
Binding property inside nested class in Silverlight

Is it possible to bind property of the nested class in Silverlight? I have code that looks like this: public class A { public class B { public String Prop1 { get; set; } } } I want to assign a key for class B in xaml but I don't know how to do it. I tried something like this, <controls:ChildWindow.Resources> <loc...

Create a server in apache initialization

Hi all, I need some advice regarding writing a module for the apache web server. This module needs to create a TCP server which will listen to incoming connection from another application in our system. The server is having its own protocol, and I use plain unix functions (socket, bind, listen so nothing fancy around there) to create th...

Feasibility of modifying BIND9 encryption

Hi there, I am working on coming up for ideas on a final year project for my CS major. One of the ideas suggested by a lecturer that he would be interested in supervising would be an exploration of the application of ID-based encyption to securing DNS. From my preliminary research, I am leaning towards a project whereby I attempt to marr...

android activity cannot bind to service

Hi, I managed to connect an activity to a service and it runs ok. This is my first activity in the application. However, if i progress (with or without binding to the service in the first activity), the next activity (resides in a tab) will not bind to the service. note that if i make the trouble-making activity to be my first in the a...

How do you use jquery .live() with keystrokes?

I am building a photography portfolio for a client and decided to make it a little bit more interactive. I got rid of all buttons on the site and had the user interact with the site using key strokes. My original code used: $(document).bind('keydown', function( e ) { but this unfortunately would not allow the user to interact with the...

How can I bind a driver with a USB device?

hello. I am writing a USB device drive for linux. it's for a joystick. every time plug it in, linux loads a hid driver. is there a way to tell Linux to load mine when I plug it in? or at least not load the default one? I can echo the id in unbind of the default driver and echo it in bind of my driver; but I would like something more au...

My WPF UserControl must never get wider than the containing ButtonBar

Hello, I have bound at top the Width of the UserControl to the Width of the ButtonGrid at top. It does not work. I want my UserControl always that wide as the width of the ButtonGrid. The problem is loading documents with a long name > Sum(Width of 3 buttons) makes the UserControl as wide as the document name. Now imagine having docume...

Using jQuery's live() with a selector containing next()

Hello Folks, I do use jQuery live() to bind a 'click' event to certain images. This results in the following internal live-selector: #tblViews tbody tr[rel=view_4].next() table.editable.includes span.actions img.remove When I click on such an image, the following error occurs: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ) I think the p...

lambda bind problem?

Hello, I am a new beginner with boost. And here is my test code, using namespace boost::lambda; std::vector<std::string> strings; strings.push_back("Boost"); strings.push_back("C++"); strings.push_back("Libraries"); std::vector<int> sizes; std::for_each( strings.begin(), strings.end(), bind( &std::vector<...

[WPF] Bind a Line position to the position of an element in a usercontrol

I have a canvas which contains specific usercontrols. At some point, I want to add a line to the canvas (in code) where one of the points is bound to the position of an element in a usercontrol. The usercontrol is dynamic, so elements can change position. The usercontrol contains a layout with grids, stackpanels etc. that the element c...