
how can I set an image in to seventh column?

hi, I have a sql table which has 7 column and the first six column ,store string type but the last one store BLOB type.I get those 6 String types with the addBirth method and for storing the image for last column ,I use insertImageToBirthTable method. I want to store Strings and BLOB not together because the user may not chose a photo fo...

Store an image into DB

Hi, I use a script ( that handles an image and then create a thumbnail. Actually I don't want to store images on the file system but I want to store them in a mysql db in a BLOB field. I could first store the created thumbnail on the fs, store the file in the DB and af...

How do I store a picture in MySQL?

I want to store an image in a MySQL database. I have created a table with a BLOB datatype, but now how do I store the image in this table? ...

How do I avoid a full table scan with this basic inner join?

I have a table that has a foreign key to a table that stores some blob data. When I do an inner join on the tables with a condition on the main table the join type goes from 'index' to 'ALL'. I would like to avoid this as my blob table is on the order of tens of gigabytes. How can I avoid it? Here is the the basic inner join: EXPLAIN ...

How to get a Blob size? (Python Google App Engine) ...

BLOB data as src attribute of an image tag?

I've inherited a site that uses a less then ideal way to handle images, they have been stored in the DB as BLOBs. The image tags consist of <img src='image.php?id=22' /> but no images are displaying. When I visit the image.php?id=22 page, the BLOB data is just dumped out on to the screen (all funny characters) and no image is shown. I...

Stroring values in TBlobField using sql

I want to store images into a database using SQL commands, I know other ways using TBlobField.LoadFromFile etc, but we make our own sql commands to update the database that's why I need to do this. Any suggestions / pointers to how I should go about doing this? Sandeep ...

Postgresql, JDBC, and streaming BLOBs

I am trying to retrieve a blob from a postgres database using the jdbc drivers. It is too big to have in memory so I want to stream it as a download. I tried using the getBinaryStream method on ResultSet, but it turns out that this method actually reads it all into memory, so doesn't work for large file. Apparently, one can use the ge...

SHA-1 google blob app engine

I can see the SHA-1 of my blobs in the datastore viewer on live google app engine. Is there a recommended way I can access the SHA-1 hash (or any other hash) of a blob programmatically in GAE? ...

Images in MySQL

I have a blob column in my table. How do I insert an image into it and how do I retrieve it onto the picturebox on a windows form? ...

Reading BLOBs from one DB to another

I am trying to move from a mysql set to a postgres one, and one of the fields that I'm having trouble moving is a mysql LBLOB. I am trying to move it into a LargeObject type in postgres and I'm having some speed issues. I'm doing this in Java/Groovy and, frankly, the streaming business has me confused. I've tried two approaches: Hold...

Save blob to DB using hibernate

Hey! I tried save file to MySQL using blob with hibernate3. But I always have java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Blob may not be manipulated from creating session org.hibernate.lob.BlobImpl.excep( Here some code. package com.uni.domain; public class File extends Identifier { private byte[] data; priv...

How to prepare BLOB in PHP using MDB2 and SQL Server?

So our application supports both MySQL and SQL Server, and we store images in the database. Now the following code works for MySQL just fine, but not at all for SQL Server. I keep getting an "MDB2: Syntax Error". At first, I had the column as an IMAGE and then I changed it to VARBINARY(MAX) and I still can't figure out what's wrong. Any...

My SQL Subquery - Blob returned, need text value

Hi, I'm trying to write a case statement in mysql which checks if a person has booked a room. If they have, then return the roomtype, otherwise return an informative message. ( CASE WHEN (eab.accommodation_id > 0) THEN (SELECT roomtype FROM event_accomodation WHERE id = eab.accommodation_id) ELSE (IFNULL(eab.accommodation_id, 'No accom...

Retrieve an Image stored as BLOB on a MYSQL DB

Hi folks I'm trying to create a PDF based on the information that resides on a database. Know I need to retrieve a TIFF image that is stored as a BLOB on a mysql database from Java. And I don't know how to do it. The examples I've found shows how to retrieve it and save it as a File (but on disk) and I needed to reside on memory. Table...

enable caching of images specifying a modified date

Hi.... I've a jsp page which loads many images. I'd like to cache the images for faster loading. I'll explain my idea, please correct it if it's wrong. I'm calling the picture loading servlet for each image and return as a BLOB. My idea is to add a modified date with the image and the other values like Last-Modified, expires, Cache-con...

Can we fetch an added image from MySql database by using java?

I have added an image into a MySql database. And I am trying to fetch the image from the database by creating a new file by using java. The problem is that everything goes fine and image file has been created but the image file doesn't contain the image, it has just nothing and the size of the new created image file differs from the orig...

SQL Server 2008, Physical Location of FILESTREAM Data...

hi, How could I know the Physical location (so i can see it in windows explorer) path of a Filestream data that I've just inserted into db? Thanks ...

copy mysql blob field from one database to the other

Hi! I happen to have a database with pictures stored as blob fields. Can't help it, it was the previous developer's choice. Now I need that data in a new site and the provider won't let me copy the data the easy way (file has become 11Mb big - won't upload that and I don't have shell access). So I thought I'd write a script that opens...

How can I convert an uncompressed InputStream into a gzip'ed InputStream efficiently?

A user uploads a large file to my website and I want to gzip the file and store it in a blob. So I have an uncompressed InputStream and the blob wants an InputStream. I know how to compress an InputStream to an Outputstream using GZIPOutputStream, but how do I go from the gzip'ed OutputStream back to the InputStream needed by the blob....