
Lift Framework BindHelpers.attr Question (or better practice?)

My problem is extracting xhtml attributes to generate absolute links, since they need to be different on testing and production environment. I would like to use a "global snippet" that binds all "src" and "href" attributes to "localhost:8080" or "" depending on a conf value. This is how the template looks like: <lift:Gl...

mysql bind param needs a persistent(from bind to execution) object?

Hi, when i use prepared statement, i see mysql takes a pointer to MYSQL_BIND.buffer For example, to bind an integer i need to provide the pointer to integer rather than integer itself. Does it mean that the integer address should be accessible until the query ends? It would be convenient to bind a temporary object and then execute it...

Can't use ServerSocket on Android

I'm trying to listen on a port using ServerSocket on an Android device. I want to be able to connect to this port over WiFi using a computer on the same network. I get no exception when binding it to a port, however when I check netstat it says: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 ...

change timestamp in bind logfile

i need to change the timestamps in a bind logfile because half of them are incorrect now that i have updated the system time... every line in the file follows this format: 04-Aug-2010 07:32:31.416 client query: IN A + ( all the time stamps are out by 8 hours. this is what i have so far: #!/usr/bin...

Jstree set_type

I'm binding a set_type method to my jstree instance, and then calling the set_type method when clicking a button. Here's my code: $("#treeDiv").jstree({..}).bind("set_type.jstree", function(e, data) { $.post( "./classes/jstree/_demo/server.php", { "operation" : "set_type",...

jquery: bind onclick

$(document).ready(function() { $('a#fav').bind('click', addFav(<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>)); }); was before $(document).ready(function() { $('a#fav').bind('click', addFav); }); I added (<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>) because i want the user profile´s id to work with in the addFav ajax call. So i have thi...

Bind DNS host pointing name servers to different IPs

Okay, at the moment i have my domain's host file which was generated by the Webmin control panel. I have a box to myself with several IPs and i want to make use of more than one. I don't fully understand everything to do with host files but I know enough to get by. Can anyone suggest how i would go about changing the below host file to m...

Is it possible to somehow "bind' the dimensions of a ShapeDrawable to that of a View?

Specifically, I'd like to bind the height of a custom thumb for a SeekBar to the height of the SeekBar. Thanks! ...

Domain Name Server on Windows for locally hosted websites

I have a half-dozen domains (with associated domain names), hosted locally on Windows/Apache and accessible to the wider internet. At the moment, the name servers are provided by my domain name register at extra cost. I would like to host a domain name service (on the same machine as is hosting the websites). I have tried BIND withou...

Jquery - Unable to dynamically change action of a form and submit it inside the success event of ajaxForm()

This is a payment form to be posted to Worldpay payment gateway. It has all the parameters as per the WorldPay documentation and it works fine if directly posted. But, now I am trying to AJAX post the form first to my site (using jquery.form, and that part is working fine) then do some database operations and then change the action...

iptables blocking DNS server

I'm trying to configure my server to allow incoming DNS queries. The default server, as setup by the hosting company, permits traffic on ports 443, 80 and 22. I have modified the iptables file to try to permit requests on port 53, but I am not getting any response from BIND. Turning off the firewall permits the DNS request to go through...

jquery - why do i need live() in this situation?

I have a somewhat odd situation. I understand the premise of the live() and bind() functions, yet in a situation where i believe i dont need them, i seemingly do. I will explain. I made an autosuggest in jquery. I included autosuggest.js at the top of my page. I then have an input field. The basis of the JS works around: $(".autosugg...

WPF Application framework is binding to the model ?

Hello; today I examinted WAP from codeplex a bit and saw this: BookListView.xaml: <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Books}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedBook}" SelectionChanged="ListViewSelectionChanged"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding=...

jquery: bind multiple events, then unbind a couple of them? is this right?

bind multiple events, then unbind a couple of them? is this right? basically when you hover over the element, the background color changes, then changes back when you hover out of the element, but when you click the element i want to disable the hover effect and change the background color to a different color so the user knows that the...

jQuery: Attaching event, calling event

In one section of code I have this: $("#searchbar").trigger("onOptionsApplied"); In another section of code, I have this: $("#searchbar").bind("onOptionsApplied", function () { alert("fdafds"); }); The bind() is executed before the trigger(), but when I view the page, I never get an alert(). Why not? What am I doing wrong with...

Bind9 DNS Zone Transfer Script - Bash script to avoid duplicates

I created a bash script to transfer my zones between my primary and secondary DNS server. It downloads my zone list from the primary and checks for any new zones and then downloads and inserts those zone files into the zone directory and into the .local file for bind. The problem I have is that if the zone file does not exist, the scrip...

Jquery: Small bind hover/unbind snippet of code, few lines long, don't know what's wrong.

I've created DIV.cb-toggle, when the user hovers over this div, it animates to Orange, when they hover off of this div, it animates back to gray, when the user clicks this div, it animates to blue, telling the user that it's been selected. So when it's NOT selected, it has mouseenter mouseleave animations, but when it's selected i want ...

Jquery - bind/unbind hover script, small bit of code, not sure what to do.

I've created DIV.cb-toggle, when the user hovers over this div, it animates to Orange, when they hover off of this div, it animates back to gray, when the user clicks this div, it animates to blue, telling the user that it's been selected. So when it's NOT selected, it has mouseenter mouseleave animations, but when it's selected i want t...

how to bind a form data and rowselected data from jqGrid to server?

I have a jgrid and on selectiing and submitting the row I have to submit the for data with that url which contains two date field... How can I bind the values of form and selected row together on submit to server? Nay help will be appreciated.. Thanks! Update 1: jQuery(".sorder").click(function() { var earliestDate = jQuery("...

php bind data explanation (possibly kohana specific?)

Hi, Attempting to dive in to Kohana and I'm reading the Unofficial 3.0 Kohana wiki as it's more user friendly than the user docs atm imo. It mentions "Binding Data to a View", like so: <?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); class Controller_Welcome extends Controller { public function action_index() { ...