difference between testing user stories and testing behavior of objects individually. My question is, why is Cucumber usua...

BDD in Google App Engine (Python)

I have seen some mention of some form of TDD for Python with Google App Engine, however I've not really seen a discussion of a BDD approach. Is someone familiar with how to string this together properly with GAE? I'm hopeful that things may be in a better position for this now than they were from notes and articles I saw from about a y...

Is cucumber suitable for non-web project?

I want to develop a network system. It is not based on rails and has no html UI. Do I have to do BDD in this case? Does using Cucumber make sense? ...

Is BDD a replacement of TDD?

I wonder whether BDD is a replacement of TDD? What I understand now is that in an ultimate BDD we don't have unit tests any more. Instead there are stories/scenarios/features and "test steps". And it looks like a complete replacement of TDD for me. TDD is dead? ...

Behavior Driven Development using existing software components

I'm currently reading through the beta version of The Rspec Book: It describes The Behaviour Driven Development Cycle (red, green, refactor) as taking small steps during the development process. This means adding features one at a time. My question is: If I were to describe a single...

JSpec no longer supported?

Coming from the Ruby community I'm looking for a BDD-testing framework for Javascript/Node.js. I was JSpec and thought it would be the right choice because I used RSpec in Ruby. But on their GitHub page it says it's no longer supported. They are abandoning this project? Does this mean I shouldn't u...

Utilization of User Stories for automated, scheduled, or reactive functionality

I was wondering what the thinking is in regards to using User Stories to describe automated, scheduled, or reactive functionality. For example, what do you do when you have something like an order fulfillment process which involves pulling an order from a queue, preparing a "fill order form", sending the form to an order processing cente...

Do you do this in every step definition ? "Given that I am logged in"

I am new to cucumber. And for most of the site's functionality, you have to be logged in. So when writing cucumber, do you write, given that I am logged in for every step definition? ...

Intergration tests for fullCalendar

Hello, I love fullCalendar. Its an awesome plugin. However one thing that I have found hard is testing. I am using rails, cucumber, capybera and selenium. I spent a good part of yesterday using the selenium IDE and could not for the life of me get selenium to simulate a click on fullcalendar's interface. I was wondering if anyone else h...

What is the standard way to do BDD in VS2010?

What is the standard way to do BDD in VS2010? ...

Cucumber IDE for feature writing with autocomplete?

Hi, Is there any Eclipse plugin for writing features for cucumber with autocomplete functionality? I guess that would be good to find and reuse steps from other features. Any ideas? ...

How to make Cucumber step definitions load according to feature file being executed

Hi, I would like to modify cucumber so that when a given feature is being executed (say "login.feature") I want only login_steps.rb to be loaded for the web steps. Other step files should not be loaded. IMO this would be very useful to have the same steps but which differ in implementation work accordingly from the feature's name whic...

How to choose between different test types with SpecFlow, Cucumber or other BDD acceptance test framework?

I am looking at SpecFlow examples, and it's MVC sample contains several alternatives for testing: Acceptance tests based on validating results generated by controllers; Integration tests using MvcIntegrationTestFramework; Automated acceptance tests using Selenium; Manual acceptance tests when tester is prompted to manually validate re...