I'm looking to develop a Blackberry app with storage. Since most of my data is structured, I was looking at using SQLite for storage. Since this is only supported by devices running OS v5.0 or higher, I was wondering if there was a significant portion of B'Berry market running v4.xx OSes.
Can anyone provide a breakdown of their mar...
Device is 8900 OS version 4.6.1
Getting this exception/message
The application atempted to open a connection to a location inside the firewall and outside the firewall which is not allowed by your security policy
when trying to open an http connection when firewall is on (allowed HTTP connections for the app when prompted). Exact sam...
Possible Duplicate:
How to start GPS program in blackberry?
hey m a newbie in blackberry.I have to implement a application where i just need the current location coocrdinates n print them.. this is completely device based application.so kindly tell me the proc for the same.
thanking you regarding the same..
Hi friends!
I m trying to play a video in my blackberry default player but my code doesnt work.
Here is my code:
HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url+"; deviceside=true",Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
if (connection != null) {
InputStream input = null;
try {
here is my app.
i have triggered the alarm but how i can set alarm for specific date. please tell me.
import javax.microedition.pim.;
import java.util.;
import net.rim.device.api.system.;
import net.rim.device.api.util.;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.pdap.*;
public class Alarm
private Event event;
public void myAlarm(String name,S...
I am a newbie to this forum,I was going through the documents of both Blackberry Widget and Java SDK. I have the following doubts to get clarified:-
1) Advantages and disadvantages of Java SDK and Widget SDK?
2) When to go for Java SDK and Widget SDK?
3) Both Java and Widget applications require the latest blackberry OS 5.0? OR w...
I am working on gps based application. I am using LocationProvider and calling setlocationListener through it code is like
LocationProvider lp = LocationProvider.getInstance(null);
if (lp != null) {
lp.setLocationListener(new LocationListenerImpl(), 2, 1, 1);
} else {
Dialog.alert("GPS NOT S...
How to read .xls(ms excel) file in blackberry application.
Is there any api available?
I have started to make blackberry application. And facing a hard time. I want to create a log-in form, for that I need 2 text boxes, 2 labels (of user name and password) and one Submit Button.
Hi all,
I basically want to replicate this on the blackberry - http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/4628/tempi.jpg
Is there a simple way of doing it instead of messing around with the graphics object of ListView?
Is anyway to develop black berry apps with drag and drop IDE (interface builder) that is similiar to windows mobile development or android?
I can use either visual studio or eclipse.
Are there any other smartphone development such as those 2 that support drag and drop UI building.
i am not able to display some of the currency symbols like afghani("\u060B"), kip("\u20AD"), in blackberry application.
Am i missing something?
How can we populate a Listfield in blackberry with results from a Autocomplete field using Blackberry API(JDE 5)
I have a database of size 20MB that I would like to build into COD.
Its a mandated requirement.
How can I get the rapc to build 20MB
When I build the app I am getting the compiler error:
at net.rim.tools.compiler.d.af.bb(Unknown Source)
at net.rim.tools.compiler.d.af.null(Unknown Source)
i need to get the value of am/pm depending on the time set so i do this...
but this always returns 0 weather the system time is am/pm...
can any one tell me why this is happening..?
I need to transfer a significant amount of structured data that goes something like this in XML -
Each person record has 5 fields, and each time the app is opened, about 30-40 (possibly more) person records will be loaded.
Will XML be a good imple...
Is there any plug-ins available for eclipse to make blackberry applications on mac. I have installed plugin in eclipse for my PC.
How can I do that for my MAC?
I am creating listfield to store all messages from blackberry mail box, but getting stuck in display messages as a list field. any help or code.
I need to store some data files for my blackberry app. These are usually small png files that I download and store locally for performance reasons. Also I need to store an xml file locally.
My question is where are these files supposed to be saved on a blackberry? Is there such a thing as an application's home folder or settings folder ...
I have a .PNG image with a transparent background and a drawing in it with a black color, how could I change the "black drawing color" in this image to any color i want programmatically; using rim 4.5 API ?