
php output buffering callback problem

here is the code ob_start(array(&$dispatcher, 'outputCallback')); include($file); ob_end_flush(); function outputCallback($string) { if(ob_get_level() == 1) { $static =& ParserStatic::getInstance(); return $static->insertToppings($string); } return false; } the problem is when i return $string it b...

Does model.CharField('blank=False') work with save()?

I've a model like this with django 1.1: class Booking(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) By default, I'm reading that both 'null' and 'blank' are False. So with a test like this... class SimpleTest(TestCase): def test_booking_save(self): b = Booking() ... I expected the save to ...

Blank Screenshots In vista and Win7 when gaming

Hi there guys, I noticed another person also requested help on this. I read that post and it seems it wasn't resolved yet. I also tried changing from my code to the code in the "Screen shot in 2 clicks" Post, But implementing that in my code messed around with all my other code for some reason. At the moment, The screen shots show up pe...

How do I NOT update a password field when it's left blank in $_POST?

UPDATE: I solved the problem myself and the answer is below. Carry on... I have a form for updating your account using PHP and mySQL. On submit, it assigns all of the $_POST variables to the new user() object, and then does an update() method on the user object which runs an UPDATE query in SQL. The form obviously defaults to all of th...

Servlet --x--> Ajax: Ajax code not receiving servlet response.

Hello - I'm unable to figure out what is going on here in this ultra simple example. Problem Summary: I have a simple servlet that appears to run just fine if I drive it manually... by issuing its URL from the browser. By 'just fine' I mean: I can see in the browser HTML page whatever I write in the servlet response. However, if I issu...

Large blank space below banner, only on IE6

I am trying to fix this issue for three days, but still no success. Site displays correctly on all browsers except ie6. There is large whitespace only on IE6. Here is link of the site What could be problem ? Is that some known bug with IE6 ? Thanks for answers in advance. Here is screenshot

The whole page become blank after redirecting with @header() in IE6

It's a login page,after validating,the user is redirected to home page: @header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); @header('Location: index.php'); @header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 @header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past But the page become blank if IE6!How?And it h...

CrystalReportViewer Firefox Problem

Using CR 11.5 R2, .NET 2.0. Report displays fine in Internet Explorer but in Firefox it is blank. Appreciate any suggestions, this has me stumped. <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="crViewer" EnableViewState="true" runat="server" BestFitPage="False" ClientTarget="Auto" AutoDataBind="true" DisplayGroupTree="False" Left="0" Height="430px" Wi...

getting rid of blank information

I'm still new to Crystal Reports so I'm not sure how to ask this question, but I'll try: my report is set by job #'s I added a table for serive operations. I only want the description of these services to print on my report (some of these services have descriptions some do not). Right now if there are 4 blank lines and 1 with data, the...

UITableView shows some gapped cells

Hi folks, During my iPhone app development, I saw this curious UITableView behavior which can be seen into this posted image: It happens after adding more cells to the table by touching in a "More" cell button at the end. I can't figure out if the problem is the table data source or not? C...

Microsoft ReportViewer not rendering on server

I have a reportviewer control that works fine locally, but when deployed to the IIS 7 webserver, it just returns a blank page (or xml error in firefox). I thought it was permission related but I've given everyone permission as a hail mary and still I get a blank report with typically sparse MS error handling to help me track down the is...

Blank when NaN in jqGrid cells.

How to set blank instead of NaN in jqGrid cells ? Using formatter ? Is there an example? ...

LaTeX blank after number and before text

Hello, how could i make a blank after the number in my footnotes? In a general way, means for ALL footnotes! Thanks for helping! Example: good: 1 Hello World bad : 1Hello World ...

PHP Update table Inserts blank fields

UPDATE: I narrowed it down, when I got rid of this tag in the header.php file it all works, can someone please explain this. <script src="#" type="text/javascript"></script> Hi I'm having quite an annoying issue with my php code. I am trying to update a php database, from a form, when I do this however the fields in the data base beco...

PHP / CodeIgniter - Iterating through 9000+ DB rows generates a download of blank page

I'm trying this: function send_sms() { $liveQuery = $this->db->get('liveList'); $counter = 0; foreach($liveQuery->result() as $row): $counter = $counter+1; echo("Not hatin', just iteratin'. Message " . $counter); endforeach; } When liveList has 8000 records it runs just fine, but when I try with 9000 rows it generates a downl...

Find all files with Blank or WS at BOF or EOF.

So, everyone knows PHP hates blank lines at the end or beginning of a file (before or after the PHP tags). I've got an awk script that will modify the files. I pass all my files through it and things are peachy, no more leading or trailing blank lines. I'd like to FIND the files first, to build a quick exception report. I tried someth...

SSRS 2005 with matrix and list shows blank page between every data page when printing or exporting to PDF

Hi, I am using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 - I have created a portrait A4 report 8.5in by 11in. The report consists of a header, body and a footer. The body consists of a number of textboxes in a 2 column layout and underneath them a matrix placed onto a list. The matrix consits of 2 fixed rows (with 1 fixed textual column i...

Meta http-equiv, can i?

I have put this code in my index, to load a new page, and then later 2 secs later, move to my original screen. With the intention to load a "music_player" and then 2 seconds later, move toward my NORMAL page. Having the player load in a new window. But the code don't work as it should, it just replaces without the "Target="_blank" can't ...

Simple PHP Sessions Error

I have actually discovered my problem but I am really want to know why this is an issue. I had two pages form1.php I started a session on that page and hit submit. Then I had a link to session2.php which started that session and was able to pull the information from form1.php. I am just learning about sessions and this was a very simple ...

Java properties: Is there a way a key can include a blank character?

Hi, we are getting properties, we can not influence, out of a database and want to access them by a key/value mapping. We are facing the problem, that one of the property keys includes a blank character. foo bar = barefoot This is - correctly - interpreted as follows key: foo value: bar = barefoot Is there a way to include the bla...