
Blackberry wifi connection issue

Hi all, I have a very strange issue with my blackberry application. My application first searches for a blackberry network ( ;interface=wifi , ;deviceside=true , ;deviceside=false" + ";ConnectionUID="+ myRecord.getUid() ) transport and after finding one, it uses it to connect the server application. The issue is that some of my...

render html page in verticalfield manager but with font size configurable

Hi, i'm developing an application for blackberry, where i need to render html page and page content should be configured according to VerticalFieldManager, means whole content should be displayed without scrolling either Horizontal or Vertical, font size, image size, all should be displayed. Please help me in this issue. ...

Streaming music and videos from url

Hi, I have been searching for a way to stream audio and video for a while. I could find some explanations but not a full tutorial on how to do it. Can anyone please provide a way to do it. Tutorials or sample codes will be very helpful... ...

BlackBerry-how to change Manager background image?

I am trying to create a tool bar with background color different from the screen background, i am using the following code getMainManager().add(mToolbarManager = new HorizontalFieldManager()); mToolbarManager.add(mBtn = new BitmapButtonField(mBmpNor, mBmpFoc, mBmpAct)); Background bg = BackgroundFactory.cre...

BlackBerry - How to resize and store image?

I need to scale image to small and store that image in to blackberry device (as a small image)? ...

BlackBerry project version number

I have a BlackBerry Java project in Eclipse. It has version number written down in four different spots: in the project properties, under "BlackBerry Project Settings/General" in the JAD file, under MIDlet-1 (?) in the JAD file, under MIDlet-Version in the ALX file, under <version> (?) And they seem uncorrelated. Changing either of t...

Ampersand in Querystring is breaking page render on Blackberry

Strangely enough, anytime I have an & in an HREF to indicate querystring parameters I receive the following error on the Blackberry Curve: Error encountered during XML parse: expecting ';'. Is there any way to get it to accept & in querystrings? Other mobile browsers don't like the ; to separate querystring parameters. NOTE: I am us...

BlackBerry Deployment Strategies

I'm new to large scale BB app deployment and I'm looking for some clarification on the various methods of deployment. Please bear with me as I'm sure there is more to it than my naive view would lead me to believe. My app is very targeted to corporate users and requires a subscription to some additional services before it can be used. ...

Blackberry Keyboard Lock timeout

I want this blackberry 9700 to "fully lock" as soon as I click the icon for the "Keyboard Lock" application. Currently I have to wait 5 to 7 seconds for the screen to go dark after each time I click the "Keyboard Lock" icon. During that time if something touches the touch pad, then the 5-7 second timer resets and you have to wait anoth...

How can I marshal JSON to/from a POJO for BlackBerry Java?

I'm writing a RIM BlackBerry client app. BlackBerry uses a simplified version of Java (no generics, no annotations, limited collections support, etc.; roughly a Java 1.3 dialect). My client will be speaking JSON to a server. We have a bunch of JAXB-generated POJOs, but they're heavily annotated, and they use various classes that aren't a...

Image rescale and write rescaled image file in blackberry

I am using the following code to resize and save the file in to the blackberry device. After image scale I try to write image file into device. But it gives the same data. (Height and width of the image are same).I have to make rescaled image file.Can anyone help me ??? class ResizeImage extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListen...

What weird encoding is movistar Venezuela sms on blackberry using?

Send an sms using the normal GSM TextMessage API on the BlackBerry, get back garbage. It's not unicode, phone is set to 7-bit send. Byte size is only off by one. Is there some default crypto thing, or some weird encoding they use? This code works most everywhere else in the world; this definitely seems like a movistar problem. The string...

Blackberry - How to print HTML String in a field

Hi Everyone, I have an HTML String like <p>something</p> etc... some other html string etc... <p>something</p> I would like to print in a field this string formatted. in android I use a webview... in iphone a UIWebView... but in BlackBerry? Thanks ;) Sergio ...

Blackberry - App don't show any changes after deploy to simulator.

Hi i am new to blackberry and i am developing an app. Suddenly it does not show any changes in the simulator as i change my code. My cod file size 256 kb. What should i do to correct this problem? As i add new class to it, jar and other files get automatically deleted. ...

Things to keep in mind before developing a blackberry application

Hello All... I have just entered into the Blackberry Arena. Now I am ready for the develop an application for the blackberry devices. (1) But I would like to know that while I develop any app for blackberry, then should I target some fix devices ? Or else which are the things that I should keep in mind while developing any new blackb...

How to enter only Integer values in BlackberryTipCalculator in Java?

How to enter only Integer values in BlackberryTipCalculator in Java? ...

I'm getting a ServerException when I try to send objects from a BlackBerry to a Server via a webservice.

I'm trying to send an array of objects wrapped in an array object wrapper to a WS via JSR172 WS calls. Using the generated stub, I'm able to download objects from the server, but I'm not able to upload objects to the server. This currently happens on all simulators in house. This is all the information I can get out of the server exce...

Receiving server broadcast on mobile in real time

I have to write a simple mobile application that is able to receive broadcast from a server, connected using GPRS, over a secure SSL connection. The amount of data the mobile needs to receive is very small (a string of about 100 characters length for a single broadcast and maximum 10 broadcasts per minute). I need to display it on scr...

pdf viewer for blackberry using j2me api.

any body can say how create a own pdf viewer for blackberry? please me. give the idea for this. ...

BlackBerry Contacts Photo

I am currently working on an application named BlackBerry Contacts Sync and I am stuck at this point on how to sync Contact's Image. How can images be stored in the database (MySQL) and how to retrieve them? ...