I know there's the app called Ping! for iPhone that allows the sending of SMS messages over your 3G connection, therefore it doesn't count as a text message and it acts pretty much the same as the regular iPhone texting software. Is there any app like this that's available for both iPhones and Blackberrries?
I'm converting from a local time zone to UTC so when we convert
2010-01-03T11:15:58.840+11:00 => Sun, 03 Jan 2010 24:15:58 UTC
This is technically correct but I'm having problems with the 24 hour formatting as it does. I have some BlackBerry J2ME code which is having problems parsing this date-time String using HttpDateParser.
new Lo...
How to create conference call from application?
does anyone used Floggy API on a BlackBerry development? I'm looking for something like SQLite (wich is supported on JDE 5.0, but I am using 4.6).
I have a program that is compressing a string in an unknown way. I know a few inputs and the output produced, but I am not sure what is being used to compress the string.
Here are my examples.
(just 38 x a, no spaces or anything else)
In: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Out: "21 1A A6 30 00"
(just 32 x a)
In: "aaaaaa...
2 times out of 10, i will get a 404 response code when i run the code below. can someone please give me some hint why i even get a 404? if i'm missing a command that could prevent a 404 from happening, please point that out. the end goal is to get an image from a remote server and place it in a Bitmap object. nothing complicated. also, i...
The documentation for Field in the BB 4.7 API @
http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/4.7.0api/net/rim/device/api/ui/Field.html#navigationClick(int,%20int) shows that the source of a navigationClick can be determined "by checking the KeypadListener.STATUS_TRACKWHEEL and KeypadListener.STATUS_FOUR_WAY bits in the status parameter" an...
I want to display the favicon.ico from websites on my blackberry application. I would normally use the EncodedImage class to convert the byte[] into a recognizable image file. However EncodedImage only supports PNG, BMP, JPG, TIFF, and GIF. Is there another method for me to display the ICO file on the device?
I want to extract valid(on the basis of format) mobile numbers from a text.
e.g. I/O some text (987) 456 7890, (987)-456-7890 again some text
O/P 9874567890 9874567890
problem is, there are many valid mobile formats in all over world like.
text = "Denmark 11 11 11 11, 1111 1111 "
// + "Germany 03333 123456, +49 (3333) 123456 ...
1) hi i have user's latitude n longitude available with me who is in new york,USA.
2) i have an address of a shop in new york ,USA
now how can i generate a route map from my location to that shop's location
How can i fetch shop's latitude,longitude...
3) i m working on Bold-9000 simulator
kindly help!!!!!!!
Are there any licensing costs to be paid for commercial applications that use the BlackBerry Maps API or registered developers can use them in any commercial applications being developed by them?
I am trying to detect when the shift key (either side) is held down by the user (without pressing any other keys), but I can't figure out to do this. This is the only thing I found to detect pressing a shift key:
protected boolean keyStatus(int keycode, int time)
boolean retVal = false;
My BlackBerry application is using a BrowserSession to open up a web page. When the web page opens up, the user will type in their login credentials, and then they are forwarded to a new website which tells them to close the BlackBerry Browser and return to my application. (...OAuth authentication)
Now, I am trying to see if I ...
hey hi, i am working on a project where i have problem with editfield...once editfield is focusable and when it moves to next editfield it shows white color that in between my both editfield..and at thye end everything is screwed.
my code is like this:
BasicEditField lifetime_Values=new BasicEditField("", "" , 5 ,
I have not found any fields in JDK 5.0.0 for getting Category of BlackBerryContact.
If there are any alternative way for getting Category of BlackBerryContact then please suggest....
Can anyone recommend any books for learning how to develop on Blackberry? I only want recommendations of books you have actually used.
This question asked for books, but none of the answers recommended any.
I want to make a blackberry app. which will store audio and video files into the sqlite database.
Does blackberry have a special api for this? (special classes for byte[])
Can I store files into sqlite on blackberry?
<script language="Javascript">
if(blackberry.location.GPSSupported) {
blackberry.location.onLocationUpdate(window.alert("Your new
position is " + blackberry.location.latitude +
" degrees latitude and " +
blackberry.location.longitude +
" degrees lo...
For the sake of this question, let us suppose that I want a row of buttons. I want to put as many buttons in that row as I can fit on the screen, but no more. In other words, as long as a prospective button will not be cut off or have its text shortened, add it.
It seems that I should be able to do something like:
I've already followed the directions @ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1383277/using-preprocessor-directives-in-blackberry-jde-plugin-for-eclipse for making sure the blackberry plugin preprocessing hook is (theoretically) enabled.
I'm using Eclipse 3.5.1 with Blackberry Plugin 1.1 with BB SDKs 4.7.0 and 4.6.0.
I have my preprocesso...