
Serializing objects as BLOBs in Oracle

I have a HashMap that I am serializing and deserializing to an Oracle db, in a BLOB data type field. I want to perform a query, using this field. Example, the application will make a new HashMap, and have some key-value pairs. I want to query the db to see if a HashMap with this data already exists in the db. I do not know how to do thi...

Why I cannot cast oracle BLOB from native java Blob

I am reading file from ResultSet and it's required to save file into Oracle Database. ... ResultSet rs = ... java.sql.Blob myfile = rs.getBlob("field") os = ((oracle.sql.BLOB) myfile).getBinaryOutputStream(); I get get this error message java.lang.ClassCastException Any one have solution to this? Thanks! ...

OpenCv Blob/Contour labeling

Hi i have been working on this for a while and yet to have no good solution. I am reading a video frame by frame and am using background subtraction to ' identify the region where is there movement and use cvFindContours() to get the rectangle boundary of the moving objects. Assuming the program is kept simple there can be only 2 human...

SQLite3: Insert BLOB with NULL characters in C++

Hi everyone, I'm working on the development of a C++ API which uses custom-designed plugins to interface with different database engines using their APIs and specific SQL syntax. Currently, I'm attempting to find a way of inserting BLOBs, but since NULL is the terminating character in C/C++, the BLOB becomes truncated when construct...

Why is only 64kB of data being saved in my MySQL data column?

I am trying to insert a very long text string into a MySQL Blob column, but MySQL is only saving 64kB of the data. The string is 75360 characters long. I am connecting with PHP's mysql_connect(). Any ideas? Does it make a difference if it's Blob or Text. I originally had it as a Text but changed it with no affect. ...

Strange results from OdbcDataReader reading Sqlite DB

This method returns some strange results, and was wondering if someone could explain why this is happening, and possibly a solution to get my desired results. Results: FileName = what I'd expect FileSize = what I'd expect Buffer = all bytes = 0 BytesRead = 0 BlobString = string of binary data FieldType = BLOB (what I'd expect) Co...

mysql: can't set max_allowed_package to anything grater than 16MB

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post these kind of questions, if it's not so, please (politely) let me know... :-) I need to save files greater than 16MB on a mysql database from a php site... I've already changed the c:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.cnf and set max_allowed_packet to 16 MB, and everything worked fine then I set it to...

How do I send a binary blob to a client browser?

Hi, Pardon the dumb newbie question here; web programming isn't my forte... (blush) I have an aspx page running on a web server. I have a blob (byte array) containing any kind of binary file, plus a file name. I would like to push this file to be downloaded through the browser onto the client, and opened using whatever application is...

Is there a market amongst programmers for an OID-keyed blob store?

A friend has developed a very amazing blob store and I think it needs to be used, but I'm wondering whether people think such a thing has a market, and if programmers ever get to make these kinds of decisions. It has support for online backups using deltas and is much faster than anything I know of, it's undergone rigorous testing and b...

What file format do you use for your application and why?

I'm most interested in in-process (single user) solutions for large amounts of mutating object-oriented data, where any part of the data may change. Such systems generally suffer from these problems: Writing large files out from scratch is inefficient xml is too verbose SQL blobs aren't a good match So how do you do it? ...

How do you insert a file (PDF) into a varbinary SQL Server column and later retrieve it?

I'm looking to take the results of a report run (a PDF file from Crystal Reports), serialize it, stick it into a varbinary field, and then later be able to deserialize it and present it back to the user. For now I have to just plain old ADO .NET (SqlClient, SqlCommand, etc.) Are there any pitfalls to this? What is the basic syntax to a...

How can i insert large files in mysql db using php?

Hi! I want to upload a large file of size 10M max to my mysql database. Using .htaccess i changed the PHP's own file upload limit to "10485760" = 10M, i am able to upload files upto 10M size without any problem. But i can not insert the file in database if it is more that 1M in size. i am using file_get_contents to read all file data ...

How to insert large files in mysql database using php?

Hi! I want to upload a large file of size 10M max to my mysql database. Using .htaccess i changed the PHP's own file upload limit to "10485760" = 10M, i am able to upload files upto 10M size without any problem. But i can not insert the file in database if it is more that 1M in size. i am using file_get_contents to read all file data ...

What's the best practice for storing huge amounts of text (into a DB or as a file?), and what about compressing it?

I'm building a web-app that handles internal emails and other frequent small-to-medium sized chunks of text between users and clients. What's the best method for storing this data? In a database (MySQL) or as thousands of individual files? What about compressing it (PHP's gzcompress() or MySQL's compression features)? This will not be a...

Understanding Lob segments (SYS_LOB) in oracle?

Most of the tables (if not all) have a "blob" field in it. One of the table that stores the Logs of the user's action has now grown to 8 GB (about 5 million records). And our DBA has seen that this schema is now eating space exponentially. We investigated a bit and found out that there is one of the tables with (SYS_LOB) which takes ar...

Is it reasonable to use small blobs in Oracle?

In Oracle LongRaw and Varchar2 have a max length of 4kb in Oracle, but I need to store objects of 8kb & 16kb, so I'm wondering what's a good solution. I know I could use a Blob, but a Blob has variable length and is basically an extra file behind the scenes if I'm correct, a feature and a Price I'm not interested in paying for my Objects...

Java Blob to Image

I have a blob data object which i can return from a database however i want to be able to use this on an awt application which is running on a PDA running J2ME. How would i do this? ...

Why does X509Certificate2 sometimes fail to create from a blob?

I have an ASP.NET web service which is receiving a byte array representing the contents of a pfx file containing an X.509 certificate. The server-side code is using the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificate2 constructor to load the certificate from the bytes: X509Certificate2 native_cert = new X509Certificate2( pkcs12_buf...

Adding Java Objects to database

For this university assignment I have a Prize object which contains either text, Image, Video. I would like to save this information into a Blob field in a database which will be running on a PDA on Apache Derby. How can i add this data to the database? Thanks in advanced. ...

c# - reading/writing blob from firebird

I'm trying to read image from firebird with c#, and save it to file system. I can read from table and save. but image can not be viewed. I tried many piece of code on net.but result is same :( Can any one help me please? ...