
Hidden field to store the int representation of an enumerated value

I'm a total newbie just fixing a bug in some code. I want a hidden field that displays the integer representation of a enum. Currently the following line displays the "Text" / human readable version of the enum. <asp:Label ID="lblNoteType" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("NoteType") %>'></asp:Label> What do I need to do to the...

Is BIND DNS + DLZ good for adding subdomain's dynamically?

Is BIND DNS + DLZ reliable? scalable? Is it a better solution than writing a script and restarting BIND to support adding subdomain's dynamically? Thank you! ...

Run function once per event burst with jQuery

I'm using jQuery to listen to DOMSubtreeModified event, and then execute a function. What I need is a way to only run a function once per event burst. So in this case, the event will only run after 1 second, and again after 3 seconds. What is the best way to do this? jQuery $(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $('#container')[0].i...

how to prevent click queue build up, using toggle in jquery? tried using bind/unbind('click')

i want to disable the click handler when the toggle animation is showing so the animation won't build up because of multiple fast click. thanks jquery script: $("#button").click({ $(this).unbind('click').next().toggle("slow",function(){$('#button').bind('click')}); }); html code <div <a href='#' id='button'>Toggle</a> <div...

Bind List of object array to ListView in ASP.NET

Hi All, I am breaking my head to fix an issue. I have a method that returns a List<object[]>. Each object[] in the List contains the following: object[0]=Id; object[1]=Name; Now I am looking for a way to bind this List to a ListView in a custom ItemTemplate which would look as follows: <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblId" Text=...

Can I get usable data in a jQuery live handler for a custom event?

jQuery now allows you to use live to handle custom events, something I've used in my latest project and found very handy. I have come up against a limitation/bug, however, that I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with. When you trigger an event, you can pass additional array of data too, like this: $(this).trigger('custom', ['f...

Binding operator new?

I'd like to bind operator new (see example below). If the constructor doesn't have any arguments, it works fine, but if it does have arguments, I apparently have trouble getting the bind syntax correct. #include <map> #include <boost\function.hpp> #include <boost\lambda\lambda.hpp> #include <boost\lambda\construct.hpp> #include <boost\...

jQuery: dynamically binding events to dom objects

Several related questions already exist on this site and elsewhere, but none of the answers seems to apply to my situation. I have a bunch of radio buttons in HTML. <input type="radio" name="b1" value="aa"> aa<br> <input type="radio" name="b1" value="ab"> ab<br> <input type="radio" name="b1" value="ac"> ac<br> <input type="radio" name=...

jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element

I want to bind an onclick event to an element I insert dynamically with jQuery But It never runs the binded function. I'd be happy if you can point out why this example is not working and how I can get it to run properly: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

java: bind exception address in use error when it isn't in use (as shown by netstat)

Hi all, My app makes an outbound connection to a server using a specific source port (in anticipation of firewall problems - a hardened system will probably require ports to be specified ahead of time). My problem is that my app makes the connection initially. However, if the connection ever breaks it will try again but the socket wil...

Unbind jquery plugins

Hello, I'm sure this is simple but I'm banging my head! I'm using the excellent jQuery plugin editable ( Users can create a form on the fly, and click to edit the title, the body of the text, whatnot. Every time the user creates a new question, I rebind the plugin like so: $('.edit').edita...

home, end, delete, pageup, pagedown with ksh

Hello. I want to use home, end, delete, pageup, pagedown with ksh. My TERM is xterm-color. These keys works fine with tcsh and zsh, but not with ksh (print a tilde ~) I found this: bind '^[[3'=prefix-2 bind '^[[3~'=delete-char-forward bind '^[[1'=prefix-2 bind '^[[1~'=beginning-of-line bind '^[[4'=prefix-2 bind '^[[4~'=end-of-line ...

ASP.NET Binding integer to CheckBox's Checked field

I have a following ListView item template, in which I am trying to bind integer value to Checked property of CheckBox. IsUploaded value contains only 0 and 1... <asp:ListView ID="trustListView" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="isUploadedCheckBox" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("IsUploaded") %>'...

bind handler to elements in jQuery object to affect children of elements

I want to bind handlers for mouseenter and mouseleave to a set of elements grabbed using the jQuery selector. The function needs to act on the children of the elements. Here is my code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".topnav-link").bind("mouseenter mouseleave", function() { $(this).children(".topnav").toggle(); }); }); and in t...

flash paths binding, constants

is it possible to use string as path ? instead of _parent._parent.myVar=123; use something like this: var path = '_parent._parent'; and then use it as path.myVar=123'; ...

jquery bind event

html: <ul> <li><input type="submit" id="myId" value="someVal"/> </ul> jQuery $('ul').find('input[type="submit"]').click(function{ alert('nasty alert') $(this).attr('id','newId'); }); $('input#newId').click(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); ok, so my intention is to change the id after one click and th...

How to bind Image field to PictureBox in VB.Net 2008

Hi all, I have a table with image field that I need to bind to System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox, and I need to Load new images o Overwrite existing images or delete the image int the field with ADO.NET dataset object. ...

How does the bind operator work in JavaFX?

How is the bind operator implemented in JavaFX? What happens behind the scenes? Does every variable in JavaFX implement some kind of observer API so that listeners can attach to it or is it a trick in the VM? ...

IE8 Session Issue

Hi All, I am not sure how to put it but as it sounds weird, but IE8 seems to be dropping sessions. I am talking about sessions in the server, HTTP Sessions. I know that a browser does not as such have to do anything with the HTTP session in the Application server, but it seems when I request the server again to fetch something I stored...

why tr1::bind can not be compiled if type of argument is "const int"

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <functional> #include <deque> using namespace std; #include <tr1/functional> using namespace std::tr1::placeholders; template<class Function_t> void for_each_x(Function_t func,int interval) { for(int sc = 0; sc < 10; sc+=interval){ func((con...