
Can the STREAM and GUPS (single CPU) benchmark use non-local memory in NUMA machine

Hello I want to run some tests from HPCC, STREAM and GUPS. They will test memory bandwidth, latency, and throughput (in term of random accesses). Can I start Single CPU test STREAM or Single CPU GUPS on NUMA node with memory interleaving enabled? (Is it allowed by the rules of HPCC - High Performance Computing Challenge?) Usage of no...

ASP.NET Web App to compare performance on different hardware?

I'm looking for an open source C# ASP.NET Web App that can be loaded onto 2 or more dedicated servers and provide me with metrics on how that server is performing. E.g. Click on a page and the app does a number of in-memory iterations and/or calculations to test processor throughput. Another page would do a bunch of disk access and repor...

How to benchmark apache/nginx setup

I am planning to setup nginx as reverse proxy. I will have apache to deliver my dynamic content, and nginx will deliver the static content. My configuration i have now is just Apache with fastCGI. This gives me no configuration problems and runs great. After I have set up nginx I want to run some benchmarks to see if I really got some ...

Does a PHP per-function (or per-task) performance / benchmark reference exist?

I'm running my own (albeit, basic) benchmarks in a linux-based sandbox. However, I'd love to find a per-function or per-task performance / benchmark reference or utility for comparison. Does this exist? Of course I've done my own fair diligence / searching and have so far come up empty handed.. (I'm primarily interested in information...

Performance bechmarking of MPI program in C

I am new to MPI.Can anyone please suggest me how to do benchmarking of MPI programs in C. Cluster I am using is running Rocks 4.3(Mars Hill). ...

id vs class selection benchmark

Has anybody bench marked selecting elements with id's and class's from CSS and javascript? It would make sense that an element with an id is faster to select than if it had a class even if it was the only element with that class. Do I really need to be concerned? ...

Benchmarks used to test a C and C++ allocator?

Please kindly advise on benchmarks used to test a C and C++ allocator? Benchmarks satisfying any of the following aspects are considered: Speed Fragmentation Concurrency Thanks! ...

Getting timing consistency in Linux

I can't seem to get a simple program (with lots of memory access) to achieve consistent timing in Linux. I'm using a 2.6 kernel, and the program is being run on a dual-core processor with realtime priority. I'm trying to disable cache effects by declaring the memory arrays as volatile. Below are the results and the program. What are some...

Changing POST data used by Apache Bench per iteration

I'm using ab to do some load testing, and it's important that the supplied querystring (or POST) parameters change between requests. I.e. I need to make requests to URLs like: ... to properly exercise the application. ab seems to...

Codeigniter benchmarking, where are these ms coming from?

I'm in the process of benchmarking my website. class Home extends Controller { function Home() { parent::Controller(); $this->benchmark->mark('Constructor_start'); $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); $this->load->library ('MasterPage'); $this->benchmark->mark('Constructor_end'); ...

How does one calculate CPU utilization programmatically ?

Hi, I have a benchmarking program that calculates the time (in milliseconds and ticks), for a persistance to Entity Framework 4.0. Is there a way to calculate CPU load ? I am guessing that I would need to query Windows to find out my CPU frequency, how many cores, etc. Does this sound right ? If so, what part of the .NET framework r...

Why is an inverse loop faster than a normal loop (test included)

I have been running some small tests in PHP on loops. I do not know if my method is good. I have found that a inverse loop is faster than a normal loop. I have also found that a while-loop is faster than a for-loop. Setup <?php $counter = 10000000; $w=0;$x=0;$y=0;$z=0; $wstart=0;$xstart=0;$ystart=0;$zstart=0; $wend=0;$xend=0;$y...

Why the same code in WPF is slower than in Windows Forms?

I made bunch of benchmarks of the framework 4.0 and older and I can't understand why the same code is slower when using WPF compared to Windows Forms: This is the code, it has nothing to do with the UI elements: Random rnd = new Random(845038); Int64 number = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 500000000; i++) { ...

Graph representation benchmarking

Currently am developing a program that solves (if possible) any given labyrinth of dimensions from 3X4 to 26x30. I represent the graph using both adj matrix (sparse) and adj list. I would like to know how to output the total time taken by the DFS to find the solution using one and then the other method. Programatically, how could i produ...

Visual Studio PC benchmark

Hi: Is there a good way to benchmark a Visual Studio developer PC, instead of looking at the technical specs? Objective is to set a level and see every developer passes, if not upgrade them to new PC. Any thoughts and suggestions? ...

For simple C cmd programs: how to add "program executed in 12,345 seconds" ?

I'm a windows user, and I'm learning C. I use Codeblocks and visual c++ 2008 express at home to write simple C command line programs (I'm a beginner) and I find really useful when codeblocks adds a few lines at the end with the time it takes (example: "Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 6.848 s"). I want to add this functionali...

PHP Performance Metrics

I am currently developing a PHP MVC Framework for a personal project. While I am developing the framework I am interested to see any notable performance by implementing different techniques for optimization. I have implemented a crude BenchMark class that logs mircotime. The problem is I have no frame of reference for execution times....

Benchmarking a UDP server

I am refactoring a UDP listener from Java to C. It needs to handle between 1000 and 10000 UDP messages per second, with an average data length of around 60 bytes. There is no reply necessary. Data cannot be lost (Don't ask why UDP was decided). I fork off a process to deal with the incoming data so that I can recvfrom as quickly as poss...

Local Variables take 7x longer to access than global variables?

I was trying to benchmark the gain/loss of "caching" math.floor, in hopes that I could make calls faster. Here was the test: <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var startTime = new Date().getTime(); var k = 0; for(var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) k += Math.floor(9.99); var mathFloorTime = new Date().getTime() - s...

How to invalidate cache when benchmarking?

I have this code, that when swapping the order of UsingAs and UsingCast, their performance also swaps. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.IO; class Test { const int Size = 30000000; static void Main() { object[] values = new MemoryStream[Size]; UsingAs(values); ...